Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 137: Warrior class

One was nailed in place, and the other was dying because it couldn't breathe. The mercenaries turned back at this time, and excitedly smashed them into pieces with a scimitar and bone hammer.

"Don't move, let's slowly break the ice cubes on him with an axe." At this time, the captain of the city guard jumped to the wounded person's side.

The wounded soldier looked decadent, "Captain, I can't feel my body anymore. The cold has already penetrated into my body. You should help me."

When he took off the helmet, he opened his mouth, and icy cold air emerged from it, pounced on the captain's steel helmet, and a layer of frost instantly formed on the surface.

"Well, as you wish." The captain didn't hesitate, and the next second he raised his freezing gun and pointed it at his head.

"and many more……"

At this moment, a panicked voice sounded from the dining car, Ling Fei hurried over, came to the captain and stopped, looking at him with pleading eyes, "Captain Teri, can you not kill him, he But fighters who have made contributions to the city."

Captain Maverick sighed, "But the cold has penetrated into his body, and he will freeze to death soon, and he will die in extreme pain."

"This... is there no way?" Ling Fei burst into tears.

"Miss Lingfei, thank you for your relationship, but I know my situation, and I won't live long anyway, so let me get rid of it earlier. I feel very honored to be your guard." The injured soldier smiled reluctantly. , "Please give more pension then."

"Miss, you'd better get in the car." Captain Jerry returned Ling Fei, who was sobbing, to the car.

When they left, an ice sculpture stood on the snow. He sat on the ice and looked ahead.

In the restaurant car, in front of the kitchen counter, Ling Fei moved a chair and sat in front of Luo Fei. As soon as she came up, she shouted, "Give me wine, the strongest wine."

Luo Fei looked up at her, poured a glass and placed it in front of her. She took a mouthful of boredom, and then spouted, "This is not wine, I want wine."

What I just gave her was hot lemon juice, it was impossible to give her strong alcohol.

"It's not good for children to drink." Because there were no guests, Luo Fei wiped the wine glasses in the kitchen counter.

"I'm not a kid, I'm almost getting married, oh..." Ling Fei lay on the kitchen counter, tearful, "I'm only 14 years old and I haven't had enough fun, so why let me marry?"

"Isn’t it great? People like us, maybe even earlier, even if they don’t marry, they have to hunt exotic animals to feed their families, and they might die in a corner where no one cares, not to mention a pension. It's gold." Luo Fei watched her crying calmly, without any comfort at all.

"Then what were you doing when you were 14? Did you always work as a waiter?" Ling Fei wiped the tears from her cheeks, "but it's interesting to see countless people."

"It's boring, it's really boring to stay here all the time." Luo Fei kept holding his hands, "Compared with your life, when I was 14 years old, I took a dagger and went to fight with other animals."

"Huh? Why are you holding a dagger and no gun?" Ling Fei's curiosity was hung up, and she picked up the cup again, sipping the lemon juice.

"The instructor won't let me." Luo Fei put the iron cup back on the shelf, "Besides, only relying on guns to die fast, those strange beasts also have brains, and they will also make surprise attacks. If they suddenly appear next to you, if you don’t Fighting skills can only be a good meal for the opponent."

"Then you won't be afraid of death when you fight with a different animal?" Ling Fei continued to ask.

Luo Fei took the linen cloth again and wiped it on the kitchen counter. "Either starve to death or fight to death. Anyway, it's a death. It's just a long life and a short life. What is there to be afraid of."

Without getting the answer she was expecting, Ling Fei nodded her head seemingly, "So you are worse than the city guard."

After taking a sip of lemon juice, Ling Fei suddenly looked up and down at Luo Fei. She was wearing a gray cloth with the word ‘meal’ written on the back. She looked thin. Only the mechanical arm of her right hand looked dangerous.

"You used to be a mercenary? Why did you become a waiter?"

"It's a long story. I don't want to. Who told me to owe the boss money." Luo Fei shrugged, "and my black watch is also lost. All the money is paid back."

"Okay, when I go back, I'll take you with you, and you can do it at the City Guard Hall." Ling Fei swept around, patted her little chest.

Hearing this, Luo Fei's eyes lit up, and it didn't take much effort...

"Thank you, then." His eyes narrowed.

After that, the team never encountered a strange beast again, and moved quickly. It took two days to reach the edge of the deep pool. It was said that it was a deep pool, but it was actually a frozen lake on one side.

The ice surface is thick enough for people to walk on, but the vehicle is not good, and then you need to walk forward.

This was opposed by the restaurant owner, "No, my dining car will be driven away if I stay here. Luo Fei and I will stay here."

Then the captain of the city guard came over and roared: "If you dare to disobey our orders, then I will expel you outside the ice wall."

The lady boss suddenly lost her temper, "Okay, okay."

