Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 1942: test?

Although Pengyu Island is not well-known, anyone who knows here knows that Pengyu Island is by no means a good place. If you are not a master with a high level of cultivation and experience, it is best not to venture to Pengyu Island. .

At noon, all the water vapor on the island was baked by the scorching sun, making the visibility of the entire island never exceed two miles. In such an environment, as long as you are not paying attention, you may lose your way. What kind of danger, only those who have experienced it can know.

"This place is really interesting. I could see the sights a few miles away before, but now I can't even see the sights two miles away. I don't know where the team leader went now."

In the depths of the vast fog, Yunxiao's figure flew slowly in the mist, while flying by, his brows couldn't help but frowned slightly, but the strange feeling in his heart became clearer.

After arriving on Pengyu Island, he originally followed Yang Tieen to act together, but not long ago, Yang Tieen's speed suddenly accelerated, and he was finally lost in a daze.

"Hey, I don't know if this is a test for me, or Ruan Tianqiong can't wait to shoot me?"

After flying in the mist for a while, Yun Xiao couldn't help showing a sigh of sigh. He simply slowed down the speed, like a walk, and stopped looking for Yang Tieen's trace.

The current situation is basically two situations. The first is that this is the test of the Sky Team to the newcomer. As for what to test, he is not sure yet.

If it is not a test, then it can only be that Ruan Tianqiong wants to shoot him. Although Ruan Tianqiong has always been polite to him before, he knows in his heart that the other party is the brother of the three Ruan brothers after all, and he is still a member of the Ruan family. It doesn't seem to be impossible to deal with him.

"It doesn't matter, what's the matter with love. Anyway, I finally joined the Sky Team this time. I can't give up halfway in any case."

Cursing his lips, he didn't bother to guess wildly at this time, because he knew that no matter which possibility it was, he believed that he would soon have a conclusion.


At this moment, a loud roar suddenly resounded, and the roar sounded, and a huge anaconda sprang out from under the water with a bang, and in the blink of an eye, it had reached the bottom of the clouds, as if to give the clouds in one bite. Swallow.

"It's a little water snake, dare to attack me? Die to me!!!"

Seeing the giant anaconda biting towards him, Yun Xiao's mouth was slightly raised, and he shook his hand as he said, instantly took out a long sword, and slashed towards the anaconda.

"Swipe!!! Poof!!!"

A sword light flashed, and the giant anaconda had not had time to get close. Its huge head had already been separated from the body. The next moment, Yunxiao’s sword light stirred slightly, and it twisted the head of the giant anaconda. Shattered.


The corpse of the anaconda that had lost its head jumped up a certain distance by inertia, but in the end it fell back into the water with a bang, causing the clear water to be instantly dyed red.


Just as the body of the anaconda fell into the water, another roar rang out. Then, a total of five anacondas sprang out from the bottom of the water, enclosing the clouds in the middle, and spitting out all at once. The black venom, like a venom cage, firmly encircled Yunxiao in the middle.

"Come back? Drive me!!!"

Seeing the black venom enveloping herself, Yun Xiao was in danger, and when he raised his hand, he slashed out with a few more swords. He cut out a gap in the venom cage and quickly rushed out of the gap.

"A few little loaches, all die to me!!!"

From the venom cage, the long sword in Yunxiao's hand did not stop. He turned around and slashed with a few more swords. His sword technique was so wonderful, although he did not use the method of making a sword mark, it was not a place for a few beasts. Can cope with it.

"Puff puff puff puff!!!"

Accompanied by a few muffled noises, all the five giant pythons were hit by the sword light. They all turned into two pieces in an instant, and the corpses fell into the water one after another.

In an instant, all the pythons in the six-headed cave world died, but they didn't even touch a feather in Yunxiao.

"Hahaha, well, well, worthy of being a member of my Sky Team, this kind of swordsmanship is really amazing, Brother Yunxiao, it seems that there is no need to go further in your test!!"

Just when Yunxiao killed the six giant pythons, a long laugh suddenly spread, and then Yang Tieen's figure walked out from the depths of the mist faintly, and he had already come to Yunxiao while speaking.

"Team leader?!"

Seeing Yang Tien coming out from the depths of the mist, Yun Xiao's face couldn't help flashing a look of surprise, "Why, is it the Sky Team's test of me?"

"Hahaha, yes, that's it. Every member who joins the Sky Team needs to carry out some simple tests and tests. One is to prove his strength, and the other is to let his teammates know you better."

Nodding his head, Yang Tieen's face remained calm and explained lightly.

"That's it. So, if I didn't pass the test just now, I would be swallowed by these beasts?"

After listening to Yang Tieen's explanation, Yun Xiao's eyes flickered, as if unconsciously.

"That won't be true. If you really can't handle it, I will definitely help. I will never let you die here."

Waved his hand, Yang Tieen said as he walked slowly to Yun Xiao, "Now it seems that I am really thinking too much. With the swordsmanship of Brother Yunxiao, it must be my position as the team leader. I will soon be replaced by you!"

Yunxiao’s swordsmanship can simply be described as superb. If he talks about swordsmanship alone, he knows that he will never catch up with Yunxiao. As long as Yunxiao cultivates for a period of time, and then gains some appreciation from the above, then it is completely time to surpass him. problem.

"Group leader, don't praise me. By the way, what about the other brothers? They won't look at us in the dark too?"

His gaze swept around, Yun Xiao couldn't help flashing a strange color under his eyes, and then he continued to speak.

"Naturally not. They are all looking for the flood dragon around. This is not a fake... Hmm? Look, the flood dragon is there!!!"

While talking to Yun Xiao, Yang Tieen's face suddenly showed a hint of shock, and at the same time he pointed at Yun Xiao's back and shouted loudly.

"En? Behind me?!"

Hearing Yang Tieen's roar, Yun Xiao's face also flashed with shock, and he quickly turned around subconsciously and looked behind him.


However, as soon as he turned around, a sound of breaking wind suddenly penetrated into his ears. At the same time, a black long sword pierced his back in an instant and penetrated from his lower abdomen. .