Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 1752: Fight alone

The whole world became quiet in an instant. Under Yunxiao's full sword, the ancestor of the Tyrant Clan, Taixingxing, said goodbye to this world completely.

Speaking of it, Taixingxing shouldn’t have died so easily. It’s a pity that he was defeated by Yunxiao’s sudden shot from the very beginning, which led to a wrong step, and finally became a result of a lack of confidence. Under the sword of Yunxiao, the souls of the dead.

In fact, if Tai Hengxing can strengthen his confidence and be cautious, he still has the hope of escape. After all, Yunxiao in front of him is not Yunxiao's deity, and his combat power is definitely not comparable to the deity.

"This is dead"

Above the rock, Xun Wanshan, Shen Qiuming, and Zhao Wenyin all opened their mouths at this time, but they couldn't believe their eyes at all.

They didn't see clearly what Yunxiao had done. When they recovered, Taixingxing had already burst into blood mist in the sky, leaving no trace of breath.

"This is too exaggerated. When did Yun Xiao's strength become so terrifying?"

After looking at each other for a while, the three people present subconsciously swallowed and spit, and it took a long time to recover.

They have learned how strong the Thai star is before, but it is such a super strong who was killed so easily by Yunxiao. Seriously, even if they saw it with their own eyes, they still felt quite unreal. .


At this moment, two rays of light suddenly lit up not far from Yunxiao, and then, two old men in fluttering clothes appeared together in front of Yunxiao.

"The Son"

When the figure appeared, the two elders both bowed their hands to Yunxiao for the first time, waiting for Yunxiao's instructions.

"Take the three of them away, first find a safe place to hide"

Seeing the arrival of Li Zhenyi and Bai Xuanyi, Yun Xiao nodded, and then ordered the two of them. As he said, his gaze couldn't help but look into the distance. There, two Qiankun mirrors were strong. The person is in a big battle, even if they are so far away, they can still feel very clearly.

"Follow the son's order" received Yunxiao's instructions, but the two great emperor masters didn't say much. When they said that, their figures flashed, and they came directly to the front of Xun Wanshan and the three of Xun Wanshan, and their mighty spiritual power rippled out together. , Shrouded all three of Xun Wanshan.

"This this is"

The three of Xun Wanshan had not recovered from the shock at this time. The two old men who appeared suddenly made the three of them even more shocked, especially Shen Qiuming and Zhao Wenyin. When they saw Li Zhenyi and Bai Xuan Yi, especially when they saw their attitude towards Yunxiao, their eyes almost protruded.

Xun Wanshan didn’t recognize Li Zhenyi and Bai Xuanyi, but how could they not know it? They couldn’t imagine that these two super masters of the Yanhuang Great World would actually appear here, and they were so respectful to Yunxiao. , It's almost like two servants.

"Xiao'er, they are"

At this time, Xun Wanshan finally calmed down a bit, and hurriedly asked Yunxiao.

"Master, they are all my friends. You and the two sect masters will leave with them first, and I will be there later. Go."

Hearing Xun Wanshan's inquiry, Yun Xiao couldn't help but smile, and the voice fell, he waved his hand to the two great imperial masters, indicating that they could take the person away.


After receiving Yunxiao's instructions, Li Zhenyi and Bai Xuanyi no longer hesitate, and between their thoughts, the two started flashshifting, and together they disappeared in place with Xun Wanshan and the three.

"God bless me, finally let me find it"

When Li Zhenyi and Bai Xuanyi took Xun Wanshan and the three to leave, Yun Xiao couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, and the heart that had been hanging was finally put back in his stomach.

Since this period of time, he has been worrying about the safety of Xun Wanshan all the time, and now he has finally found the person back. The joy from the heart is simply incomprehensible to other people.


At this moment, the sound of breaking through the air suddenly came from a distance. Before the sound fell, the two old men in golden armor suddenly swept from a distance, and they were in front of Yunxiao in the blink of an eye.

"Well, there are two more here. It seems that today is really going to be a big killing."

Seeing the arrival of the two golden armored elders, Yun Xiao didn't have any fear, but looked at the two with such a smile, until the two stopped not far away.

"Who is below?"

While they were speaking, the two golden armored elders had already stopped above Yunxiao, one of them looked around, and then shouted at Yunxiao.

"Hehe, you don't need to know who I am. You only need to know that I am your enemy. Also, that Thai star has been killed by me. Are you two here to avenge him?"

Hearing the two people in the sky yelling at him, Yun Xiao's figure couldn't help stepping forward, and at the same time he smiled nonchalantly.

"What did you kill Xingxing brother"

After Yun Xiao's answer, the expressions of the two golden-armored old men changed wildly, and everyone's eyes were filled with shock.

They just got Tai Yuchu's instructions to come here to support Taixingxing, but they didn't expect that after such a short time, Taixingxing had been killed by someone.

"Asshole, you dare to kill my overlord, today, we are going to make you pay the price to kill"

For the sake of this, the two golden armored elders naturally didn't need to ask anything. Almost at the same time, the two elders shot together and slammed toward the clouds.

"Hmph, if you want to kill me, it depends on whether you have that strength, Streaming Slash"

When he saw the two talking, Yun Xiao couldn't help but snorted coldly. Then, he raised his hand and took out a divine sword, and directly greeted the two of them.

Although only a clone, in the past few days, he has never stopped improving himself. Although his cultivation still has not reached the level of the deity, but in these days, he has been refined through the magic of the gods. There are four or five spirit beasts, and the strength of one body has already surpassed the ordinary martial artist of the cave sky, even if it is one enemy two, he will not be afraid of the other party.

Of course, these two golden armored elders are not like the previous Thai stars. He wants to kill these two in an instant, and I am afraid it is not an easy task.

"Boom boom boom"

In an instant, the three of them had already fought into a group. The two powerful men cooperated very tacitly, but Yunxiao relied on the existence of spiritual power to perceive the first opportunity, and both sides had their own advantages. For a while, it seemed that no one Why can't it be each other.