Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 1372: Progressing well

After the resources have been allocated, Jiacheng’s demon team is officially established, and a horror team formed by a full of fifty powerhouses in the celestial realm, even if you look at the entire Yanhuang Great World, it is bound to be the same. A power not to be underestimated.

The most important thing is that in this demon team, there are Yunxiao, Fatty, and a veteran master who is reincarnated and rebuilt by the Miao Fazong. In fact, with the current combat effectiveness of these three people, even if there are only three of them in a team. , That is also a team that can be invincible.

Everything was ready, the Demon Team set off directly, and soon, this mighty large team appeared in the vast forest sea and sky outside of Jia City, and began this demon elimination journey.

Fifty Celestial Realm masters flew all over the void. The magnificent scenes were beyond ordinary people's imagination. For the sake of safety, everyone did not group into groups, but just acted together like this.

After flying over a distance of hundreds of miles, a group of people discovered a group of beasts. The number of this group of beasts was almost 20,000 to 30,000. Among them, there were almost seven spirit beasts of the heavenly realm level. Around eight heads.

Logically speaking, a group of beasts led by seven or eight heavenly spirit beasts can be regarded as a very powerful group of beasts. Unfortunately, in front of this demon team, there are only seven. The eight-headed spirit beasts in the heavenly realm are simply not worth mentioning.

In almost a few minutes, this large group of beasts with almost 30,000 monsters was completely wiped out by the slayer. Even the seven or eight spirit beasts of the heavenly realm level could not escape the palms of everyone in the end. Heart.

During this period, Yun Xiao and Fatty did not show themselves too much, but Yuan Ao, the young master of the Yuan family, showed invincible power when fighting those spirit beasts. At this time, except for Yun Xiao and Fatty. Besides, other people felt awe from the heart of this young master of the Yuan family.

In fact, Yuan Ao is the reincarnation and re-cultivation of the Miao Fazong veteran. It is already known to everyone now. Therefore, even if this young master does not show any power, everyone will definitely not dare to dissuade each other.

After eradicating a group of monsters, all the members of the slayer team are very interested. You know, they have never acted together like this. The pleasure of crushing the group of monsters makes everyone a little fascinated. , Even Yunxiao and Fatty are no exception.

No matter how strong a person is, they have no skills at all. Just like Yunxiao and Fatty were acting alone before, if they want to destroy a wave of beasts, they have to chase after this wave and chase the wave, and in the end there will inevitably be a beast. Luckily escaped, but now there are fifty super powers together, and those beasts don't even have a chance to escape.

In the following time, the slayer team did not stop, and found two waves of beasts one after another, the scales were almost the same as before, and the final result was undoubtedly, all the beasts did not even leave a living mouth.

"Hahaha, happy, really happy, today is simply too addictive!"

"There is still a lot of people and power. We face this kind of beast wave alone, and basically only have to be swallowed by the beasts. But now with so many people together, the beast wave is simply not worth mentioning."

"It seems that the formation of a demon team this time is indeed a correct decision. In this way, no matter how many beast tides come to the periphery of Jiacheng, they will definitely be eliminated by us in the end."

"Hahaha, who would say no..."

On a messy battlefield, the slayer team once again wiped out a large group of tens of thousands of beasts. After extinguishing this wave of beasts, the people of the slayer could not help but gather together and chat excitedly. stand up.

Speaking of, the super powers of the three major families in Jiacheng, even if they are not too familiar with each other, basically know the existence of each other, and many have even had contact. Therefore, they have fought together this time. After a while, everyone became very harmonious.

At this time, no one will remember the competition between the three families. After all, competition is a normal thing, and in many cases it is benign. Now everyone is fighting together for the long-term stability of the three families in the future.

"Everyone, please be quiet and listen to what I say."

When everyone was discussing enthusiastically, the leader of the team, the young master of the Yuan family, Yuan Ao couldn't help standing up and shouting to everyone present.

At this moment, Yuan Ao has been recognized by everyone. Hearing him start to shout, everyone hurriedly stopped talking and looked at each other one by one.

"Presumably you all still have some ideas today, but it is too late now, so today’s action will come to an end. In the next time, everyone will find a safe place to rest for the night. Tomorrow morning, we will continue to act. I don't know what you want?"

"Hahaha, everything is up to Master Yuan Ao's orders, and we just do."

"Yes, we people all listen to Master Yuan Ao, and Master Yuan Ao will do what he says!"

"It's really late, it's time to rest for a while..."

Hearing Yuan'ao's words, everyone present immediately agreed, and no one raised any objection.

Speaking of which, after this whole day of fighting, everyone eliminated four waves of beasts. Although it is not too tired, it is good to rest for a night. After all, no one wants to really run out of strength. Bring huge trouble and danger to yourself.

"Very well, since everyone has no opinion, then all come with me, I will find a suitable resting place!"

Hearing that everyone had no objection, Yuan Ao couldn't help but smile with satisfaction. As he said, he was the first to move and flew towards the distance.

"Everyone keep up, go!!"

Seeing Yuan Ao start, everyone didn't hesitate anymore, hurriedly got up and quickly followed in Yuan Ao's footsteps, as if they had really regarded this young master of the Yuan family as the backbone.

"Ha, he really has him, he has convinced everyone in such a short time, he deserves to be the reincarnation of the old antique."

When everyone started moving, the fat man didn't catch up for the first time.

"This is also a normal thing, but you don't need to pay attention to these. Right now, the slayer team is sweeping the tide of beasts. This is the most important thing. Anyway, the meaning of the slayer is also reflected."

Seeing that the fat man didn't move, Yun Xiao naturally stayed with him, smiling and comforting the fat man.

He knew that Fatty had always had a grudge against this young master of the Yuan family, but it was indeed not the time to resolve his personal grievances.

"Brother, let's show it too, otherwise, the limelight will all be snatched away by this old boy. You didn't see, those people from our Ping family are all obeying him right now."

Licking his lips, the fat man's face was full of eager light, begging to Yunxiao.

Yun Xiao told him before that he should not reveal his true power unless he is a last resort, but when he saw other people admiring Yuan Ao to heaven, but no one would put him and Yun Xiao in his eyes, He couldn't help but feel the urge to make a move.