Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 171: bunker

Bengxue's eyes lit up, and he thought that if they could become a member of the patrol, they would be able to obtain huge human resources again after restarting.

As long as you be more careful in the future, and no longer be as rampant as before, they will restart more and more abilities.

And he who contributed to all of this can get a good position in the restart.

"We want to see your group leader now and discuss our cooperation." Bengxue confidently put forward the conditions.

Luo Fei shrugged, "It's okay to discuss, but we must grab the merchant ink furnace. He is our target."

"Ink furnace?" Beng Xue frowned and said, "The guy who claims to be driving the strange bird tank? It's a bit difficult, he has a tank after all..."

Luo Fei folded his arms, "Tank?"

"It's impossible. It's a tank at best. If it's a tank, your heavy trucks would have become a pile of scrap iron."

"Huh? Is the power of the tank so powerful?" Ugly Orange looked over in confusion, "Isn't there always a cannon?"

"Huh?" Luo Fei realized that they really didn't know, and asked, "Do you have no tanks here? Only those driven by pioneers are called tanks."

Several people shook their heads at the same time, only Fox Hunt lowered their heads in thought, and took the words, "I heard that there is one in the city, but because we have not encountered a very strong monster in the ice wall, we have never seen it move. ."

Luo Fei nodded slowly. He didn't expect that there was only one here, which was not too different from the 20 cars in the Machinery City.

But something is better than nothing.

"Hey, who are you, while we are chatting with supernatural powers, you inferior people should close your mouth and stand obediently."

Ugly Orange, who was very concerned about the upper and lower levels, suddenly flew into a rage, but Fox Hunt, unwilling to be outdone, pointed the sniper rifle on his back at his head.

This makes Ugly Orange even more unforgivable.

Chou Luo stood aside and didn't speak, Shou Yi was indifferent, and Beng Xue looked at Fox Hunt even more coldly. He probably felt that the other party was not following the rules in his heart.

"Enough." Luo Fei took a step forward and stood between the two of them. "This is not a reboot. There is no distinction between upper and lower levels. You'd better pay attention to it in the future."

The habit formed during the restart will not be able to change back in a short while, the best state is to be the same as Chou Luo and Shouyi, not caring about it.

At this time, white snow fell in the sky, and white snowflakes fell on everyone's shoulders.

"Let's leave here quickly. It's important to complete the task." Luo Fei temporarily contained the situation, but he had a bad premonition in his heart. This seemed to be the beginning of a split.

The few people quickly divided into two camps. The four of Bengxue rode the snowmobiles of Fox Hunt and the proprietress, while the two of them sat on the Ice Seal.

Follow the indentation of the track and chase it away again.

Luo Fei lagging behind, Fox Hunt whispered dissatisfiedly:

"I feel that they are just a bunch of lunatics. They want to stand on our shoulders all the time. The group leader shouldn't let them join in. This is to lead wolves into the room."

"Stop talking." The proprietress patted him on the shoulder, "Be careful not to be heard by them. As long as we become patrol members, they can't do anything to us."

The team continued to advance, but after the delay just now, Luo Fei lost their sight again.

Passing through the woods, there is a white snowfield in front of me, and the traces on the ground are no longer clear under the cover of heavy snow.

After another kilometer, the traces on the ground finally disappeared, and Luo Fei completely lost the traces of Molu and others.

To make matters worse, the wind and snow are getting bigger and bigger, their vision is blocked, and the cold airflow also reduces the temperature of their body surface.

"There seems to be a camp in front, let's go there and see." A snowmobile retreated to the side of Bingfeng, and Bengxue pointed to a place not far ahead.

A round bunker covers an area of ​​about 100 square meters, such as a bottle cap falling on the snow, with the cap protruding about one meter from the ground.

There are five narrow rectangular windows around, and you can vaguely see the light inside.

A chimney with a palm width of one meter long was erected on the top of the cover, and a puff of black smoke was emerging from it.

Look at the time, there is either a fire or cooking inside.

"Let's go, it's noon, I invite you to eat." Ugly oranges increased their horsepower and quickly came to the surrounding bunker.

Stopped the car first, then jumped off, the probe looked inside, and suddenly a gunshot sounded.

I saw Ugly Orange lying on the ground, clutching her bleeding shoulder and whispering in pain.

It didn't make him feel uncomfortable for long, Chou Luo couldn't help covering the snowmobile with the car cover, strode to his side, and pressed his hands on his shoulders for treatment.

In a short while, Luo Fei and others arrived one after another, and then a Mauser gun came out from the window of the bunker.

At the same time, the voice of Senli Neil sounded:

"Go away, you robbers, if you get closer to my home, I will break your heads."

The blood had stopped, the copper bullet in his shoulder was squeezed out by the muscle, and Chou Luo, who was still twisted, showed a cruel smile.

"You dare to hurt me, are you ready to be chopped into meat sauce?"

"What you... me, what's wrong with me?"

There was the sound of heavy objects falling from the bunker.