At this time, Luo Fei, who had taken the meat from upstairs, happened to hear their conversation, and came to the boss’s side, facing the captain neither humble nor arrogant, "Pay attention to your attitude, city guard, your duty is to protect Bingju City and get out of Bingju City. We have already made a mistake. If we threaten us again, it will be a mistake plus a mistake, and we can go directly to the City Guard Hall to report you."

"You..." The team leader pointed at Luo Fei when he was spotted at the painful spot. "Boy, wait and see."

When the city guards left the dining car, the proprietress immediately pulled Luo Fei to her side, "You kid, this is not outside. If you offend the city guards like this, you will be killed."

"Hey, you can only take one step and count as one step, or you don't have to announce your pilot's identity directly, at least you can live well in the Ice Wall Guards."

Seeing the babble of the boss, Luo Fei just rubbed his head and thought, "I will only manipulate Xihuai's modified mecha. I can't really manipulate me at all. It would be embarrassing if I was found out."

When she was almost done, Luo Fei reassured, "Don't worry, lady boss, I am not a small bean sprout, and I don't know any slaughter. I am an elite fighter."

The lady boss who dared to speak under the city guard immediately picked up Luo Fei’s ears, "Dual professionals? Are you stupid? How old are you, able to learn both as a fighter and as a pilot? Besides, they have become I'm a pilot, do I still need to be a low-level fighter?"

Luo Fei raised his ears, with a calm expression, "I am a genius who has been trained since I was a child. I was originally a fighter. As for becoming a pilot, it was purely an accident. You see, now we are going out. Defend the gun."

The lady boss still looked at Luo Fei distrustfully for a moment, but finally walked upstairs, "Okay, you wait for me."

Not long after, the lady boss took a Uzi submachine gun and handed it to Luo Fei.

This gun has undergone a certain transformation. It is half a meter long and has 45 rounds of ammunition in the magazine. The gun is equipped with 4x telescopes, which can see the situation 600 meters away.

This kind of firearm is not bad. It is a relatively common long-range weapon in the Bing Moment Basin. Almost any mercenary with financial ability has one. This gun can be used for bursts and bursts. It has a fast rate of fire and good power. It is most mercenaries. The first choice.

All the equipment was prepared and everyone started walking onto the ice. All the vehicles would stay on the edge of the deep pool. As for whether they would be stolen, no one had any objections under the great reward of the city guards.

Stepping on the ice, Luo Fei wore a fluffy animal skin, carrying food materials, and a Uzi submachine gun hung in front of him. His black pupils swept forward, and a rock with a minimum height of three meters blocked his vision. , But even so, he can see the smoke rising from afar.

Under the smoke is a stronghold established by an ice wall guard. It is said that Lingfei's fiance is in the stronghold and is receiving special training for the ice wall guard.

On the way, Captain Maverick said loudly to them: "You all listen to me. When you get to the camp of the deep pool, don't talk too much. If you ask who we are, you tell them that we are your companions, just ordinary. Mercenary."

Then he looked at Luo Fei fiercely, "Especially your kid, don't talk nonsense, otherwise I will make you look good."

Luo Fei took a look at him, "But the patterns on your armor and the frozen gun have exposed your identity. If it is exposed for your reasons, then we can't be blamed."

"You, hum, we have our own plans, and you don't need to worry about it." Teli snorted coldly.

Then everyone walked on the ice very carefully, and from time to time they took long sticks to hit the ice surface. Although the ice surface was already very thick, as much as one meter, there were always places that became shallow for some reason. If you accidentally walk on it, it is very likely to fall immediately.

Once it falls, the chance of survival will be small and pitiful. Not only will the cold water make people weak, but the crystal fish that exist in it will also make people stay in it forever.

For about half an hour, Luo Fei, who was walking behind the team, seemed to look back. A blind steel-framed Frostwolf hung far behind them, neither approaching nor far away.

"Don't worry about it, if it comes, we will definitely be able to kill it. After all, we have so many people and an excellent hunter." The proprietress, who carried three times more supplies than him, snorted forward.

Luo Fei squinted his eyes and looked forward. The hunter was wearing grey animal skins, carrying a sniper rifle, with a nail axe on his waist, and wearing an eye mask and breathing mask on his face, making it difficult to see his true face.

He only knew that others called him fox hunting, he was a lone mercenary, and the lonely man naturally had some strength.

In addition, the other eight mercenaries are warriors. The last one is a physician. The physician is a very rare existence. It is basically passed down from master to disciple. Each physician can create wounds, poisons, and special drugs from outside objects Pharmacy has a huge effect on a team.

And these nine people are in a team, and soldiers are very common professions among mercenaries and soldiers. They can shoot accurately, suppress shooting, and also have some close combat combat, which is suitable for large-scale team battles.