Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 148: Snow Chicken Dragon

"These strangers are all organized. If we kill their leader, maybe they will disperse." Luo Fei said with his spear facing the outside, without turning his head.

At this time, his muzzle has condensed two magnetic rings, through the quadruple scope above, it can already be used as a sniper rifle.

With a gunshot, the bullet drew a thin golden line in the air, blinked through the face of the giant snowman, and with a bang, a large hole appeared in its head.

The heavy body fell to the ground, smashing a snowflake.

Bengxue and the others squatted at the gate of the carport and looked over at the same time, Ugly Orange exclaimed, "This distance is at least 500 meters, can you also hit it? It is notoriously thick and thick."

But then he regretted: "It's a pity, it's just an elite, not their leader?"

"Huh? What's their leader?" Luo Fei blinked, unexpectedly that snowman was not the leader.

When Luo Fei swept outside again, more than a dozen giant snowmen, three meters high, appeared from the snow slope, holding stone hammers or rocket bombs in their hands.

"Look at that, it's coming out." Ugly orange pointed up the snow **** in the distance, and saw a five-meter-high snowman coming up, dressed in rough animal skin armor and carrying a handful of the same height on its back. The steel sword is quite mighty.

"I saw it." Luo Fei moved his lips slightly, and quickly slipped the opponent into the scope, holding his breath, the next second, his fingers moved slightly, and the bullet flew out instantly.

If a laser beam flew away, it was about to hit its head. When it flipped its hands, the long sword behind it appeared in its hands at some point, and it struck the golden wire, and the flying bullet was immediately bounced off.

Immediately afterwards, several golden rays of light flew in, and the leader of the snowman flicked the giant sword, and all the bullets were bounced away, swiftly beyond everyone's imagination.

Ugly Orange's expression was a little surprised, and after looking up the information on his black table, he said: "According to the records of our stronghold, the snowman leader has a strong physique, super neural response ability, and the ability to manipulate wind and snow."

"Manipulate the wind and snow?" Luo Fei muttered to himself, his eyes fell on Bengxue's body involuntarily, his ability was related to the wind and snow.

"This guy is a bit strong. With my current ability, I can't touch it at all. I need a stronger weapon." Luo Fei fired a few more times, but he was hit by bullets without accident, and it also attracted the attention of the other party.

At present, the snowmen are only standing on the snow **** and shooting at the guards. Those melee snowmen have long retreated. It seems that the other party also knows that this is just killing them in vain.

"A sniper rifle?" Ugly Orange thought for a second and pointed to the room. "There should be in it. I remember a few of them are hunters. Their shooting skills are still good."

Luo Fei swept toward the snowmobiles, with two heavy machine guns on them, "They can too."

"No problem." Ugly orange ran over, making a bang, and finally started it, drove the snowmobile to the gate, and was about to enjoy the boasting of his companions, but everyone showed expressions of astonishment.

"Oh my God..."

The snowman leader seemed to be annoyed by Luo Fei's shooting, his eyes showed blue light, and he roared fiercely. By then, large snow petals fell from the sky, and each snow petal was as big as a brick, falling on the snow and smashing out. A small pit.

Moreover, the snow petals in the sky accompany the hurricane, pressing fast and urgently and continuously, and it will not be long before it becomes a snowy peak.

However, this is not the worst. A snow chicken dragon flew in the sky just now. It was disturbed by the bad weather and flew to the snow peak not far away. When it fell on the top of the mountain and looked at the situation here, it suddenly snowed at its feet. The block slipped and it flew up again in shock.

But the snow block caused a chain reaction, the more it fell, the more it drove other snow blocks, and finally caused a big avalanche.


Like mountains and seas, avalanches spread across the entire area like a tsunami in the sea.

"Do not……"

All the snowmen and humans panicked, but before they could run far, the snow waves tens of meters high swamped everyone.

The snow chicken dragon on the mountain witnessed all this happening. It tilted its head and glanced at it, and then opened its wings. On each of its wings, there are two turbine-like bone and armor blades. At this time, the cold wind blows, The turbine spins quickly, and the snow chicken dragon slowly rises, and then flies down the mountain to look for possible food.

The bright sun shines on the ground, and the original flowing avalanche has already stopped, and at the same time it has changed the landform here. The snow **** has become flat, and the concave land has turned into a snow slope. The ground has risen by nearly 20 meters.

For about half an hour, a mechanical palm suddenly appeared from a snow bag, which was pulled around, but under the squeeze of the snow, it was always difficult to stretch out more parts.

The eyes of the snow chicken dragon looking in the sky suddenly brightened, and it flew down quickly, and its sharp beak pecked down, biting the palm of the moving manipulator and flew towards the sky.

Puff...a figure was instantly pulled up, leaving a deep passage in place.

"Cough cough..." Luo Fei raised his left hand to cover his eyes, staying in the dark for a long time, and the dazzling sunlight made him a little uncomfortable.

"Am I... flying?"