A steel-boned Frostwolf immediately jumped onto the top of the bunker, pulled it, and quickly found the hatch.

The big mouth full of sharp teeth bit the door and pulled it back, a click sounded, and the big lock inside collapsed under tremendous force, and the entire iron hatch was deformed, revealing a big hole for one person to enter.

Chou Ju jumped up, came to the hatch, and blew a few breaths into it. Not long after, multiple heavy objects landed inside.

Then he jumped in, and there was a curse and a deep cry of pain.

Luo Fei and others did not rush to cover the vehicle to prevent a heavy snowfall in the vehicle and freeze the key parts.

Several people jumped into the bunker one after another, and the temperature inside quickly warmed everyone's body.

Glancing at the fireplace made of gravel, dead branches and coal are burning in the fire.

There were five low-level mercenaries lying on the ground around the fireplace. They coughed constantly, but all they coughed up were blood.

The Ugly Orange seemed to be puzzled, and was still kicking them.

On the other side, there are two children and two young girls. They are wearing shabby animal skins and their faces are dirty. Like the mercenaries, they are all coughing.

It's just that there is still confusion on their faces, and they don't understand why they caught a cold suddenly.

And those mercenaries have to be much clearer, with a look of fear, a mercenary with a big beard struggled to kneel on the ground, and whispered for mercy:

"I was wrong, please spare me...cough cough... please let me go."

"Old Ke, don't ask for them, we are members of the Frostwolf Mercenary Corps, cough cough..." Another young mercenary looked at him stubbornly.

But when they saw the patrol armor on Luo Fei and Chou Luo, the pupils in their eyes suddenly shrank.

The young mercenary just now called for help immediately: "My lord, save us, these people are robbers, kill them soon."

Luo Fei took the helmet off his head, just glanced at the inferior leather armor and the rudimentary guns on their bodies, and immediately lost interest in them.

Turn his head to find something to eat.

In front of the fireplace, there are a few wood knots inserted with branches. This is a kind of tree root that contains a small amount of water. After roasting, it has a delicate fragrance and is barely edible. The taste is like biting foam.

This is the food for most of the poor who have no assets, as long as they can dig the roots of trees, they can basically find it.

"Ms. Boss, do you have any meat?" As a supernatural player, Luo Fei's appetite also changes as his strength grows stronger. Naturally, he needs more and more nutritious meals, which will help him improve his physical strength.

The proprietress brought the backpack she had been carrying, and took out the porcupine meat, cutting board and kitchen knife inside.

While Luo Fei was helping, the little girl hiding in the corner summoned up the courage to shout to Luo Fei:

"My lord, we don't know them. They are the robbers. They killed my parents...cough cough..."

"Then occupied our home, please kill them quickly, cough cough..."

Luo Fei looked over while cutting the porcupine, and finally looked at the mercenaries.

The bearded old mercenary immediately retorted, "My lord, don't believe them, they are now in a rebellious period...cough cough..."

Without a word, Luo Fei raised the gun in his hand and fired a shot at the talking girl.

Bang, the girl screamed instantly, and it took a long time to realize that she was not injured, the bullet just fell on her side, embedded in the dirt wall.

Taking back the guns, Luo Fei stared at the motionless mercenaries indifferently and said slowly:

"If you were their family members, you would have rushed forward just now, but obviously, you are not."

"This shows that they are telling the truth, but you are telling lies."

When several people heard it, their faces became paler.

"We belong to the Frostwolf mercenary group, you can't deal with us like this."

The young mercenary was still struggling, "I know he is a superpower, but your patrol team is mixed with superpowers. If we inform you, you are all over, let us go quickly, cough..."

He first looked at Ugly Orange, then at Luo Fei and Culuo, his face was full of confidence.

It is expected that the other party will let them go.

But the old mercenary next to him said angrily: "Ahem, idiot, they will kill us."

"Yes." Luo Fei bared his white teeth, "Fox hunting, drag them all out, remember to bury them deeper."

"It's too wasteful, my pets are still hungry." The hunter who had changed his coat reminded him.

Fox Hunt nodded and agreed. No matter how these mercenaries beg for mercy, their destiny has been fixed.

Seeing girls and children coughing all the time, they would soon spread to other people in this narrow and closed place, Chou Luo walked over, touched their foreheads, and quickly cured their cold.

"This is for you." Luo Fei took the roasted wood **** from the fireplace and placed it in front of them.

They seem to be hungry, not too hot at all, so they just pick it up.

Midway, Luo Fei asked about the situation, such as whether there was a convoy passing from here, including a chariot.

Or whether there is a large base closest to here.

I soon learned that there was a camp made of wooden houses not far away, which was controlled by a Frostwolf mercenary group of more than 50 people.

Everyone finished the barbecue, so that the food brought by the proprietress was quickly consumed.

"Let's rest for a while, and when the snow gets smaller, we will set off."

Luo Fei leaned against the wall, draped in a thick animal skin, completely ignoring the screams coming from outside, and gently closed his eyes.