Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 195: Outside Bingju City

"Just a little bit you won."

The wound in the throat area recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and disappeared quickly without leaving a scar.

Leaning on the tree trunk, Luo Fei coughed a few times, clutching his chest in pain, and the sunken footprints on it quickly calmed down.

Slightly biting the Yunwu pipe in his mouth, Luo Fei raised his hands, raised one hand flat, palm down, and one hand pointing from the bottom to the palm of his hand.

"Stop, if we fight again, one of us will die. It's either you or me. Is this fight meaningless?"

Luo Fei took two breaths, and the long sword turned into fragments flew from the air, merged and shaped, and retracted into the scabbard behind with two swish sounds.

"If you don't want to join, then don't join. We are good to talk."

The defense of the opponent was beyond Luo Fei's imagination. It wasn't just that he didn't want to stab in forcefully, but when he did so, he found that he couldn't move at all.

The opponent's muscle density has reached the point of steel plate, and it can't be pierced by Luo Fei's full blow.

The gap between the beast-level and the wild shark-level can be seen.

Not only is there a gap in the total number of abilities, but also the sublimation of the body and the depth of the ability to skillfully use abilities.

Seeing that Luo Fei didn't have a strong fighting spirit, Tongting Wuluan put the big sword on his shoulders at will, "Hehe, is this giving up?"

"I originally wanted to join, but if you only behave like this, your brothers will do just that."

Luo Fei took a deep breath and was slowly recovering his strength. At this moment, a female voice suddenly sounded from the side.

"What is the Brotherhood? Luo Fei, didn't you restart it?"

Hearing the sound, Luo Fei turned his head and looked at the head of Yingyuan watching the play lying on the treetop in surprise.

"When did you come, leader?"

Head Ying Yuan drew out his ears, "I've been here long ago, it was really a wonderful duel just now."

"I didn't expect Luo Fei that you would still be invisible. You didn't use it to peek at me taking a bath."

"..." Luo Fei's eyes twitched, "No, after all, you haven't taken a shower since we met, leader."

"Yes, I will let you know when I take a shower next time." Head Ying Yuan's eyes swept towards Luo Fei's mouth, the brass-colored pipe.

"If I guessed correctly, that pipe is a rare psionic weapon."

Head Ying Yuan stretched out her tongue and licked her lips, "How about giving it to me, I will let you be the deputy Then be the main commander, and I will be the deputy commander?"

Luo Fei twitched the corners of his mouth, and threw out a sentence to end the topic early, "I'm not interested in the position."

The black eyeballs turned slightly, swept around, and a figure came over.

With a short stature in a white hat, he was followed by wind punishment, Huming and Huhou three people behind him.

In the other direction, Bengxue and Shouyi came, and not far away was Chou Luo.

The distance between them was more than five meters, which made Luo Fei a little surprised.

Are these three collapsed?

"Tongting, do you need help? I'll kill him for you." Seeing this, the white hat walked over with a smile, and the hair on his body grew rapidly.

"Of course, if someone helps him, I will also get rid of it. After all, the following crimes can only be redeemed by death."

Intentionally or unconsciously, the white hat's eyes swept to the side of Beng Xue and others, expecting that they would take action, so that he had a reason to deal with them all.

Head Ying Yuan turned over, rotated 720 degrees in the air, and finally landed on the snow beautifully and neatly.

Everyone's sights were all attracted by her, and she saw the corner of her mouth curled up, and instantly pulled out the sword behind her, slashing.

The sword energy formed by the strong wind is vertical and horizontal, and the three-meter-high snowflakes splashed in front of the white hat and others, like a shallow waterfall.

But no one underestimated it, because it was a hundred meters long.

Squeak, the three trees on the path broke, split into two halves and smashed to the ground.

"Gentlemen, you are all in my guard regiment, and they are all mine in name. If you want to kill each other, you need to ask my sword if you agree."

In an instant, everyone was shocked by Ying Yuan's domineering sword aura.

At this time Ying Yuan gave Luo Fei a look, "Come here, kid, you are now my adjutant."

