Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 166: Fierce Battle in the Bazaar

When Ying Yuan walked to the rear of the reserve guard, there were already people fleeing because of the fierce fighting. They were not even mercenaries, they were probably just ordinary residents, but they were deceived by the patrol team.

Because of fear, those personnel fled to Ying Yuan's side and continued to flee, but a sharp blade wind flashed by, and those personnel instantly fell to their heads.

Ying Yuan raised the sword in her hand, her sharp eyes swept across the audience, and shouted:

"If anyone dares to back down, this is the end. Your only way out now is to defeat them, and your trophy is this bazaar. Whether you can become the master of the bazaar depends on your ability."

With the stimulus of the spoils, most of the mercenaries' fighting spirit and their attack power have become much stronger, but the aisles of the bazaar are only ten meters wide, and there are so many people in contact between the two sides. Anyone who wants to defeat one needs not Less time.

"Luo Fei, I need to stand here to monitor them, and I will leave the rest to you. With your combat power, the deadlock will be broken soon. I promise that when you finish all this, I can satisfy most of your not excessive Request." Ying Yuan stood there, looking at him with firm eyes.

"Yes, I will help you. Don't forget your payment when the time comes."

Luo Fei agreed with a smile, and then began to distribute the people following him, "Boss, your rocket has a long range and great power, so you will support us behind."

The lady boss opened her mouth, wanting to say something, and finally looked at Luo Fei reluctantly and nodded: "No problem."

He raised his eyebrows, pressed his doubts about the strange expression of the boss’s wife to the bottom of his heart, and then looked at Chou Luo and the doctor, “You are the treatment staff behind, you don’t have to come forward.”

The two nodded.

"Fox hunting, you are a hunter. If you know how to use the guns in your hand, I won't direct you. You are free."

Luo Fei patted Fox Hunt on the shoulder, and he rushed into the crossfire with the remaining three mercenaries.

The battle for this has been very fierce. Both men and horses squatted in various hidden positions. The bullets fired by both sides fell on the oil drum, car door and broken motorcycle, splashing countless sparks.

Next, Luo Fei looked for the right time to approach the back of a broken motorcycle, and there should be a repair shop next to it, but at this time someone had gone to the building, or its owner was on the opposite side.

Half of his head was slightly exposed, and dozens of bullets flew around him from the opposite side. He hated this kind of complicated battlefield the most, because no one knew what weapon he would encounter. It could be a grenade or a cannon. .

Without further ado, Luo Fei raised the Uzi submachine gun in his hand and fired it towards the opposite side. The bullets fluttered in the air and accurately penetrated into the heads of the opposite person.

As soon as the shuttle went down, the opposite side was emptied instantly, not only blinded the enemy, but even his own people were dumbfounded, the stalemate was broken, and the opposite side rushed into a row of soldiers again.

"Then who, provide me with ammunition, you, show me if there are any enemies on the roofs on both sides." Luo Fei took the magazine and loaded the Uzi submachine gun.

It is not easy to kill them all, but it is easier to defeat them. Luo Fei glanced around and suddenly found the figure in the corridor. He squatted in a truck and looked out from time to time. When he saw Luo Fei When I looked over, a yellow tooth was exposed in his mouth.

This sneaky guy... Luo Fei yelled at the other party:

"If the gun in your hand is a fire stick, I will definitely report to the team leader. I think she will be willing to give you a new guy, that will make you never stand behind the team."

The other party closed his lips, daring not to speak, but he just frightened Luo Fei's marksmanship.

"What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and support." Luo Fei yelled at him, the pipe gallery pursed his mouth, and reluctantly walked out of the car door and pulled the trigger.

There was a intensive sound, the sparks from the opposite factor bounced off in all directions, and the charging personnel quickly fell down.

At the right time, Luo Fei bent forward and charged forward, ignoring the scattered shots, firing shots while advancing, wherever he went, the opposite side would fall down.

When Luo Fei was unimpeded, a howling suddenly flew in the sky.

Realizing that it was not good, from the past training in the orphanage, Luo Fei heard that this was the sound of mortars, which were quite ancient weapons, and they existed only in certain places.

He immediately collapsed into a ball and lay on the ground, a bang exploded beside him, and countless light bullets scattered around. A mercenary who followed Luo Fei was blown up on the spot. When he fell on the ground, he was covered with With small shrapnel.

It is very clear that the next shell will fly in only a few seconds. Luo Fei immediately jumped and jumped onto the roof of the heavy truck. At this moment, another shell fell in the reserve guard regiment, killing three. At the same time, they interrupted their offensive.

Seeing that the firepower of the other side weakened, the people on the other side began to slowly press in again.

Luo Fei lay on the roof of the car and glanced down, but did not find the mortar. It was expected that the weapon capable of throwing a distance of 500 meters should still be behind.

"But there should be observers here, otherwise the shells won't hit so accurately." Luo Fei's dark eyes scanned the bottom for a few seconds, and soon he saw someone hiding behind the oil drum reporting something loudly.

