Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 140: Kidnapping

There was the sound of guns from behind, Luo Fei's whole body tensed, and he turned around unhurriedly, showing a look of awe. This was the expression that he had fumbled with the city guards in the past.

"No, I'm just a mercenary who came in for supplies. Do you have any task you want to give me?"

"It turned out to be a mercenary." The ice wall guard waved him away impatiently.

But before he took two steps, another ice wall guard stopped him, "Wait, I have a task for you. You can go to the circus tent now to confirm if they have any intention to escape. "

"How much is the reward?" Luo Fei asked as usual, but the eyes in the helmet of the ice wall guard in front of him stared, "It is your honor to serve us. If you don't want to go, then you are one of them."

"Wait, let me confirm." Luo Fei turned and walked in the direction of the circus. The direction was very easy to recognize. There were cheering crowds over there, and the cheerful voice was just to guide him.

An ice wall guard behind him felt that Luo Fei would not try his best, so he followed him to watch.

Phew, you can't even escape. There are ice wall guards around. If one is to start, one is to start a group. How to escape?

After passing through a few dome tents, a huge colorful tent appeared in front of him. After looking behind him, the ice wall guard was still staring at him. At the same time, walking along the way, Luo Fei also found that the wandering ice wall guards had already Can't see it anymore.

The poor circus members are nothing short of a disaster.

Luo Fei lowered his head and walked towards the door, but the person dressed as a clown at the door stopped him. He held the box in one hand and stopped in front of Luo Fei with the other. The oil on his face twitched slightly, "Guests, you need to go in. Buy a ticket and you can watch a wonderful show for as long as 10 coins."

Well, maybe you can remind them to prepare. As for whether they can escape, it depends on their luck.

Thinking of this, Luo Fei raised the gun at him and whispered: "Robbery, hand over all the money."

The clown's face showed a non-smiling expression, "Do you know who you are facing?"

"I don't know, I don't want to know, if you don't give it, then I'll be like this..." Luo Fei directly opened the firearm insurance and fired a shot at his foot.

Bang, the loud gunfire made the other party stunned for a moment, but then the colorful tent still cheered and didn't seem to hear it at all.

The voice of a young man resounded on the black watch of the clown, "Ugly Orange, what's the situation? Did your gun go wrong?"

He raised his wrist and replied helplessly: "No, I was robbed."

"Robbery? Hahaha..." A wild laugh came from the black watch, and it took a long time to calm down, "Well, bring him in, I want to see who is so bold."

Hanging up the communication, the clown gestured to Luo Fei, "Come in, let's see how your robbery level is."

Following the clown into the door, the sound inside immediately rushed to his ears like waves, cheering people everywhere, and inside he saw many ice wall guards.

People are sitting together, and in front of them is a stage. On the stage, a clown is performing a throwing knife, swishing a few times, and accurately landing on the heads and limbs of the assistants.

Going forward, bypassing the stage to the backstage, a young man with blue hair in a cowhide jacket sits behind a table with two blue gemstone rings hanging on his earlobes.

Surrounded by him were four mercenaries wearing hard leather armors, all of them holding a submachine gun in their hands, and they stared at Luo Fei indifferently or disdainfully.

The blue-haired youth looked at Luo Fei with a smile, and put his feet in leather boots on the table, "I heard that you want to rob us?"

Luo Fei stood on the spot and put away the Uzi submachine gun, expressing his innocence, "I want to remind you that for some reason, the ice wall guards want to destroy you, while they are still not encircled, I think you are best now. Leave."

The blue-haired youth raised his brows, "So you are not here to rob us, but to help us?"

"If you give me some reward, I don't mind taking it." Luo Fei shrugged, turned around and was about to leave, "Okay, I'm going back to report, I will say that you have already left, good luck to you ."

"Wait." The blue-haired youth called to him. "May I ask, why are you helping us? We should be right for no reason."

Luo Fei raised his head slightly, thinking that the city guard was arbitrarily killed by the captain of the ice wall guard, and he was forced to come in for investigation without payment. "That's because I think they are not pleasing to the eye."

"I also don't think they are pleasing to the eye." The blue-haired youth stood up from the table and chair, stretched his waist, "Guys, the plan has begun, let's act."

When the blue-haired youth came to Luo Fei’s side, he smiled evilly: "As usual, I will cut off your head, but your actions have saved you. Follow me, so that you can live, believe I, even if you go out, you will be killed by those ice wall guards."

Luo Fei was suspicious, but after thinking about it, he felt that the ice wall guards would be more likely to kill him, so he followed the blue-haired youth.

The blue-haired youth came to the stage, opened his arms and bent over and said, "Everyone, our real performance is about to begin. Are we all ready?"

