Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 178: Snowman in ambush

Luo Fei was worried about what Wu Meng had just said, no one knew whether her ability would affect his subjectivity, and then let him become the other's servant.

This is probably not even clear to her, and the effect of the ability sometimes exceeds personal expectations.

She is destined to be lonely in the future, and it is estimated that they will be similar when they are strong.

Leather camp.

Because Mi Lan's death made Gru's people take it seriously, which meant that their fun was gone.

Those patrols have long since become a mess of loose sand. They all know that there is an abnormality in the farm, but no one wants to come and deal with it. Maybe they will become the next squad to be destroyed.

A snowmobile came from a distance and stopped at this camp full of leather and animal smell.

Before getting closer, the two people on the motorcycle covered their noses with gloves.

"That guy actually died, it's really time."

"Yeah, are we going to take him into the villa for performances?"

The two got out of the car one after another, talking and laughing, preparing to enter the camp.

A bang of gunshot suddenly sounded.

Bullets splashed at their feet.

The first reaction of those who realized it was bad was to jump on the motorcycle and turn the key to start it.

The two were already seated, but their keys could not be twisted.

"Why don't you drive? Drive quickly." The man sitting behind shouted.

"The key is frozen." The person in front was also very anxious.

"It still doesn't work, run quickly." After several attempts, the driver has not started the motorcycle.

"Damn it, what are you waiting for?" The two jumped off their motorcycles again, about to continue running away.

But two swords suddenly appeared on the necks of the two of them, which made them both startled at the same time and had to raise their hands at the same time.

"Tie them up and take them to the minister. We need a little bit of information from them."

The sound came from behind them, and then their hands were pulled behind them, and ropes made of animal tendons were tied to their wrists.

"Hey, do you know who we are? If you offend us, you will definitely regret it in the future. Let us go quickly."

Two black eye bands were tied to their eyes, but this still did not change their chatter, simply, two hand knives fell on their necks, causing them to shut their mouths completely.

Only Luo Fei and three mercenaries came this time. They dragged the two to the car and took them away directly.

When they left a distance, a leather division emerged from the leather camp.

He saw everything in his eyes just now, and he immediately dialed a number with a black watch, frightened.

There was a sturdy man with black hair and dark eyes, and dark circles under the eyes. He was wearing a camouflage uniform and there was a rocket launcher behind him.

He looked at the little head nervously, "Master Luo, the person you sent was taken away by the patrol."

"What? Patrol team? Did they eat the courage of the bear-hearted leopard? How many people?" An angry roar came from inside.

The leather division hurriedly reported: "There are four people, no, one of them is a patrol member, the other three are mercenaries, I guess they were hired."

"They are just looking for death, depending on how you and I clean them up."

"Then my bonus..." Before the leather master finished speaking, the other party hung up the communication.

In front of the farm villa, behind the snow **** a thousand meters away, a tent camp stands up from the ground.

In one of the humble tents, two villa soldiers lying on the ground were awakened by a basin of cold water.

"Yawn...I'm freezing to death, let us go quickly, we are Master Ge Lu's people."

"If you kidnapped us, we will definitely die. Quickly put us back and apologize to Master Ge Lu, otherwise you will look good."

They threatened as soon as they were sober, and as their eye bands were untied, they saw Wu Meng in front of them.

Somehow, when they saw her, they not only stopped their chattering, but they also showed an admiring brilliance in their eyes.

"I ask you to answer." Wu Meng said with a smile.

"Okay, okay." The two kept nodding their heads like a chicken pecking at rice.

Outside the tent, Luo Fei couldn't help staying away a little while listening to the narration of pouring beans inside.

At this time, a snowmobile appeared in front of him, with two brothers sitting on it.

Wang Ying said: "I saw a team of people coming out of the villa. Among them was a mecha. It is estimated that it will create obstacles to our attack on the villa. We'd better clear it out first."

"I agree, and we need a rocket launcher. This will make our battle easier." Luo Fei just finished speaking and saw Wang Xiong point his finger in the car.

Luo Fei looked at it, and inside it was a mad bee i-shaped rocket launcher.

They left with only ten motorcycles, each with two people on board, a total of 23 people set off.

But their goal is more than 50 people, more than them, but they are far from each other in terms of combat power.

Luo Fei and others first came to a snow slope. The **** was 30 meters high and looked like a steamed bun. The **** was above 60 degrees, and it came up very slowly.

It was four o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun was still in the sky, but the light was less than half of noon.

Luo Fei picked up the binoculars and looked into the distance. A small team on the snowy ground in the distance went from far to near. If there were no accidents, they would pass 200 meters in front of the snow **** and head towards the leather camp.

