Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 183: Walk into the lobby

The disadvantage is that power consumption is too fast in this cold area, and it is very troublesome to supplement.

He took some Uzi submachine gun ammunition handed by the mercenary and hung on his body, and took the damaged wind sniper rifle to start repairing.

The bent surface is automatically straightened and gradually becomes smoother.

Wow, there was the sound of the curtain being opened behind him.

Wu Meng dressed in white clothes slowly walked behind Luo Fei, looked at his busy figure, paused, and said with a small smile:

"I am for the future of our group. We have only one chance to succeed. If we fail, we will have nothing, so I must be cautious."

Luo Fei turned his head slightly and looked at her questioningly, "Huh? I know, so I didn't mean to blame you, but now it is indeed time for us to race against time. After winning the farm, I can not only deal with the leader Yingyuan , You also have a resting place."

"Thank you for your understanding." Wu Meng leaned slightly and turned to organize the mercenaries.

Turning his gaze on the sniper rifle in front of him, Luo Fei chuckled and opened his mouth silently:

"Loose organizations are always loose, and they can't rely on each other at all. It seems that you cannot rely on them wholeheartedly..."

A simple cooperation, but the other party is lingering. Although the ending did not go any worse, its actions made people even more chilling.

Before long, 50 snowmobiles drove to the farm villa.

In the middle of the journey, Luo Fei went to the place where he was ambush for the first time and moved the mecha chariot over.

Luo Fei unloaded the cannon, then used a lot of abilities to repair it, and installed it on the snowmobile.

When we came to the still-lit villa, about 500 meters away, everyone got off the snowmobile, checked the ammunition and equipment, and was ready to rush into it at any time.

At the end of the team, the two brothers of "Thousand Eyes and Wind" opened their eyes and listened carefully with the other high ears.

"Huh? Can't see anyone, Wang Xiong, have you heard anything?"

Wang Ying blinked to relieve eye fatigue.

The expression was also a little confused, Wang Xiong replied unsurely:

"I only heard two children, two young women, and a man sleeping."

"Well, that's all." After listening for a while, Wang Xiong nodded vigorously, then said in doubt:

"The fleeing farm soldiers are not inside."

Doubts and worries appeared on everyone's faces, and Wu Meng even showed fear on the surface.

"They must be ambushing us. As long as we go in, those people will appear from all sides."

Finally Wu Meng ordered the mercenaries, "Withdraw, this is an ambush."

Luo Fei, who was still wondering, let out a sigh of relief, surprised at Wu Meng's judgment.

"Wait a minute, we still don't know anything about it, so we don't need to evacuate so quickly."

Turning his head to face Wang Xiong, Luo Fei spoke extremely fast:

"How far can you hear?"

"1500 meters." Wang Xiong gave Luo Fei a slightly conservative answer.

Luo Fei nodded and continued: "Are there large-scale troops around?"

"No, I'm sure." Wang Xiong nodded vigorously.

"Since there is no, we will attack now. Even if there is an ambush, it will take a lot of time for those people to come and support from 1,500 meters away."

Luo Fei packed up his weapons and prepared to attack, and immediately ordered the surroundings, "Follow me, there are not many people on the other side, and they will take it in the blink of an eye."

When Luo Fei passed through the crowd and walked in front of the mercenary soldier, there were sparse footsteps behind him.

Luo Fei was taken aback for a moment, then turned around, a little bit dumbfounded, only ten people were behind him, and the others were still standing motionless.

Through the crowd, Luo Fei saw Wu Meng's twitchy expression, "If you don't give you 10 more, it really can't be more. This is my last possession."


Raising the weapon, Luo Fei twitched some corners of his mouth, turned and walked towards the villa.

Only 20 mercenaries followed behind him.

"Listen, there is a snow chariot called Frozen. It can fire frozen cannons. It is very powerful. Be careful not to get hit."

Before entering the villa, Luo Fei reminded him a little, and then walked into the villa hall one after another.

The decoration in the hall has been basically completed, but it is empty and deserted.

The floor was covered with expensive carpets, and at the end of the carpet was a large seat on which was sitting a sleeping extremely fat man.

Next to the man, two girls in white wedding dresses were shaking the banana fan to cool the man.

Next to the girl, there were two children who stole the fruit plate and stuffed two small mouths.

Luo Fei, who stepped into the hall, recognized them at a glance. They were the few people who had been taken away by the fox hunt.

I didn't remember that the two girls were the protagonists at the wedding tonight.

The two children also saw Luo Fei and others, and immediately pointed at them and shouted excitedly:

"They're back, they're back, and the wedding can go on."

They didn't realize that the people who came were not the same, they just thought someone would come to help them carry on the wedding.

At this moment, the two girls turned their heads and looked closely, and suddenly saw the patrol team members wearing brilliant armors, and they were so frightened that Huarong was pale.

