Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 1725: Arrived


Among the small temples of the Tyrant Clan, there were still some noisy temples. At this moment, it has completely quieted down. Everyone has begun to seize the time to adjust their state, and strive to descend the endless sea in a perfect state.

The same is true for Yun Xiao’s team. After experiencing the initial excitement, everyone quickly understood their situation. To put it bluntly, the opportunity was in front of them. As for whether they could catch it, it was up to them. Effort and luck.

"It seems that the distance between the Tyrant Clan and the endless sea is really not close. It has been teleported for so long and has not reached the destination. If this distance is slowly moved by myself, I am afraid it will take at least a few months. "

Among the crowd, Yun Xiao has always calculated the time after he entered the teleportation state. Soon after the last person entered the temple, he could feel that he should have entered the teleportation state. At this moment, he must at least be in the space. The channel has been transmitted for half an hour

Don’t underestimate this half-quarter of an hour. If you use flying, of course, half a quarter of an hour can’t fly far. It can be transmitted through a space channel, but it can reach thousands of miles in a flash.

In the original big sects of the Yanhuang Great World, those powerful sect masters could instantly support each other through the spatial passages of the big sects. In comparison between the two, it is easy to see the distance between the overlord and the endless sea.

"It should be almost the same, no matter how big the Dongping Continent is, it won't be as big as thousands of Yanhuang Great World, right"

Waiting is always anxious. Although he has repeatedly told himself to stay calm, as he embarks on the journey to the endless sea, he will still feel a trace of anxiety uncontrollably.

For him, the endless sea waste is absolutely a new field, and his understanding of the endless sea waste is limited to Taishinping's understanding of the endless sea waste.

In fact, even the Tysinping of the overlord doesn’t know much about the endless sea famine. The other party’s most intuitive impression of the endless sea famine is only dangerous.

"Hey, I don't know how Master and the others are now. I really hope that Master and his elders can be lucky and don't let anything happen."

Just now, he ran the blessing and misfortune technique again, and felt the situation of Xun Wanshan. Judging from the information passed to him by the blessing and misfortune technique, Xun Wanshan at this time did not seem to be very safe. I felt that Xun Wanshan seemed to be in danger, but it just didn't fall.

After arriving in the Great World of Holy Light, the blessing and curse technique should also be restricted by the rules of the world, and the effect is also not as good as before, but some simple perception, blessing and curse technique can still guide him.

What is certain is that Xun Wanshan may not be doing very well at this time. As for how bad it is, he will not know until he sees the other party.


"Swipe the brush"

At this moment, a spatial vibration suddenly came from all directions, and as the vibration rang, everyone in the entire temple space woke up from the breath adjustment, and everyone's face was eager to try. .

"Stopped, we stopped"

"Look, the door is open, are we reaching the endless sea of ​​waste?"

"It's also necessary to ask that I have smelled a breath of sea water, hahaha, brothers, this is our opportunity."


As the gates appeared around the temple, everyone in the temple could even smell the sea breeze blowing in from outside, and as the unique sea water breath of the endless sea flies inhaled into the nasal cavity, everyone felt their mind clear and thought It’s like entering a combat state in an instant

"It's finally here, Endless Sea, let me see what kind of place it is. Maybe this place can become my contender for hegemony in the Great World of Holy Light, but before that, I have to respect them. Find it back soon."

Seeing the beams of light coming in from the outside, Yun Xiao's eyes also lit up slightly, and the whole person was suddenly energetic.

Where on earth Xun Wanshan and others are, he will soon understand it if he wants to come. At this moment, he can’t wait to be the first to rush out of the temple, and then take all the masters of the overlord, let the overlord here take him, Hurry up and find Xun Wanshan and others.

Of course, this kind of thinking can only be thought about. Even if you want to put it into action, you have to investigate the outside situation first. After all, if you start to frighten the snake, then he is probably going to harm his master.

"Listen, everyone, the destination has arrived, now you can come out of the temple"

Not long after everyone woke up, familiar voices reverberated throughout the temple space. Upon hearing this sound, the people approaching the portal were all gearing up, and they flew away from the temple space.

"Hahaha, Brother Qi, let's start too, Brother Qi please"

"Boss Qi, it's all up to you"

In the central area, many members of the Demon Hunting Club also began to move outwards. Seeing this, everyone who followed Qi Changhai stood up, and then faced Qi Changhai Road.

"Everyone follow me and go"

Seeing everyone looking at him, Qi Changhai couldn't help taking a deep breath, and then he greeted everyone, while speaking, he couldn't help but glance at Yunxiao. After seeing Yunxiao nothing unusual, he was in this shape. For a flash, he rushed toward an exit first.

"Let's go"

When Qi Changhai started, the others didn't hesitate, and hurriedly followed one by one. While speaking, more than forty people flashed one after another, and soon came from the temple space to a wide open square.

Although there are more people coming from the overlord this time, everyone has their own team, so it doesn't appear to be too chaotic. Everyone occupying an area is actually organized, but it also explains the overlord from the side. The strong are well trained.

"Good fellow, endless sea famine, is this the endless sea famine? I finally saw it with my own eyes."

"It's so scary. How can I feel the smell of danger in the air? It seems that it is really dangerous here."

"I feel dangerous now. This is our base camp. After you leave this small island, you will understand what danger is."

"I suddenly regret that I came so early. It seems that I should come back after practicing to the good fortune realm."

After standing on the square of the island, everyone's complexion changed drastically. Some of them entered the endless sea for the first time. They had already turned blue at this time, but they felt regretful in their hearts.

"Endless sea famine, it seems not bad"

Among the crowd, Yun Xiao was like other people at this time, his eyes swept around one by one, subconsciously, his fists were involuntarily clenched.