Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 1451: See good luck in the end

Outside of the golden array, two of the three strong masters of the gods fell in an instant, and one of them was still bent over and got up, but was completely frozen there and moved at all. He couldn't move, and his face still kept a look of horror.


And just in the frozen man's heart, he was terrified, but before he recovered, Yun Xiao's figure didn't know when he had come close to him, and he lightly touched him.

"Wow!!!!" This is the simple point, the frozen man broke directly into pieces, turned into countless small ice crystals, scattered all over the ground.

"Finished!!" After killing the last strong master of the gods, Yun Xiao couldn't help snapping his fingers, a satisfied smile on his face.

This time, he took advantage of the exhaustion of the three major gods and suddenly made a move. It can be said that he did not leave a little chance for the three of them. For the sake of safety, he even prepared the cold ice **** pattern in advance to give the other party a fatal one. hit.

Originally, the realm of the three major celestial masters was much lower than him, but now, the three of them are busy running the big formation, how can they avoid his sudden attack?


After all the three great masters of the gods fell, the three spirit beasts of the good fortune realm that were watching not far away recovered, one after another roared sky-shaking, and then rushed towards the clouds together.

"Ha, the three of you are quite impatient, Suzaku's method, now!!!"

Seeing that the spirit beasts of the three-headed creation realm finally found themselves, Yun Xiao couldn't help laughing loudly, his face was full of carelessness, and between his thoughts, the Suzaku's Faxiang was called out by him and directly turned towards the three heads. Good luck realm spirit beast greeted him.


The next thing is naturally much simpler. With the help of the divine beast Suzaku, Yunxiao can easily wipe out all the spirit beasts in the three-headed good fortune realm, but it is simpler than killing the three **** masters. many.

This is the horror of the Vermillion Bird's form. In the eyes of anyone, there is absolutely no one to underestimate the three-headed beast of good fortune realm, but in front of Yunxiao, it is no different than three ordinary beasts.

It's just that, in this world, besides the heavens of the gods and the martial arts, who can awaken the Suzaku's form? To put it bluntly, these advantages are not envied by anyone.

"Happily, I have settled three more groups. When these three big guys are swallowed and refined, my strength will go even further!"

Collecting the corpses of the three spirit beasts in the good fortune realm, Yun Xiao felt a sense of complacency.

His current physical strength has reached the realm of eight times that of the strong in the good fortune realm. As long as he swallows these three spirit beasts, he can reach eleven times the strength of the strong on the good fortune realm. What kind of huge advantages will the strong in the realm have when they fight against each other.

In addition, the Barbarian clan has lost three deity masters and three spirit beasts of good fortune. This is bound to be a huge loss for the barbarian clan, and invisibly relieved the pressure for the thirty-six major sects.

"I don't want that much, let's get rid of this big formation first, I don't know what happened to the people inside!"

He shook his head, but he didn't think much about it at this time, because at this moment, the golden formation in front of him was still running under the maintenance of the formation.

"I don't know what the name of this big formation is, but I must be able to find the answer in the space ring of these three people!"

The mental power scanned around the big formation, and soon he discovered the existence of several formation base soldiers. When his mind moved, these formation base soldiers were cut off by him. Then put it away directly.

As far as super large formations are concerned, they generally need the assistance of formation base gods. He has already understood this. Although the three major gods are already quite powerful, large formations of this size rely on their spiritual power. It's still a little bit not enough to see, if it is run by him, a master of Wang Pin, then the situation must be completely different.


When the formation base was withdrawn, the golden formation suddenly dissipated, and then the mountain gate of Jinxiazong finally saw the sky again and appeared in front of the clouds.

"Uh, this..."

When the formation disappeared, Yun Xiao could see the scene inside the formation clearly, but when he saw the miserable scene in front of him, he was mentally prepared, but he still inevitably felt a little chill.

At the sight, it should have been the magnificent Jinxiazong mountain gate. At this time, it was basically razed to the ground. As for those Jinxiazong people, I am afraid that they have already been bombarded into scum in the operation of the killing array, but those The spirit beasts of the heavenly realm were actually divided into three teams at this moment, gathered in three special locations, and were not affected by the killing array. It is estimated that the three major gods specially guided their lives for them and saved their lives. .

Turning his gaze, two old men in ragged clothes appeared in his eyes. These two old men were obviously the objects of key care, and they were obviously not injured. Fortunately, the two were tyrannical, but they still maintained. Stance.

"Good Fortune Realm Powerful!! Finally a good Fortune Realm powerhouse has appeared!!!"

Seeing these two elders, Yun Xiao almost saw it at a glance. These two people are definitely in the realm of good fortune. Comparable.

"Let me just say, these three **** masters have formed such a big battle, it is absolutely impossible to deal with some ordinary people, it turns out that these two are the masters!"

He did not see the scene where the two great fortune realm powerhouses were calculated by the three great **** masters. When just arrived, he saw these three great **** masters operating the big formation, but he had already guessed that in this big formation There should be a relatively powerful presence.

"The two will rest for a while, and after I have solved these spirit beasts, I will help the two of them to heal their injuries!"

Looking at the two elders who were still in the midst of uncertainty, Yun Xiao couldn't help showing a friendly smile, and when he told them, he moved his body and rushed towards the spirit beasts first.

Although these spirit beasts are still alive, they were obviously surprised by the big array at this moment, and most of them were still trembling. It will be a little troublesome.

Of course, if he releases the Suzaku's form, then everything is naturally not a problem, but at this moment, he does not want to reveal his Suzaku's form in front of the two great fortune realm powerhouses.


Between his thoughts, his figure had reached the sky above a group of spirit beasts close to him. Apart from anything else, the Cold Shadow Sword flashed one after another, killing dozens of spirit beasts below instantly.


Seeing this team of spirit beasts were killed, the other two teams of spirit beasts came back to their senses. With a roar, these spirit beasts seemed to have exploded their hair, rushing in all directions.

"Huh, still want to run? All die for me!!"

Seeing these spirit beasts trying to escape, Yun Xiao's eyes condensed slightly, and between thoughts, he stretched out his hand and slapped the two groups of spirit beasts.


Two palms were shot, and two huge handprints came down suddenly, but before the two teams of spirit beasts dispersed, he shot them all into mud.