"It's time for us to take action." Wang Ying on the snowmobile lifted the tip of her nose with her thumb. "I guess they will be half scared away. At that time, Luo Fei, you must take down the mecha chariot. "

Through the binoculars, Luo Fei could see the mecha combat vehicle. It was about three meters high. The ground was tracked and not too wide. The upper body was similar to a human-shaped body, with a machine gun on each hand.

"It's like a combination of mecha and chariot..." Luo Fei muttered, and casually agreed, "I think its steering is not very flexible at high speeds. I guess it can't run a snowmobile. It should be no problem."

The "Thousand Eyes and Wind" brothers have set up a heavy sniper gun, which is a self-modified ultra-long-range weapon.

Only they can use it, and if Luo Fei were to use it, the bullet would have long since drifted to.

After all, the range of the bullet was beyond what he could adjust.

"Wait a minute... look over there..." Luo Fei moved the telescope and pointed at a moving snowfield not far away.

"That's it?" Wang Ying looked towards Luo Fei's direction, her huge eyes seemed to be superimposed on countless lenses.

"It's a snowman army, there are at least 200."

"Looking at their moving range, we should meet them about two hundred meters in front of us."

Wang Ying asked, "Well, if we can't beat them yet, let's let them meet the snowman."

"Those snowmen's equipment is okay, but they are definitely not their opponents."

Luo Fei analyzed for a moment and looked at the weapons on those snowmen, including submachine guns, modified guns, spears and boning knives.

"Let's wait and see, maybe they can hurt both sides."

"That's not necessarily true, maybe they will run away." Wang Xiong pricked his ears and put his right finger on his lips. "Everyone, be quiet, let me listen."

In the driving convoy, the farm soldiers did not find the snowmen, not because they were too far away, but because the fur on their bodies and the snow were fused together.

If it weren't for Luo Fei and the others to be condescending, it would not be easy to find their existence.

But as the distance approached, the snowmen spotted them first, and they crawled on the ground, motionless.

This is their usual trick, hiding and ambushing.

The farm team did not slow down, so they rushed into the snowman's ambush.

They suddenly jumped out of the snow and swept the entire team with their guns.

I have to say that their marksmanship is really bad. The bullets that swept a shuttle hit the snow and in the car, and only one shot was lucky to hit one person in the thigh.

"Enemy attack, snowman..."

The soldier in front yelled, and at the same time stopped the snowmobile and fought back.

These farm warriors are well equipped, with porcupine leather armor with burrs all over their bodies, and the weapons in their hands are all Uzi submachine guns.

When they fought back, there was a violent storm.

Snowflakes appeared on the snowmen, but their skin was thick and thick, and the bullets of the submachine guns were mostly embedded in the skin in their hair, and they couldn't kill them in a short time.

Some with melee weapons rushed up directly, compared to shooting with long-range weapons, their melee combat was much stronger.

In particular, there are two elite snowmen among them. They are tall and quick to move. They are even more deadly when holding a long chainsaw.

The point is that they also use chainsaws.

"It's really smart..." Luo Fei murmured on the snow slope.

The two elite snowmen jumped into the human team facing the bullets, and the chainsaw in their hands quickly slashed through the human bodies.

The porcupine skin armor and their bodies were easily torn apart, and even the snowmobiles were chopped into pieces.

The two elite snowmen were like no one, and those farm soldiers were slaughtered.

"They are going to withdraw..."

On the snowy ground, Wang Xiong turned his ears to a surprise.

"How is it possible? They still have not shown most of their combat power." Wang Ying said incredulously.

Luo Fei observed for a while and quickly understood, "The two elite snowmen are very powerful. If they don't retreat, they might be wiped out."

In the team below, the mecha chariot opened fire wantonly, and didn't care if it would hit its own body. In fact, it had penetrated the bodies of several farm soldiers and scared everyone around them to escape.

"Why get out of my gun."

I didn't think it was my fault. The sly Luo in the cockpit also warned the farm men that the noses of the farm soldiers who listened to were crooked.

The target of the mecha is the two elite snowmen.

But the elite snowman looked at the power of the machine gun, and then glanced at the wound of the farm soldier. Either the belly was beaten, or the arm was broken.

Realizing the danger in front of them, seeing the muzzle of the machine gun aiming at them, they quickly ran towards them in an S-shaped appearance from anthropology.

They sometimes jump and hide behind the snowmobile, sometimes sprint short distances, and their agile bodies make them often pass by the bullets of the cannon.

"Retreat, retreat..." Seeing that he didn't hit a few times, but killed many people on his side, Gui Luo couldn't calm down anymore, quickly retreated, and immediately left the team.