Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 1362: Exploring the Forbidden Area at Night

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The night was filled, and the whole Jiacheng was silent.

Under the cover of the dark night, a figure flashed from the distant horizon, almost in the blink of an eye, his figure had traveled hundreds of miles away, and finally stopped in the sky above the Ping family mansion.

"Ha, it's good to have a flashshift technique in the body. How long has it been before I ran back and forth between Jiacheng and Qingmingzong. At this speed, even a strong good fortune realm can only be sighing and sighing? "

Standing in the air above the Ping family, Yun Xiao couldn't help flashing a smile on his face, muttering to himself proudly.

Just now, he had already returned to Qing Mingzong and stayed outside Qing Mingzong for a while, secretly observing the situation of Qing Mingzong.

At this moment, Qing Mingzong is very calm. Lei Qingqing and others are still practicing in retreat. They are all working very hard, and Qing Mingzong's guarding power is also relatively sufficient. As long as there is a trace of wind and grass, the entire Qing Mingzong will be Get notified in an instant, and you can deal with it as soon as possible.

In general, the safety factor of Qing Mingzong is much higher than that of Jiacheng.

Therefore, for the next period of time, he doesn't need to worry about Qing Mingzong, just help the fat man in Jiacheng to keep the Ping family well.

Frankly speaking, in his original plan, he actually didn't think about guarding Jia Cheng with Fatty, because in his heart, when the catastrophe really came, Jia Cheng might be very difficult to keep.

But during this period of time, some of Fatty’s dedication and hard work to the Ping Family infected him. He suddenly realized that no matter whether Jia Cheng could keep it, he, as Fatty’s brother, should be with Fatty to keep Jia Cheng. If you make an effort to keep the Ping Family, even if you fail in the end, you can at least have no regrets.

"In other words, in the depths of the Ping family mansion, how many strong people exist? Also, it is rumored that the three major families are all giants with super strong people. Why do I not feel the breath of super strong people?"

Between his thoughts, he couldn't help looking at the depths of the Heike family’s mansion. He knew that it was a forbidden place for the Heike family. Ordinary Heike disciples would never be allowed to go to the depths of the mansion, and if the Heike family really had a super strong person. , Inevitably can only exist in the forbidden land.

"Tsk tusk, it's my brother's family anyway, I'll go in and take a look today, at least to determine how many masters there are in the Ping family, so that I can know it!"

After staring at the forbidden area of ​​the Heike family for a moment, he suddenly felt a strong curiosity in his heart. He wanted to know whether there really existed intrepid figures beyond the heavenly realm in the forbidden area of ​​the Heike family.

"No matter so much, go down and see first!!"

Licking his lips, he directly released his mental power. After that, his figure flashed slightly and appeared directly in the depths of the Heike mansion, and stood still in front of a gate in the inner courtyard. Come down.

His mental power has been ascertained, the door in front of him is, to put it bluntly, a courtyard in the depths of the Ping family mansion, and behind this door is the so-called forbidden area of ​​the Ping family.

"Fatty, don't blame brother, I also want to figure out the details of my own family, so that I can formulate the rules of action in the future!" Standing in front of the door, Yun Xiao couldn't help muttering a few times in his heart, and then he moved his mind again. The flashshift technique was turned around, and it appeared directly inside the gate.

The flash movement is a space magic, let alone a mere door, even the most complicated magic formation can never trap him. This is also his biggest capital today.

When you enter the gate, you see a spacious courtyard. The courtyard is very deep. This courtyard alone is bigger than the Imperial Palace of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and this is just a corner of the Ping Family Mansion.

There are some sturdy trees planted in the entire courtyard. These trees have grown for many years at a glance. What is strange is that these trees seem to be absorbing the aura of heaven and earth in the courtyard all the time, but there is no feedback, like It’s the same as just getting in but not getting out.

Because of this, when he entered this courtyard, he felt that the aura of heaven and earth here was so thin that it was pitiful. Even in places like the Great Zhou Dynasty, the aura of heaven and earth was stronger than this place.

"This is really a weird forbidden land. It is not so much a forbidden land as it is a forgotten Jedi."

He shook his head. He really couldn't figure out why it was so impoverished here, but he believed that there must be an unknown reason. After all, with the material and financial resources of the Ping family, he wanted to create a forbidden place with strong aura. It's much simpler than getting a Jedi with thin aura.

"Tsk tusk, it seems that this should be the goal of my trip!" Temporarily suppressing the surprise in his heart, he couldn't help but look towards the depths of the courtyard. There, a tower-shaped building with only three floors, clear. The earth appeared in front of him.

Because the courtyard wall is relatively high, there is no other tower to be seen from the outside. When he saw this tower now, he discovered that the three-story tower was surrounded by naked eyes. Invisible transparent light curtain.

"Divine formation? Is this tower-shaped building actually shrouded by the divine formation?" With a sweep of mental power, he had already determined that around this tower-shaped building, there was a divine formation that transformed the entire tower shape. The building is shrouded in it, making the tower-shaped building isolated from the outside world.

"This sacred formation is a bit powerful." Although he doesn't recognize this formation, as a high-ranking priest, he can see that this sacred formation must be extremely unusual.

"Tsk tusk, it takes so much energy to run a divine formation, it seems there must be something weird in it."

The operation of the sacred formation requires a huge amount of energy to support it. For a sacred formation of this scale, the energy consumed every day will be an extremely terrifying figure. Presumably, the Ping Family will never make such a spending money for no reason. The machine comes out.

"Let me see, what is inside this tower!!"

With his gaze condensed, he didn't think much anymore at this time. When he moved his mind, he turned the Breath-Containing Technique to the extreme, hiding his body shape and breath, and then he sacrificed the flash movement technique. , Moved directly towards the inside of the **** array.


Although this sacred formation is very extraordinary, it is still not worth mentioning in front of the flashshift technique. In the next second, Yunxiao's figure has already come into the interior of the large formation and is standing on top of the tower-shaped building.

When he entered the inner circle of the gods, his mental power moved slightly, and he went straight to the inside of the tower-shaped building.

Speaking of it, when he was outside the sacred formation, his mental power could not directly penetrate the space of the sacred formation. Now that he entered the inside of the sacred formation, he naturally probed as he wanted.

"En? Sure enough, they are all here!!"

Spiritual power penetrated into the building, his eyes couldn't help but light up slightly, and he said inwardly. Sure enough!