Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 192: Elephant Ba

There is no plan to fight them hard, Luo Fei knows how hard their bodies are.

Immediately jumped from the steel-boned frost wolf and jumped to the side of the treetop.

The abandoned steel-boned Frostwolf was not so lucky, surrounded by many biochemical warriors, and pierced its bone armor fiercely with a dagger like a peg.

The Frostwolf Wolf howled in pain, its eyes turned red, and immediately opened its big mouth to bite a transformed observer.

The sharp mouth snapped hard and then threw it out. A soldier in white flew out, and he also lost his shoulder-length arm.

Luo Fei, who was staying on the treetop, did not see this scene. He had jumped onto another treetop from where he was before, and rushed to the distance.

When the observers cut off the limbs and head of the Frostwolf Wolf, Luo Fei was no longer there.

The surrounding vulture fighters all chased Luo Fei, but the bullets flying from the woods caused them to fall to the ground frequently.

"Chasing." The 12 observers jumped onto the treetops and chased Luo Fei quickly.

Jumping on the treetops, but Luo Fei's speed is no less than running on the road.

However, the observers behind are faster.

When Luo Fei leaped towards another tree, he felt a sudden shock behind his back.

Luo Fei looked back quickly, and a biochemical warrior was lying on the magnetic cover behind him. When he opened his big mouth, the mouth that was cracked to the base of his ears was full of sharp teeth and was about to bite.

Quickly swinging the sword, the red light flashed instantly, and a black blood light appeared in the opponent's big mouth.

Luo Fei stared at it, and the opponent's head was split up and down.

Um? Am I stronger, or are you weaker? ... Luo Fei thought slightly.

Although the strength has increased after such a long time, it is only a high level of being able to enter the beast level, and it is not very stable.

But these biochemical warriors were killed by one blow, which made Luo Fei very sure that the opponent's strength was not as good as the previous Ge Lu.

"This is good news." Luo Fei deviated from the original trajectory when he was hit by the biochemical warrior behind him, and fell directly from mid-air.

Roll a few laps in the snow, stand up quickly at the right angle, and continue to run forward.

At this time, Beng Xue and others appeared in the distance, as well as three scarred steel frost wolves.

The Ugly Orange who was retreating also found Luo Fei's figure and waved excitedly, "Hey, Luo Fei, here, come here."

Luo Fei adjusted the direction slightly, pursing his lips and ran towards them with all his strength.

Glancing forward while running, the guards around Bengxue and them were also scarred, and the number had been reduced to a dozen or so.

After a while, a monster running on all fours appeared behind Luo Fei, causing Bengxue who was turning his head to look over and roar:

"Damn it, don't lead them, lead them away."

It seemed that there was not much deterrence in words, Bengxue's eyes turned blue, and the ability was activated.

A giant blue shark formed quickly in the snow, its dorsal fin stretched out of the snow, and it floated out of the ground instantly, and its big mouth full of sharp teeth bit Luo Fei.

"Fuck... you have a black belly."

Luo Fei kicked his legs on the ground and quickly opened a magnetic cover.

The ferocious snow shark galloped on the snow, smashed all the trees on the road, and swallowed dozens of vulture fighters.

After all, the snow shark disappeared into the snow because of its energy, carrying the swallowed crowd.

But Luo Fei still didn't escape the swallowing of the snow sharks, and disappeared into the invisible snow underground.

Time came to the evening, ten meters under the ice and snow.

A narrow space of three cubic meters appeared here, and a faint light radiated from the flashlight, making it fairly bright.

There were three people sitting cross-legged, one was Luo Fei who was brought in by the snow shark, and the other two were Huming and Huhou.

"Cough." Luo Fei coughed slightly, breaking the tranquility here.

"You are so smart, you are going to be lazy here."

The boss Huming opened the white scarf on his mouth and took a sip of the drink he carried with him.

"Hey, everyone is for survival. Who wants to work hard? Besides, this is a battlefield. Death is really common."

Luo Fei leaned against the cold wall, but under the protection of the brilliant armor, the cold air could not penetrate at all.

"Aren't you afraid that Tongting Wuluan will punish you?"

"Ha ha……"

Luo Fei’s question drew a lot of laughs from the two of them, and his brother Huhou laughed and explained:

"Only the fewer people with supernatural powers, the more we will be valued by Wuluan. After all, only by surviving can we prove the practicality of our superpowers.

Unlike Huang Ling, Xue Wen, and Mi Yu, although the abilities work well, they won't last long on the real battlefield. "

"What is eliminated is rubbish. Only by living can we continue to grow."

Luo Fei nodded up and down, "The reality is cruel."

"Yes, very cruel." The two also nodded at the same time, agreeing.

Knowing that the brightness of the flashlight had diminished slightly, Tiger Roar burrowed out of the snow to check.

After coming back soon, he said relaxedly: "The battle is over, we can go out."

"Luo Fei, we are waiting for you up there, goodbye." Before leaving, Hu Ming smiled and waved to Luo Fei.