When he found the target, Luo Fei slowly stretched out the Uzi submachine gun, his eyes turned slightly, and he re-locked the target, and flew towards the waists of some people on the grenades hanging on them.

The bullet pierced the shell of the grenade, causing several explosions and clearing the area again.

After doing all this, Luo Fei squatted and rushed forward. He was going to carry the mortar.

"He is on the roof of the car. He is an elite hunter. Get rid of him quickly."

An angry voice came from below, and then many big hands were on the edge of the roof. When they came up, a round of bullets flew around to send them to their hometown.

Without the observer's report, the threat of the mortar was reduced a lot, and the reserve guards began to advance steadily.

Fox hunting hides behind the empty oil drum looking for the opposite hunter to shoot, you come and I go down, and kill the other three hunters.

At the same time, the proprietress carried the rocket and fired a round, which removed the dense firepower, and then the people in the corridor charged forward, causing the opponent to retreat on a small scale.

In the center of the cross bazaar, a table and a chair were erected, and the merchant, the ink stove, was sitting on it. He was drinking and pecking while holding a wine glass, looking quite leisurely.

"Master Molu." A mercenary ran in front of him and knelt on one knee. "We met a very strong hunter. His marksmanship was so accurate. We were killed in one shot. Many people, all grenades were exploded, we suffered heavy losses, and even the mortar observers were killed."

"What? Is there such a strong person?" Mo Lu leaned forward, looking at him very suspiciously, "It's not because they want more commissions from me that they made up this kind of ridiculous story. Bar."

"No, I swear to my conscience." The mercenary immediately raised his finger.

But this didn’t make Merchant Mo Lu more at ease. He kicked him even more angrily. It’s just that the foot was not heavy for the mercenary, but he still pretended to fall backwards and fell on the snow, pretending to be painful. He squatted before him again.

"Humph, every time you swear, it's when I lose more waste money."

Mo Lu knew how many catties he had, even though he had exerted all his strength, it was like a tickle to these mercenaries who exercised regularly.

"Don't pretend, you can't deceive me at all. Okay, I will add another 20% remuneration. You quickly end the battle. When it is over here, we can win more properties."

A wry smile appeared on the mercenary's face, "Master Molu, I lied to you before, but it was normal, but now it's different. Now it's a matter of life and death, I see if those vulture fighters should be released."

Before Moza left, he did not bring the vulture warrior here, in order to prevent the loss of control here. There are two considerations for loss of control. One is that this is broken by Yingyu, and the other is that the ink furnace is out of his control.

"They?" Molu's face was reluctant. "You don't know their fighting habits. Before the battle, they will come with a crazy potion. This makes their minds simpler. Once they fight, they will go crazy. They rushed out, besides, there were not many of them, only 20. What if they die? Master Mosao will blame us."

"This?" The mercenary scratched his head, and when he was thinking about new countermeasures, his head appeared on his wrist, only listening to him shouting anxiously:

"Head, haven't reinforcements come yet? We can't stand it anymore. The elite hunter climbed to the roof of the car and fired at us. We were killed and injured. The opponent's troops were almost at the crossroads... Ah... "

At the end, he let out a scream and saw the head on the little head burst open, and his ending was self-evident.

The mercenary seemed to feel something, and turned to look at the southern streets, the sound of the firefighting became clearer and clearer.

Suddenly a silver figure appeared in the surrounding light. He raised his head and looked to the roof of the car, only to see a patrol member holding a Uzi submachine gun at the bottom.

In the flames, the bullet flew, and then there were two screams, and the two manipulators manipulating the mortar fell into the position.

The mercenaries reacted quickly and fired the frozen guns they had received from the patrols behind them and fired them on the roof.

Ice flowers bloomed on the roof of the car, but the person disappeared from the field of vision calmly.

After repelling the opponent temporarily, the mercenary head couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He turned to look at the merchant's ink furnace, but saw that the opponent opened his mouth large enough to fit an egg, he was obviously shocked.

When the mercenary stepped forward to confirm whether he was scared to death, he suddenly shouted in the loudest voice in his life: "Release them all, destroy the hunter, destroy him..."

On the roof of the car, Luo Fei slowly climbed forward, and always paid attention to whether the soldiers coming up were the enemy's or his own. If he were to say that they were all enemies, it would also save him the time to distinguish.

After several bursts of fire, about 20 bazaar soldiers were killed, and no enemy soldiers came up again. All of them came from behind. They arched their bodies and trot towards Luo Fei.

Midway, one person's head suddenly exploded on the spot.

Luo Fei hurriedly swept around, there were not many guns that could explode other people's heads. On the opposite car roof, he climbed a group of soldiers with black animal skins.

"Vulture Army!" Luo Fei breathed a sigh of relief, "I was really hit by Ying Yuan. This bazaar has become a vassal of the Vulture Army."