Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 160: Tusk Banzhu

"..." Luo Fei glanced at the child up and down, his face was dirty, short brown hair, unable to distinguish between men and women, he lowered his head and trembled.

Turning his attention to the old man, "You don't have any other food here?"

The old man bent over, showing his black and yellow teeth with a flattering smile, "My lord, no more, it's him, you can just take it."

"I won't eat, let him go back." Luo Fei looked at the old man indifferently. He wanted to persuade him again, but under Luo Fei's eyes, he finally lowered his head.

This is very common in the world, especially in places where the land is barren. The land is covered by wind and snow and the land is buried in tens of meters. It is hard to think about the crops. When there is no food, you can only use your own people.

The child in front of him breathed a sigh of relief and was dragged away by the woman, but the woman was a little unwilling.

Luo Fei also knew what she was thinking. Even if she couldn't eat meat, she could still drink soup. Her eyes swept to everyone again. This is a camp without mercenaries, or all the mercenaries among them are dead. Mercenary means that they will not live long.

In the city, those residents can live safely under the protection of the city guards. As long as they put in some labor, they will be very tired, but at least they can survive. But outside, there is no hunting and exchange of mercenaries, then survival will become An extravagant hope.

"What can you eat near here? Does the Snowman have it?" Luo Fei asked, "What about other camps, how far is it from here?"

The old man replied, "We don’t have snowmobiles. The nearest campsite needs a day’s walk. There is no snowman nearby, otherwise we would have been eaten away. But there is a bunch of red grass nearby. There is a fangs pig around here, we can't beat it."

"Are you a pig with fangs?" Luo Fei had heard of this kind of strange beast. It was one of the few species in the freezer basin that could be eaten by humans. They were once the main source of food in the basin and were almost eaten to extinction. After the improvement of human beings, it became the current porcupine. Not only the meat quality is much better, but the key is that the threat is also reduced a lot, and it can be raised.

Their main food is red grass, a small red grass that grows on ice rocks. The leaves are like darts, and dozens of them make up a flower. The leaves are hard but fragile, like glass. It tastes a little spicy. Condiments for food.

"This is good, you will lead the way." Luo Fei put down Culuo behind his back, and at the same time put the double-barreled shotgun in his hand, with two bullets.

"You stay here, and I will come to you later." Luo Fei called several thin residents to take care of him.

Chou Luo nodded and walked into the largest tree house with the support of the residents, which looked like an old man's house.

Going out of the camp and heading northeast, stepping on the snow for only a kilometer, there is a rocky area in front of you. This kind of rock is also eroded by wind and snow, and the surface is like ice.

However, there are a lot of small red grass on it, which is only scattered on the outside, and the more dense it gets inside, almost all of it is covered with rocks that are more than ten meters high.

There were still more than a dozen steps to the rocky area. The old man stopped immediately and did not dare to step forward. "My lord, we can't get closer anymore. That fangs pig will rush out and tear us apart."

Luo Fei swung the Uzi submachine gun in his hand and pointed it at a middle-aged man, "Go and draw it out."

"Hey? Me?" The middle-aged man pointed to the tip of his nose, but saw Luo Fei pull the bolt, which was quite obvious.

"I see, don't shoot." Threatened by guns, he could only bite the bullet and ran to the edge of the rocky area.

He picked up an ice stone from the ground and threw it inside with his hand.

The ice stone collided with the rock and made a crisp sound. After a while, there was a "humming" sound inside, and a behemoth over 5 meters in size ran out of the rocky area.

It opened its mouth and let out a scream, which was to warn all creatures that this was its territory.

The middle-aged man as the decoy has long been running in the direction he had come, and even the others were like this. What they thought was that Luo Fei was not its opponent at all, and he would die sooner or later.

Luo Fei stood on the spot and saw its original appearance. Its overall shape is similar to that of a porcupine, 5 meters long and 3 meters high. The difference is that it has half-meter-long fangs in its mouth, and it is full of fangs. The densely shattered teeth and the plate bones the size of a millstone grow on his head, which can block a very strong attack.

Not only that, but thick bony armor is also draped on its body, which further enhances its defense power. A bone hammer is hung upside down on the long and thick tail behind it. The rock was broken into a large piece.

At this time Luo Fei has raised the gun, which is not difficult for him. As long as he explodes its bean-sized eyes, the progress of killing it is half gone, and then cut off its limbs, it can only Let it be slaughtered.

Suddenly the roar of snowmobiles came from his side, and four soldiers in brilliant armor rode at Luo Fei on two snowmobiles.

As soon as the motorcycle stopped, two snow patrol team members with crossed swords printed on their chest armor jumped off the motorcycle and came to Luo Fei's front left and right.

