Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 1763: The Cave of Heaven

Since the cultivation, the number of people killed by the three of Tai Qingtian is really uncountable, but looking at their murder experience, there is no such strange thing as this time.

Logically speaking, when a person is about to be killed, he will definitely try to resist or avoid it. Even if he does not resist, he will not avoid it, but at least he has to react.

But when Yun Xiaoshi was bombarded and killed by them, not only did he not resist and evade, but he didn't even react at all. It felt like waiting for them to kill.

Undoubtedly, this is definitely not what a normal person should have, and in connection with the various things Yun Xiao showed before, and the warnings and instructions of Emperor Tai Qing when he was in the clan, the expressions of the three of them were not very good.

"Brother Qingtian, what shall we do next is to return to the Hui clan directly, or stay and observe for a while"

After a brief suspicion, Tai Qing? who was on the side pondered slightly, and then asked Tai Qingtian in a low voice.

Although the three of them are acting together, the leader is Tai Qingtian. So, whether to stay or go next, Tai Qingtian will have to come up with this idea in the end.

To put it bluntly, if something went wrong in this mission, it was also Tai Qingtian's negligence, and the responsibility of the two of them would be relatively small.

"It's better to stay and observe for a while. I always feel that things are a bit weird. For the sake of safety, we will stay here for a while, so as to make sure nothing goes wrong."

After listening to Tai Qing?'s question, Tai Qingtian couldn't help thinking about it seriously, and then he replied cautiously.

They don't need to rush back to the overlord. After all, the three of them are acting together now, even if they look at the entire Dongping Continent, or even the entire Shengguang Great World, there are not many people who can pose a threat to the three of them.

Moreover, Yunxiao's death was a bit too weird, no matter what, they should stay for a while, until it is confirmed that Yunxiao is dead, it is not too late to return to the Tyrant Clan.

With this in mind, the three powerful mirrors looked at each other, and then they spread out quietly, and carefully surveyed the surrounding waters.

At the same time, in the void thousands of miles away, a multicolored light and shadow are constantly flickering. If there is a super master at this time, you will find that this multicolored light and shadow is nothing but one. Tuan's pure soul power, and still leave a trace of consciousness soul power

The flashing speed of this group of spirit power is extremely fast, except for the strong master, even the supreme figure of the Universe Mirror, I am afraid it may not be able to find its existence.

I don’t know how long it took, this group of colorful light finally came to a misty area, and then went into the foggy sea without hesitation. An underground passage in the secret room burst in.

Passing through the underground passage, the colorful light finally entered an underground dark room, and as soon as it entered the dark room, the colorful light rushed towards a young man in the secret room and directly blended into the young man's forehead. , Completely disappeared.


Almost the second after this group of colorful light entered the young man's forehead, an indescribable breath of shock suddenly rippled around the young man's body.

This breath is like a wild beast that has been sleeping for a long time awakening. As this breath rippled away, the whole underground dark room began to tremble slightly. At the same time, the red air currents scattered around the dark room. , As if attracted by some kind of attraction, frantically gathered towards the young man's body.


The initial slight vibration slowly turned into a violent tremor. I don’t know when, the young man’s body was already floating automatically. At the same time, the huge spiritual vein that sat down on him was also attracted by horror. The energy of the spiritual veins is conveyed to the young man, filling his empty body.

"That's it, the power of the law, it turns out that this is the essence of the power of the law, this step, I can finally step out, the realm of the sky, it won't happen at this time, when will you wait?"

His eyes opened suddenly. At this moment, Yunxiao's eyes were full of terrifying flames, but these two flames were not real flames, but the power of the law of fire he had just realized.

After four days of cultivating, he has already had such a sense of the law of fire, but he has not been able to take this crucial step.

However, not long ago, the second clone used his body to personally experience the attack of the three powerful mirrors, and brought back all the feelings and understandings when he was attacked, and integrated into his soul. among.

With the addition of these experiences, his understanding of the power of the law instantly rises. If he has not been able to understand the law of fire at this time, then he is not worthy to be the master of the Suzaku method.


A hurricane began to blow in the entire underground darkroom, moving from the realm of good fortune into the realm of the cave sky. For Yunxiao, it is tantamount to gaining a new life. As for the changes between the two, I am afraid that no one can imagine.

Yun Xiao was very calm at this time. To this day, he is no longer the ignorant young man. He has experienced time and time again and has made him extremely mature.

He has always believed that he can definitely advance to the Heavenly Cave Realm, but that day comes a little earlier than he predicted.

The law of fire has been fully understood, and the next time is nothing more than transforming one's true vitality energy into the power of the law, and devouring more energy from the outside world, filling all the empty 109 dantians, just wait His one hundred and nine big dantians are all full of the power of the law, so even if he meets many powerful cosmic mirrors, he will not be afraid of it.

The secret room he is in is bordered by the underground spirit channel, and the entire underground spirit channel is indescribable in scale. Therefore, he can happily swallow the law of energy transformation here without the slightest anxiety.

Right now Xun Wanshan, Shen Qiuming and others were taken to a safe place by Li Zhenyi and Bai Xuanyi, and Tai Yuchu was killed by the second clone. Although the second clone fell because of this, it was fundamental to him. Just nothing

In the next time, he only needs to wait for his one hundred and nine big dantians to be fully saturated, and then he can walk out of this underground dark room and calculate a total ledger with the overlord.