Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 1872: Departure apocalypse

Seeing the excitement on Li Zihan's face, there was no hesitation. Yun Xiao's heart trembled a little, but he didn't expect the other party to be so determined.

Speaking of it, Yiqi Continent is the home of the other party. Here are her parents and relatives, as well as her family. Logically speaking, these ties together, the weight should be much heavier than him.

But even in this contrast, the other party still insisted on leaving with him in one bite. It can be seen that the other party is afraid that he has really identified himself. Perhaps, his weight in the other party's heart is no weaker than anyone else. Bar!

People's hearts are always fleshy. Li Zihan can put him at this height. If he is not touched, it is absolutely false. At this moment, the weight of Miss Li's heart in his heart has increased by a point invisibly. .

"Yunxiao, where are you going? I have never left the Holy Light World, and I don't know what the outside world is like."

Li Zihan didn't know that her performance at this time was recognized by Yunxiao. At this moment, her mind was all put on the next itinerary. For her, being able to follow Yunxiao to adventure in other worlds is simply happiness. However, as for where to go, it doesn't make much difference.

"Hehe, the world I'm going to, you will definitely like it by then, don't talk about this first, since you have decided to leave with me, before that, do you want to go back to Li's house?"

Since Li Zihan is determined to follow him, he will naturally not refuse, and now he is not in a hurry, but he can give the other party a chance to go home and say goodbye.

"No, I will send a message to my father and tell him that I just go out and travel. If I let him know that I am leaving the world of Shengguang, I don't know if he will agree!"

After blinking, Li Zihan simply shook her head and refused, because she firmly believed that with the clouds, she would be safe and sound, and after traveling to other great worlds, she might be back soon.

Besides, what if he meets his father and the other party doesn't let her leave with Yun Xiao? She didn't want to put herself in a dilemma.

"That's right, since you don't want to go back, then don't do it for the time being. By the way, I have warned the Sui family that they will not anger the Li family because of the previous incident, and will give Li Jiaxing more convenience. , Speaking of it, you don’t have to worry about your family."

Half a month ago, he had already contacted the Sui family’s senior management through Sui’s parents, Sun Suiqing. First, he told the other party that he didn’t need to look for the overlord. Secondly, he warned the other party severely, if the other party dared to find it. If the Li family retaliated, he would kill all the young disciples of the Sui family, and would kill the Sui family again, making the Sui family restless.

Originally, the strong people of the Sui family were still a little dissatisfied, but after he told the other party that he was standing behind the entire Shenque Palace, and he also pushed Lao Li to the front desk, the other party suddenly softened.

Although the Sui family is extremely tyrannical, it is still a bigger ant compared to the Shenque Palace. If you dare to offend the Shenque Palace, the Sui Family will most likely become the dust of history.

"There is such a thing?!"

Hearing Yun Xiao's words, Li Zihan's eyes were bright, and he couldn't believe his ears.

However, she would not doubt Yun Xiao's words. After all, since Yun Xiao was able to rescue her from Sui's house, this had explained a big problem, and she also believed that Yun Xiao would never deceive her.

"Well, since you don't plan to go back to Li's house, let's go now!"

Yun Xiao didn't say anything anymore. Between his thoughts, his mental power was to wrap Li Zihan, and at the same time his figure flashed, and disappeared in place with the other party. The next moment, a small temple has appeared. In the air, it was the first main shrine of the Overlord that he got this time!

Now, he has four large temples on his body, but because the spirit of the temple is sleeping, the barbarian temple can't be moved at will for the time being.

However, each of the three main temples of the Tyrant Clan is intact, but they can all be urged on their way.


The temple appeared, and the next moment, the whole temple suddenly turned into a stream of light, and it flew away in the blink of an eye, disappearing to the end of the horizon in an instant.

The temple of the overlord is not comparable to the temple of the barbarian. This overlord temple has never been destroyed. Moreover, after the spirit of the temple has been blessed by the Suzaku in the sky, its power is unprecedentedly powerful, as long as it provides enough energy. , There is no problem flying across several big worlds in one breath.

"Qing Jinghu, the next rush is left to you, our destination, the Apocalypse Great World, don't begrudge the spiritual pulse, give me full speed and strive to reach the destination as soon as possible."

Back inside the temple, Yun Xiao first settled in Li Zihan, then came to the control room of the temple, and commanded the spirit of the temple.

His destination this time is a huge world called the Great World of Apocalypse. According to the words of Lao Li and the veteran, the Great World of Apocalypse is a super world, and even the Great World of Light cannot be compared with it. , It is said that in the Great World of Apocalypse, the Qiankun Mirror powerhouse cannot be regarded as the top combat power at all, and only the Infinite Realm powerhouse can be called the super powerhouse.

Even there is the existence of the legendary realm there, as well as the realm of gods that transcend the mundane. Undoubtedly, there is the best place for him to go further.

Of course, the reason for choosing the Great World of Apocalypse was not entirely because it was wider, but because he had predicted it through blessing and misfortune before.

Judging from the feedback given to him by the blessing and misfortune technique, the great world of apocalypse seems to be slightly different, or that he may gain more when he goes to the great world of apocalypse.

Today, his blessing and misfortune technique has become more and more sophisticated, since the blessing and misfortune technique believes that he should go to the great world of the apocalypse, then he will naturally not do the opposite.

"Suzaku-sama is resting, but when he arrives in the Apocalypse World, his subordinates will notify you as soon as possible."

Hearing Yunxiao’s instructions, Qingjinghu replied immediately. While talking, it burned a small spiritual vein directly, all of which was used as fuel to spur the temple, causing the temple to escape into the different-dimensional space at once. Go to the apocalyptic world.

It didn't dare to burn spirit veins easily, but since Yunxiao had the order, he certainly didn't need to hesitate anymore. In fact, even Tai Yuhuan, the patriarch of the overlord clan before, would definitely be reluctant to use spirit veins in this way.

"The Great World of Apocalypse, I don't know how exciting this trip will end up waiting for me!!!"

Feeling that the temple had entered a different-dimensional space, Yun Xiao couldn't help showing a look of expectation on his face. After a flash of figure, he returned to his cultivation chamber and began to practice quietly.