Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 1607: The world of spirit beasts

In the ice and snow, the huge ice dragon is like a well-behaved kitten at this moment, honestly winding on the ice and snow, and in front of it, Yun Xiao is now looking at it with a smile on his face, behind his hands.

"Hey, how is it? How is the injury recovered? Is there any problem?"

Looking at the ice and snow dragon in front of him, Yun Xiao really liked it more and more, but not long ago, in order to help the other party quickly recover from the injury in his body, he swallowed more than a dozen big reward pills for the other party. I rewarded the other side with a few good medicinal pills.

After establishing the spirit sacrifice relationship, the ice and snow dragon has become his most loyal servant, even if the whole world betrays it, this big guy is impossible to betray.


Hearing Yunxiao’s question, the ice-snow dragon uttered a low roar, and the huge dragon's eyes were filled with joy. It was obvious that it had completely recovered from the injury, and after the blessing of the Suzaku Faxiang, its bloodline power seemed to have some strength. The improvement seems to have gained a lot of benefits.

"Very well, it's good to recover from the injury. In the next time, I have some questions for you. You can communicate with me directly through Shenhun."

Seeing that the Ice Flood Dragon had no problems, Yun Xiao couldn't help nodding, his eyes filled with satisfaction.

The giant flood dragon in front of him is extremely powerful. He knew in his heart that as long as he brought this guy back to the jurisdiction of the thirty-six major sects, no matter what kind of opponent he faced, this big guy would definitely not fall behind. wind.

The most important thing is that because of the contractual relationship between him and the other party, once they cooperate with each other, it is absolutely incomparable to anyone. By then, even the holy king of the barbarian race, he can die a few.

"I ask you, this ice and snow world is your territory? Also, out of this ice and snow world, is there a powerful spirit beast like you outside? Or is it a human warrior?"

His complexion was a little more straight, Yun Xiao groaned a little, and then he began to inquire about the situation of the world of the ice and snow dragon.

He is naturally full of endless curiosity about the world beyond this space crack, and the ice and snow dragon at the moment is so tyrannical, he should be well aware of the situation here.

"Roar..." Hearing Yunxiao's question, the Ice and Snow Flood Dragon hesitated a little, and then began to introduce Yunxiao through the method of divine soul communication.

Just as Yun Xiao had imagined, the Ice and Snow Flood Dragon's ability to cultivate to the present state was naturally the result of the accumulation of countless years of time, and after so many years, it knew the world well.

In this way, one person, one beast, one question and one answer, and because the conversation was conducted through spirit-soul communication, Yun Xiao soon had a general understanding of the world after this space crack.

In the introduction of the ice and snow dragon, Yun Xiao learned that the world behind this space crack did not actually exist as a human warrior. Perhaps it existed a long time ago, but it did not exist in the memory of the ice and snow dragon.

The whole world is equally vast and boundless, but it is occupied by a group of spirit beasts. Some of these spirit beast groups dominate by number, while others are known for their individual strength. In short, this is a world belonging to spirit beasts. Some super spirit beasts are no less powerful than the ice and snow dragons.

In the introduction of the Ice and Snow Flood Dragon, it had fought against many spirit beast leaders at the beginning, but in general there were still more victories than losses, which could cause trouble to it, that is, only a few heads.

Originally, there were many powerful spirit beasts on this ice and snow plateau, but in the end they were all swallowed by it. It is precisely because of this that it will have such terrifying powers as it is now and become a group of no spirit beasts. Dare to provoke the existence.

"The world of spirit beasts? Good, okay, this is simply God's help. No wonder my blessing and misfortune will guide me to come here to take risks. It turns out that there is such a chance here waiting for me!!!"

After listening to the explanation of the ice and snow dragon, Yun Xiao's face was already filled with joy.

A world of spirit beasts, this is simply great news for him, because for him, who is based on Suzaku's law, such a world is completely his arsenal. It is hard to imagine that if he could If all the powerful spirit beasts in this world were brought under their command, what would it be like!

According to the Ice and Snow Flood Dragon, there are almost as many as dozens of Heavenly Cave Realm spirit beasts in this world. If he can conquer all these dozens of Heavenly Cave Realm spirit beasts, then wait until he returns to thirty. In the world of six major sects, even if he wanted to unify the 36 major sects, it wouldn't be difficult, right?

As for the barbarians, of course, they must obediently submit to his army of spirit beasts. By then, no matter how tyrannical and cunning the barbarians are, they will definitely not be able to make waves.

"Grab, grab, I must subdue all the cave-sky realm spirit beasts in this space, by then, who else can make me jealous in the sky?!!!"

Of course, he couldn't miss such a good opportunity. It can be said that the space at the moment is simply tailored for him. If he doesn't make a move, it would be a kind of betrayal to God.

At this moment, he also has a more specific understanding of this space. In his opinion, this space should be a very ordinary space in the Yanhuang World. Maybe, such a special space, Yanhuang Da There may be many in the world, but he doesn't know it.

Now think about it, maybe the four major realms where the thirty-six major sects are located, that is, a small piece of space in the Yanhuang Great World, it's just that the major sects sit and watch the sky and don't know the vastness of this world.

"Big guy, don't froze, go, take me to the realm of spirit beasts closest to you!!"

After a brief thought, he couldn't help but pick up the corner of his mouth slightly, and directly ordered the ice and snow dragon, and while speaking, his figure flashed slightly, and he came directly to the top of the ice and snow dragon, just standing on top of the ice and snow dragon. Above the dragon head.

"hold head high!!!!"

Seeing Yunxiao falling on his head, the Ice and Snow Flood Dragon did not feel any dissatisfaction. Instead, he raised his head and let out a low growl, then his body moved and flew straight out of the ice and snow plateau.

It naturally knows what Yunxiao thinks, and for all the powerful spirit beasts that Yunxiao wants to conquer the entire world, it is also happy to see. Life will also have greater protection.


Thinking of this in my heart, the ice-snow dragon is almost at full speed, and in a flash of light, it has already jumped into the air, and then flew straight to a smoky world in the distance.