Under the dim light, the blue ice wall was filled with shallow freezing air.

Luo Fei shook his head slightly, "I still have to go's terrible. I just want to get a black watch. It's so troublesome."

"But it's about to succeed. You can't give up all your previous efforts. Seeing how happy Tiger Roar is, it should be the leader Yingyuan and the others who won."

Put your hands with metal gloves on the ice stone above your head and dig hard. The ice stone is like a hard rock. Even with Luo Fei's strong physique, it is very difficult, but it is nothing to him. , It’s just a little more time.

The snow blocks above the head were the size of bricks at first, and then slowly expanded.

First he rose by one meter, and then two meters, letting the falling ice and rocks fall below to become a ladder, and he climbed outside step by step.

Another hour passed, and the icy and snowy ground in the forest first had a small pit and then a big pit.

The starlight outside shined into the snow cave, and it seemed to Luo Fei like a world away.


Luo Fei just exposed a head from the snow, and a freezing gun appeared on top of his head.

Quickly observe the surrounding environment, one by one bonfires are lit in the snow forest, and there are also tents around the bonfire.

Obviously, I want to rest here for one night.

His eyes turned back to the soldier who pointed the gun at him again, the same was brilliant armor, and the crossed swords on it were exactly the same.

They also saw Luo Fei's attire, and quickly retracted the gun, pulling Luo Fei out.

An older patrol member took Luo Fei to sit by the bonfire, where some wood nodules were roasting.

He said enthusiastically: "Which team are you from? Why are you caught in the snow?"

Luo Fei took off his helmet and let out a sigh of relief, "I should still belong to the captain's guard, which team are you from? What is the result of the battle now?"

"Huh?" Knowing that Luo Fei belonged, the older patrol team became colder.

The wood tumor that was originally handed to Luo Fei was also taken back, "Then you have come to the wrong place. This is the station of the first team, and yours is in the middle of the team."

Follow the fingers of the older patrolman, and feel the other party's unceremonious expulsion.

Luo Fei calmly stood up from the wooden pier, thanked him, and walked towards the middle team.

On the road, most of them are snow patrols, but there are clear grid lines between each squad's station.

Soon I came to the center of the team. Compared to the outside, it was much more miserable here.

Wounded wounded with bandages can be seen everywhere, and if there is a low, painful cry permeating the entire camp, it is clear that the battle during the day has caused them heavy losses.

Luo Fei swept past them blankly and strode towards the camp.

There may be voluntary or forced, but the reality is like this. Without the ability to resist the patrol, they can only be instructed by them.

When he arrived at the largest tent in the camp, Luo Fei was stopped by the deputy head Wei La who walked out of it.

"Luo Fei, I thought you were dead, but I didn't expect you to be alive."

"Let's go, leader Ying Yuan is talking to all the team leaders, let's go to the side for a few drinks."

Luo Fei hadn't seen Ying Yuan or Ling Fei, and then Wei La was dragged to the side of the campfire.

But the food on the campfire was good, it was porcupine meat, which was very appetizing for Luo Fei.

The two sat opposite each other, and Weila handed Luo Fei almost the same porcupine roast on the campfire.

"Yes, the stock is running out. This is what I managed to save."

Seeing Luo Fei received the barbecue, he immediately sighed, "We suffered a heavy loss during the day. I heard that four of you died in the battle even after restarting, and the entire army was wiped out."

"Our regiment leader's guard team also suffered most of the casualties. It is estimated that 200 people are still alive, of which the injured still account for the majority.

He slowly shook his head and continued to feel sad:

"If it weren't for Master Xiangba's accidental appearance, our guards might have been wiped out."

At this moment, he gritted his teeth, took another piece of barbecue, took a bite, and chewed hard.

"If it weren't for those teams watching the show, how could we have fallen into this situation."

"Sooner or later, the head of Yingyuan will be able to obey them."

Luo Fei gradually clarified his thoughts while eating the barbecue while thinking about Vera's words.

Just as the guards were about to die, a man named Xiangba appeared to solve their plight.

"Who is Lord Xiangba?" Luo Fei interjected when Weila stopped complaining.

Weila looked at Luo Fei suspiciously, "Don't you know Lord Xiangba?"

Luo Fei tilted his head, "Do I need to know?"

Wei La, who was completely speechless to Luo Fei, waved his arm, and then strengthened his tone, "Are you from the Bing Moment Basin, Master Xiang Ba doesn't know, which ravine you have been in before."

"You don't need to make a fuss, I really am not from Bing Moment Basin."

Luo Fei explained.


Compared to Luo Fei's ignorance of Zhang Ba, Wei La was even more shocked at Luo Fei coming from outside the Bing Moment Basin.

"Then where did you come from, how did you come, how did you pass through the countless alien animal dens outside?..."

Facing a series of questions, Luo Fei casually dealt with a few words, and put the question before him again, "Who is Xiangba?"

Weila took a deep breath, and his expression immediately became sacred, "He is the hero of our Ice Moment City, and the pioneer who piloted the Mammoth is like a master."