In the audience, most of them were the businessmen and their guards. They shouted ‘start’, and then looked at the blue-haired youth with expectation.

The blue-haired youth gestured to the surroundings, and then everyone saw that the surrounding circus guards all raised their guns at them, and then pulled the trigger.

When the sound of the submachine gun sounded, Luo Fei was immediately taken aback. Dozens of people were pierced by bullets without warning, and their faces of death remained unbelievable.

The remaining personnel wanted to fight back angrily, but a wolf roar on the stage broke everyone’s illusion. The iron cage that originally held the Frostwolf Wolves was opened by a bunny girl, and the Frostwolf Wolves rushed out from inside and pounced on Up the audience.

Because the Frostbone Cannon on its back was sawed off, it could only attack with sharp teeth and claws, but even so, it could tear the bodies of those mercenaries.

"Quickly escape here, these guys are crazy..." Since they couldn't fight, they chose to flee, and the merchants and mercenaries rushed out of the camp yelling.

Amidst the crowd, a line of ice wall guards guarded a fat man wearing a fleece. The fat man kept yelling, "Hurry up and protect me from here."

Suddenly, the steel-boned frost wolf rushed in front of them with a low roar. The ice wall guards seemed to be strongly stimulated and ran around in fear, leaving the fat man in place for himself.

The blue-haired youth calmly led people to surround him, "Good afternoon, Fang Ming, the son of the head of the delegation."

"I..." The fat man's face twitched, and a look of fear appeared in his eyes.

He was about to speak, when the guard beside him slammed his head with a rifle butt, his eyes closed and he passed out.

"It's so heavy, how can I carry him? Who should carry it?" The blue-haired youth asked, turning his head and looking around.

A bunny girl in a black tights walked behind him, whispered: "Let Xiaoshuang carry him."

The steel-boned frost wolf on the side heard the bunny girl calling it, and it whimpered a few times like a puppy.

The surroundings of the colorful camp had been torn apart by the fleeing spectators, allowing Luo Fei to clearly see the surrounding ice wall guards, and saw that they raised the frozen guns in their hands to shoot at those spectators, even the ice as their companions. The wall guards are also merciless.

In the blink of an eye, just hearing the screams of the audience, the blink of an eye turned into an ice sculpture.

So cruel... Luo Fei's pupils shrank.

Then four circus members and about 30 guards confronted hundreds of ice wall guards on the opposite side.

"You all stay behind and leave a passage for us, otherwise the life of Fang Ming, the son of your head, will be gone." The blue-haired young man didn't worry about his situation at all, and looked at the opposite side with a wicked smile.

There are not only hundreds of ice wall guards around, but also many merchants and their guards, densely packed with people.

At this time, the leader of the ice wall guard, Si Mingge, walked out of the crowd and looked at them angrily, "Who are you? Why did you kidnap our head's son?"

I saw the blue-haired young man sneered and said: "We are the ability to restart. We have been ordered by the lord of the city to arrest your leader's son. As for the reason, let your team leader go to the city to see the lord in person."

"Now, make way for us." At the end, the blue-haired youth showed a fierce face, "Otherwise, I'll use the head of your leader's son to clear the way."

Si Mingge held back his anger and shouted: "You listen to me, if you hurt a hair of our head's son, I will chase you to the end of the world, and I will kill you all."

He immediately waved his hand back, "Make way for them."

The ice wall guards looked at each other and separated a two-meter-wide road. The blue-haired youth walked in with his men swaggering.

The first half is the ice wall guard, and the second half is the crowd. Na Lingfei and Captain Terry also appeared there sometime. Luo Fei quickly covered his face with a hood. If Terry sees him, who knows What would he think of him.

Walking out of the stronghold smoothly, the blue-haired youth and his party continued to walk east, where there was an iceberg, and on the iceberg there was an ice wall hundreds of meters high.

The rear Si Ming Ge kept part of the ice wall guards at the stronghold, and followed them with a hundred people.

Luo Fei glanced back and said in a small voice, "They have been following behind, it seems they want to wait for an opportunity to rescue Fang Ming."

The ticket-selling clown hugged Luo Fei's neck and smiled: "Don't worry about them, they will not attack us, on the contrary, they are escorting us."

"I can't say too much, they will definitely take action if they find a chance." Luo Fei was silent for a moment, "Since you are from the city lord, can you bring me into the city?"

Luo Fei was a bit surprised when he heard that they were the ability to restart. But then when he heard that the city lord sent them, he was a little bit happy. As long as he followed them into the city, he could not only take his own The black watch is done, so I can get in touch with Huimeng and others, maybe I can get the way down the mountain.