"Hey, kid, that's protecting animals, you've been arrested." One said involuntarily, pressing down on the Uzi submachine gun in Luo Fei's hand and preparing to violently pull it over, but he did not move even after he tried several times.

animal Crossing? Fanged pig? When did this happen? ... Luo Fei sneered silently, "I think you made a mistake. I am not going to kill it, but to visit it. It's not illegal to visit."

"Do you think we are idiots? Are there anyone with a gun during the visit?" Another patrol member deceived him, and his right hand with steel gloves slammed Luo Fei's head fiercely.

If this is smashed, Luo Fei's face will be swollen.

Take a step back quickly, let the patrol team's fists fall, and at the same time let the Uzi submachine gun out of the opponent's hand.

"Damn it, you're done. Poaching was originally a fine. If you resist arrest, you have to serve." The first patrol with his gun raised the frozen gun in his hand, while the other blackened his own. The watch started to videotape Luo Fei.

"You have now entered our hunting system. If you resist, none of our patrol members will spare you, and you will be killed when you meet."

They came quickly and quickly, Luo Fei was still thinking about how to get out, but the fangs and pigs on the other side stopped doing it. Do you look down on me and don't even look at me.

With a roar, it lowered its head and pointed its fangs at the patrol team, and rushed over with all four hooves on the snow.

Despite its ferocious aura, its four hooves turned into ice sculptures on the spot under the shooting of two patrols, and eventually fell to the ground due to inertia.

You don't talk about martial arts, so many people deal with me... The fangs and pigs can only let out a few low roars aggrievedly lying on the ground.

Facing the four weapons, Luo Fei didn't care at all, but the other party's video behavior at this time stumped him. If he kills them now, then he won't even want to enter Bingzhu City.

"I know that dealing with you people is very troublesome." Luo Fei deflected the Uzi submachine gun in his hand and said:

"Although I have no intention of being an enemy of you, if you are so aggressive, don't blame me for being impolite. The four of you are really not my opponents."

"Big talker, then we have to turn you into an ice sculpture." The patrolman sitting on the motorcycle laughed loudly. It was a joke to him that Luo Fei said a dozen four. "One The Fanged Banzhu that can repel more than 30 mercenaries is a dish for us. Can't you fight against more than 100 mercenaries?"

"Okay, let's not play anymore, kill him, just an idiot." Another patrol on the snowmobile said impatiently: "We haven't completed one of the tasks of ten of us so far. Hurry up, don't waste time."

"Understand." The others nodded solemnly, as if they had a higher status in the last word.

I still have to fight. I guess I can only return to the Brotherhood after the fight... Luo Fei shook his head helplessly.

Seeing that the battle was about to start, and there was another rumbling sound in the distance. A modified snowmobile approached with two drill bits at its front end, which allowed it to drive on more complex ground. No.’s freezing gun is installed in front of the motorcycle, making it more powerful.

This type of snowmobile is twice as big as a normal motorcycle. It can seat at least four people inside, but only one person is sitting inside, and the other positions are full of ammunition.

"What are you doing? As long as you have been working hard, everyone else has completed the task...what is this person doing?"

A long golden hair came out from the closed helmet, and the slightly hoarse female voice slightly angered.

Luo Fei didn't wait for the patrol to answer, or wait for them to speak first, he wouldn't even have a chance to speak. It seemed that a person had a very identity, and he needed to let the other party let him go.

"My lord, I'm a mercenary here to pick red grass. A friend of mine is injured and needs some food. I don't have the idea of ​​hunting fangs and pigs. Can you let me go?"

Sitting on the modified motorcycle, the new patrol member turned his head, looked at Luo Fei, and then at the flat-toothed pig who fell on the ground and couldn't move, and made a suspicious voice, "Huh?"

"The captain?" The leader just stood up from the snowmobile, and said in a panic: "This guy is frightened, some nonsense, we are just helping him hunt the fangs and pigs."

"Huh?" Luo Fei's turn is wondering this time, is your attitude so flexible?

However, it was the head of the patrol team that came. Luo Fei was very surprised. Even the head of the patrol team was dispatched in person. Could it be that something serious happened?

"Oh?" I couldn't see the group leader's expression clearly, and she stood up and yelled at them: "No wonder your task efficiency is so slow. Send me back to the headquarters. You are not allowed to come out without my order."

Several people were trained for a while and they could only leave in mourning, but before leaving, a patrol gave Luo Fei a fierce look, but his face was blocked by a mask, and Luo Fei did not see it.

"Sorry, mercenary, the quality of my subordinates needs to be improved. After all, they were also mercenaries before. Please forgive me." The head of the suspected female pointed his finger at the fallen fangs pig, "Now it is yours. "