Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 1381: Ghost shot

In the dense forest of pitch black ink, Lu Fang is sitting cross-legged at the moment, sending his true vitality to the blue magic sword in front of him without money, and with the input of his massive true vitality, the blue in front of him The long sword thunder light flickered, finally transporting the light to the colorful enchantment not far away, maintaining the operation of the enchantment.

"I hope that Master and his elders will be able to achieve great accomplishments this time. When Master achieves great accomplishments, our position in the Miao Fa sect will surely rise rapidly. At that time, who would dare to look down upon us!"

While maintaining the transmission of true energy, Lu Fang's face couldn't help showing the expected light, and his eyes were staring at the colorful enchantment in front of him tightly, unwilling to move away for a moment.

In the past few years, their masters and apprentices have been squeezed out everywhere in the Miao Fa sect. Those honest ancestors of the Miao Fa sect always disliked them for practicing evil practices and did not take the right path. In fact, those guys did it secretly. The thing is no more noble than them.

It's just that they are stronger than them, so they can only let them ridicule.

However, at this moment, their master is finally going to practice the magic to the realm of great achievement, and as long as the other party can succeed, then they can regain their former reputation, and when they return to the Miao Dharma school, they can straighten their backs and walk. NS.

Of course, these are still secondary. The most important thing is that when their master’s divine power is achieved, then they can devote themselves to their own cultivation. Maybe one day, they can also transform. Achieve an invincible cause by practicing blood skills!

Thinking of this, his heart was expectant and excited, and he wished to see the result now.

"Tsk tusk, your Excellency is really focused, I have been here for so long, and you haven't noticed it yet."

At this moment, a light laugh suddenly sounded, and the laughter was almost full of playfulness. As the laughter came, he only felt a cold in his neck, a long sword that was so cold that he didn't know when it would appear. Above his throat.


Feeling the terrifying chill coming from the top of his neck, Lu Fang's whole body suddenly stood up, and the movements in his hands were slightly stagnant, and he was about to stop the output of true vitality.

"Don't move, do what you should do, move your head again!!"

Seeing that Lu Fang was about to stop outputting his true vitality, Yun Xiao's voice rang again, and said to the other party. While talking, the cold shadow sword in his hand couldn't help tightening, and he cut the opponent's neck. There was a shallow blood stain.

"I won't move, I won't move, you are merciful, merciful!!"

Hearing Yunxiao's order, Lu Fang hurriedly continued to send his true energy, but he did not dare to make the slightest change.

He was just too focused, and he didn't sense anyone approaching. However, even though he knew that there was someone behind him, the problem was that he still couldn't feel the slightest breath of the other party. With such a terrifying ability to hide, he thought he had never heard of it. However, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is beyond his cognition.

"Believe you are obedient, now do as I say, and open your mouth!"

Seeing that Lu Fang was still obedient, Yun Xiao couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction, before continuing to give orders.

"En? Open your mouth?!"

Hearing Yun Xiao's words, Lu Fang's heart suddenly shuddered, and his face suddenly became a little pale. He was not a fool. Yun Xiao asked him to open his mouth, naturally, he wanted to feed him something, and with his toes, he could think of it. Yun Xiao would definitely not be able to feed him the elixir.

"Want to die?!!!"

Seeing Lu Fang's lingering motion, Yun Xiao didn't be polite to the other party. He immediately tightened the Cold Shadow Sword in his hand again, deepening the wound on the other's neck.

"Don't don't, I'll do it, can't I do it!" Feeling the movement on the Yunxiao sword, Lu Fang didn't dare to hesitate anymore, and quickly opened his mouth obediently.

"It's almost the same, give you a gift first!!" Feeling the other party's mouth opened, Yun Xiao's mouth picked up, and between his thoughts, the two pills were controlled by his mental power and stuffed into the other party's mouth. Inside, and directly hit a real qi to help the opponent digest instantly.


Feeling something entrance, and instantly escaping to the whole body, Lu Fang's pale complexion instantly became paler, if it weren't for the execution of Yunxiao's instructions, he would have collapsed on the ground by now. .

"Well, what you just took is my special poison. From now on, your life will depend on my antidote."

Feeding the poison pill to the opponent, Yun Xiao put away the Cold Shadow Sword, slowly emerged from the dark, and walked in front of the opponent.

"You...Who are you? Why count me?!"

Seeing Yunxiao coming out of the dark, Lu Fang's pupils couldn't help but shrank slightly. First, he didn't expect that the person who had calculated against him turned out to be a young man. Second, Yun Xiao Shicai seemed to have walked out of the void. He had only seen such appalling methods in the Sect Master of Miao Fazong.

"Who am I, I'll tell you later, now, you will continue to keep the divine formation running for me obediently, if you dare to act rashly, even the gods will not save you!"

Hearing Lu Fang's opening, Yun Xiao couldn't help making a silent gesture. As he said, his figure flashed slightly and disappeared in front of the other party's eyes again.

"This..." When Yunxiao disappeared without a trace again, Lu Fang's eyes suddenly widened, as if he had seen a ghost.

"It's over, it's all over, how can you meet such a terrifying character? Why is it like this..."

His complexion changed, his first thought at this time was to escape as soon as possible, but then he thought that he had been poisoned by the other party, and if he escaped now, there would be only a dead end.

In addition, the opponent's strength is simply unfathomable, and his body is extremely ghostly. He doesn't know if he can escape.

Thinking of this, he could only sigh in the end, but he did not dare to make any further changes.

"Very good, but a person who knows the current affairs!!"

In the void, Yun Xiao's mental power has always paid attention to Lu Fang's reaction. When he saw the other party there with a sigh, but didn't want to escape, he nodded in satisfaction and calmed down.

This time he wants to control the four masters. If he uses a strong command, the four will run away separately, and it will be a hassle for him to chase him down, but now he has already fixed one, and the remaining three are much easier to handle.

"Hmph, a bunch of guys who regard human life like a waste, don't even try to run away!"

The corner of his mouth picked up, but he didn't think much anymore at this time, and when he moved his body, he flashed towards the second target.