At the same time, the man in the seat stopped snoring, chirped, and regained consciousness.

"Back? Let's start the wedding."

It was already clear that the Frozen Title was here, Luo Fei turned his head and ordered several mercenaries behind him:

"You guys go find the ice title."

As long as the Frozen Seal is in hand, they will be invincible here now.

Ten mercenaries ran to one side of the hall, and all the others raised their guns and pointed them at the person in front of them.

Until then, Ge Lu was slightly awake, and his slender eyes could finally see the figure of the intruder.

"Patrol?" Ge Lu sat up slightly, changed a comfortable position and lay down again.

"What's your name? It's amazing. You wiped out so many people with just so many people. You deserve to let me know your name."

While observing whether there was an ambush around him, he strode forward, and Luo Fei didn't stop until ten meters away from the throne.

Without answering him, he said in confirmation, "You are Ge Lu? The owner of this farm?"

"Yes, it's me." Ge Lu, who had just woke up, didn't care about his surroundings.

Instead, he persuaded him to lower him, "You are very talented, come and be my subordinate, as long as you follow me, I will protect you forever."

Luo Fei looked at him slightly amused, "I think you haven't figured out the situation. You can't protect yourself now, and you can still protect my prosperity and wealth?"

"Haha...I think you haven't figured out the situation." Ge Lu sat up straight, but the fat on his body didn't tremble.

Such a scene made Luo Fei's face a little dignified, which showed that Ge Lu in front of him was not a waste who only knew how to eat and drink.

Neither party has any plans to do anything yet, and Ge Lu still leisurely continues to win Luo Fei.

"What benefits can you have if you become a patrol member? You will only spend 3,000 coins a month, plus you get a little from the camp, that will kill 10,000 coins, and you have to turn in half to your boss."

"And if you are working under my hands, I promise you 100,000 waste coins a month, and no one has been telling you about you, how about it? It's a good deal."

"Even your subordinates, I am willing to waste 20,000 coins per person, after all, elites like it."

Luo Fei shook his head again, "Working under your hands? I might as well occupy here alone. In that case, wouldn't I get more money every month."

Ge Lu seemed to have expected Luo Fei's answer, he laughed and said:

"You are really naive, this is the property of the vulture army, if you take it as your own, then you will not survive the next day at all."

"Do you know why the snow patrol here has no one daring to come for revenge after the entire army is annihilated? Do you know why I have been here but no one dared to attack me?"

He stretched out his right index finger covered with gems and shook it left and right. "Because everyone knows that this is the property of the vulture army. If you attack here, the vulture army will immediately come to the door and target your friends, your family, and The power you are in."

"The only way you can survive now is to be my subordinate, otherwise your final ending will be the meat in the mouth of the porcupine on the farm."

It turns out that there is still this kind of secret...

But Luo Fei was still unmoved. After all, he had already confronted the Vulture Army, and it was impossible to reconcile with them in the way they behaved.

"You leave, wait for me to settle Ge Lu, and then I will settle the account with you."

Luo Fei, who had lost his patience, raised his gun and pointed at the two girls, but they changed their previous timidity, and the two of them opened their arms unexpectedly to stop Ge Lu.

One of the girls looked resolute, "You can't kill him, he is already our husband. If you kill one of him, you will kill four of our sisters."

The other girl looked at Luo Fei pitifully, "I recognize your voice. Your name is Luo Fei. You saved us. You are a good person. Please help us again. Will you leave here?"

"We will soon become the mistress of this villa, and we will always stay away from the days of starvation. Do you have the heart to ruin everything we have been working on?"

Although the latter said with a strong voice, Luo Fei has not wavered. He once helped them just because he did it easily, leaving a kind of fire for the residents of the basin.

But if the other party doesn't know what's good or bad, Luo Fei doesn't mind getting rid of it, as long as it doesn't interfere with him.

"It's not just you who have difficulties, others have them too, and so do I."

No longer giving them a chance to explain, Luo Fei asked, "Tell me, how did Fox Hunt die?"

The first girl stubbornly looked at Luo Fei and sternly said to the girl beside her: "Don't tell him, he is a bad guy."


The gunfire suddenly sounded, and the two girls squatted on the ground and screamed. A strand of hair fell from the top of the first girl's head to the ground, and the bullet flew over her head and cut off a strand of hair.

Seeing Luo Fei moved the muzzle to her body, the second girl explained with a very fast speech:

"At that time, a wolf was chasing us, and we fought back while running away. Later, an ice mosquito appeared. After he killed the wolf, the ice mosquito fell out of the car.

We were afraid that he would be killed by ice mosquitoes, and then we would be killed by ice mosquitoes. We had to manipulate the weapons to chase the ice mosquitoes, but we did not think of freezing him and the ice mosquitoes together. "