Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 1644: tough battle

Time passed, and two quarters of an hour slipped away silently.

During this period of time, Yun Xiao, with the assistance of more than 30 spirit beasts, severely wounded and captured the overlord powers one after another, and then shut them into his own barbarian temple.

For him, this process is simpler than imagined. In the final analysis, this time, the ten-square sleepy formation is too powerful. Before that, he had not thought about it. It was originally arranged with ten spiritual veins. The ten side trapped sky array, the effect can actually be terrifying Ruos.

As for the consumption of ten spiritual veins, it is completely insignificant compared to the capture of so many masters of the Heavenly Caverns.

"Happily, this time I really enjoyed it. I didn't expect that with a big formation, I had achieved such an unimaginable record. It seems that this time I really made a lot of money!!"

In the mist, Yun Xiao once again severely inflicted an overlord into the uniform, and immediately received it in the Barbarian Temple and locked it up, and then laughed happily.

Counting this powerful tyrant, at the moment, the entire tyrant who came to the Yanhuang Great World of thirty-two masters of the Heavenly Cave Realm had already captured a total of 30 by him.

At this moment, only Tai Yuchu and Tai Yuheng two overlord ancestors were left in the mist formation, but they were not afraid of them at this time.

Captured 30 powerful overlords, this is not just as simple as taking the initiative to occupy the situation, in fact, these 30 powerful overlords, the resources of each person, are for the strong in Yanhuang Great World It is an extremely terrifying number. He has searched all the resources of these thirty people this time, and there is no way to measure it with an accurate number.

It is no exaggeration to say that Yunxiao at this moment can be said to be a super rich even in the world such as Shengguang Great World.

If he wants to, as long as he establishes a sect in Shengguang Great World, he might be able to create a huge sect soon.

"It's almost there. The power of the ten-sided trapped sky formation is constantly weakening, and I am afraid it will be difficult to sustain it for too long. In this case, I must find a way to deal with these two people in the last time. One will do."

After scanning the surroundings for a week, he could find that the surrounding fog was obviously not as sticky as before, and the deceptiveness was gradually weakening, but it was the ten spiritual veins underground, which had almost been consumed!

Once the big formation disappears, he wants to defeat the two masters of Tai Yuchu and Tai Yuheng with his own strength, that is basically an unlikely thing, so the best result is that he can completely lose the effect in the big formation Before, the two great ancestors of this overlord clan got one!


Thinking in his heart, his figure flashed slightly, and he had already appeared in a place in the fog. There, the Tyrant ancestor Tai Yu was sitting in the fog. Around his body, there was a golden His energy shield repelled all the mist to a hundred meters away, making the small area around him a vacuum.

"Not bad, you deserve to be an ancestor-level powerhouse of the Tyrant Clan, he is really much better than the others!!"

When he came outside of Tai Yuheng's golden shield, Yun Xiao's mouth was slightly raised, and a hint of vigilance flashed through his eyes.

The Tai Yuheng in front of him was indeed much stronger than the overlord powerhouses he had won before. To put it bluntly, this person is no longer at the same level as those people.

And what I have to admit is that even if he is now, if there is no help from the gods, and if he is alone, he may not be the opponent of this person.

On the other side, Tai Yuchu, in terms of strength, Tai Yuchu may not be as good as this Tai Yuheng, but Tai Yuchu has a temple of the overlord on his body, and there is also a super terrifying existence sitting in it. I am afraid it is not his short time. It can be done within.


The moment Yunxiao appeared, Tai Yuheng among the golden lights suddenly opened his eyes. Suddenly, two golden lights shot out directly, just looking at the opposite Yunxiao.

When he saw the distant clouds clearly, a hint of surprise flashed through his eyes, and he didn't seem to expect that such a young man would be the first to find him.

"What have you done to my people? To remind you, it is not a wise decision to fight against my overlord, so it is best to consider the consequences first."

After swept away, Tai Yuheng finally focused his attention on Yun Xiao, and then said in a low tone.

It has been so long, he believes that many of his people must have already encountered the enemy's poisonous hands, but it is a pity that he can only protect himself right now, and he can't do anything at all!

"Your people can't die yet, I guess you will be reunited with them soon."

Hearing Tai Yuheng's words, Yun Xiao licked his lips, full of teasing.

He knew clearly in his heart that Tai Yuheng must think that there are many people on his side who are calculating the overlord. At least, the other party will think that he has the help of the gods. After all, to set up the current big formation, it must have a super god. The strong will come in person.

"Boy, your tone is not small, since you are so confident, you might as well sign up and let this seat understand."

After hearing Yun Xiao's response, Tai Yuheng couldn't help but sneered, obviously a little disapproving, this was full of sarcasm.

It is not easy to defeat him. At the moment, what he is most curious about is the identity of Yunxiao and others. Among the opponents of the Overlord Clan, he does not remember that there is such a character as Yunxiao, and besides, the reputation of the Overlord Clan. There, he didn't believe that the God Palace of Shengguang Great World would send a strong master to fight against the overlord.

But having said that, if it weren't for the magician of the Holy Light Great World, it seemed that there would not be a magician on the Yanhuang Great World that could arrange such a horror array, at least it would be difficult to satisfy in terms of resources.

"Ha, want to put out my identity? I advise you not to waste your efforts. After you have captured you and Tai Yuchu, you will naturally see the people behind me."

With a loud laugh, Yun Xiao deliberately made his identity a little more complicated, just let the other party guess randomly.

Speaking of it, being able to get the Yanhuang Great World out of this incident is also a good thing for the entire Yanhuang Great World. After all, if you let the other party know that you are a member of the Yanhuang Great World, maybe this The overlord will anger the entire Yanhuang Great World, and maybe they will send someone to destroy this place by then.

In order to cover the Yanhuang Great World, he had already put on a mask before, so as to make sure nothing went wrong.

"Hmph, no matter who is behind you, he will regret his reckless decision, kill!!!"

After listening to Yunxiao's words, Tai Yuheng didn't say much anymore. While he was speaking, his figure flashed, and the next moment, a terrifying sword light appeared in front of Yunxiao.