The line of sight gradually became clear, Luo Fei saw the surrounding scenery retreating quickly, and when he raised his head, he saw the huge creature holding his arm.

It is snow-white with no feathers on its body, only a hard, crusty skin. There are four whirlpool fans on its wings. This is the main driving force for its flight. There is a meter wide claw on the abdomen, and the claw tip is like a dagger, shining.

The head is like a rooster before the cataclysm, but the cockscomb is not red but transparent blue, and there is a crystal world like snow inside.

It looks very beautiful and very valuable. If the snow chicken dragon dies, its comb will slowly shrink into a piece of silica.

Naturally, its crystal crown possesses very powerful power, which allows it to spit out ice storm skills, and can turn a person into an ice sculpture in an instant.

"It's really good luck." Luo Fei didn't expect that he would be caught by this powerful strange beast as soon as he came out. Judging from its body length of more than ten meters, it would take a lot of effort for him to break free.

The left hand drew the Beast Tooth Sword from behind, a red light flashed from the edge of the blade, and it pierced into Xuejilong's throat fiercely. The Beast Tooth Sword was inserted about three inches and could no longer move forward.

The opponent's muscles were unusually tight, preventing Luo Fei from beheading him with a single sword, but this also caused the opponent to loosen his beak due to the pain.

Luo Fei fell from the sky, and when he was about to land on the ground, the unfolded magnetic shield protected him, and with a puff, he fell into the snow again.

Looking at the hole in the sky as large as the mouth of a well, Luo Fei silently looked at the figure that suddenly flew by, "Will this guy dig me out and eat it?"

Without the mecha, and without the heavy truck that Xihuai possessed, Luo Fei realized that he couldn't do anything with it just with his beast-level intermediate strength.

Just when a thought came out, there was the sound of a heavy object falling from above, and then a huge cock's head stretched in, and the big blue football eyeball stared at Luo Fei. The next second, it opened its mouth. There was a harsh chirping sound.

"Oh, no." Luo Fei immediately opened the magnetic cover, but the previous sound waves still made his ears tremble, making a tinnitus-like sound, and his head was dizzy.

"It's so harsh."

After a while, Luo Fei regained some consciousness. He quickly raised the Uzi submachine gun and prepared to counterattack, but found that Xuejilong had retracted his head and screamed into the distance very vigilantly, as if he was deterring something.

"Is there anything else that makes Xuejilong fear?"

While guessing, the roaring sound of breaking through the air suddenly came, and the Xuejilong jumped and shifted, avoiding the impact of the rockets, letting it fly over from the side, and finally fell on the snow and exploded.

"Is it a rocket, is it a reinforcement of mankind?"

The snow chicken dragon in front of you screamed again, spreading its wings and starting the vortex fan to fly forward rapidly.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Fei, who was lying in the snow cave, heard distant calls, roars, guns, and explosions.

"It doesn't seem to be a human support force." Luo Fei muttered, stepping out of the snow cave step by step, sticking out a head, the giant snowman commander in the distance was swinging a long sword to chop back and forth, and the snow chicken dragon surrounded him. Turn it back and forth.

On the snowy ground, dozens of tall snowmen with guns or stone hammers all lay on the ground, recklessly.

After turning around for a few times, Xuejilong looked impatient, a big mouth, and a storm mixed with ice enveloped it, but within a few seconds, the snowman commander was already wrapped in ice crystals.

Seeing that the other party could not move, Xuejilong flew over, grabbing its shoulders with both claws and flew upwards forcefully. It will tie the snowman's head back to the lair and provide it with food for the next few days.

As soon as he flew into the air, the ice under his feet suddenly shattered, Xue Jilong lowered his head in surprise, and a long sword suddenly pierced it directly into its abdomen.

The power of the snowman's leader is so great, the snow chicken dragon's skin can't stop the stabbing of the rough sword, and it is hit hard. It screams in pain, its wings are weak, and the whole body tilts down.

At the same time, it loosened its claws, allowing the snowman's head to fall one step ahead. With a bang, the snowman's leader smashed a big hole in the snow and disappeared from Luo Fei's sight.

The snow chicken dragon slid on the snow, marking a distance of nearly 50 meters before stopping. After a while, light blue blood flowed out from under it.

The snow chicken dragon was seriously injured once carelessly. Its eyes showed a fierce look and slowly turned its head. The snowman's leader just jumped out of the snow at this time, first with a usual roar, and then rushed over with a long sword.

The blue light in Snow Cockerel's eyes rose, and his mouth opened again, and the icy storm that was not the same as the one just now set off again.

The running snowman leader immediately slowed down, even to the point of difficulty, but within a second, ice crystals appeared on the snowman leader again, turning it into an ice sculpture again.

But this time the snow chicken dragon did not stop, and continued to deepen the ice storm's invasion, until the snow under the snowman's feet began to freeze and expanded to about 100 square meters.

It lasted for almost ten minutes before Xuejilong stopped vomiting, which consumed too much energy. It lay its head on the snow and gently closed its eyes to rest.