Luo Fei staggered and walked over, Wuluan's foot shook his internal organs, and he has not recovered until now.

Chou Luo on the other side looked left and right, and walked towards Yingyuan silently.

Bengxue thought he was going to say something to Luo Fei, and said first: "Chou Luo, don't persuade Luo Fei, he is not ours at all, not in the past, not now, not even in the future..."

Chou Luo turned around and moved backwards. He pointed his finger at himself, "Neither do I..."

Everyone watched as Chou Luo came to Luo Fei's side, stood still, and used his actions to show his position.

He now belongs to the head of Yingyuan.

Ying Yuan retracted Taito on her back, "Now they are my people. If anyone dares to move them, they will be the enemy of our patrol."

Facing Ying Yuan's behavior, the white hat was very angry, but he was very afraid of the sword marks on the ground 100 meters.

He can only scream at Wuluan: "Master Tongting, this is a betrayal and a provocation for us to restart. We should punish them to warn others."

"We must kill him."

In the restart, those who betrayed the organization will only receive capital punishment, and those who meet but do not report will also be more guilty.

White Hat didn't want to be pursued by the guardian himself in the future, he could only rely on the actions of the Tongting Wuluan.

Tongting Wuluan retracted the Bone Tooth Sword and placed it behind his back.

"We can't fight against the patrol. We have lost too many people today, so let's stop here."

To the surprise of Baimao and others, Wuluan did not pursue the betrayal of Chou Luo and Luo Fei, and turned and walked towards the camp.

When Beng Xue and others saw that Wuluan had no intention of continuing to fight here, they also believed that it was the right choice not to have a bad relationship with Head Yingyuan, so they followed Wuluan without saying a word.

Feng Xing and Huming brothers also walked together. In the end, the white cap was still jumping and jumping, and he was unwilling to leave after being stared at by the head of Yingyuan.

When there were only three people left here, Head Ying Yuan turned around and exhorted them:

"Hurry up and rest. Tomorrow we have a tougher battle to fight."

"Wait a minute, say yes, I'm going to the city." Luo Fei's purpose has always been to get a black watch, and then ask for directions, and when the lucky number comes, he will leave with him.

"You are really persistent." Ying Yuan shook her head imperceptibly, "Well, I will let you go, but only in ten days to complete the task of eliminating the vulture army, otherwise, I will never be able to help you."

"You have to pay in advance for what you want, right?"

Luo Fei felt troubled, "In ten days, no one can say that it will happen. I have captured the ink furnace. Now is the time for you to fulfill your promise."

Bargaining: "Give me a letter of introduction, so that I can enter the city smoothly. When I get the black form, I will come back to help you if I have time."

Ying Yuan let out a heavy breath, "I just relieved you."

After thinking for a while, she said: "Well, go and come back quickly, by the way, I will give you a piece of advice, don't be nosy, don't offend people casually after entering the city.

Especially the city guards, they are what they say, and they leave as soon as they get the black watch. "

The next day, it was another sunny day, but it was still cold.

Luo Fei stood on the edge of the forest avenue, watching the dense snow patrol marching far away.

From the mouth of Molu, the head of Yingyuan finally learned the addresses of No. 3 and No. 2 bases.

They are all on the iron ore hill, separated and on both sides, and on the top of the hill in the middle is the ice wall built by the ice wall guard.

Luo Fei did not participate in the next battle, and with a letter of introduction from the head of Yingyuan, he walked to the top of the mountain on foot.

On the road, there was no robbery by a vulture army without eyes, but occasionally mercenaries came down from the mountain.

When meeting with Luo Fei, he was cautious and even avoided Luo Fei.

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Luo Fei finally came to the top of the mountain, and a city protected by a huge defensive shield appeared in front of Luo Fei.

The light blue defensive cover is spliced ​​together by the hexagonal energy barriers of countless cars, forming its own unique shape.

As Luo Fei walked in, he first saw rows of dilapidated and messy huts. These were not buildings in the city. They were still outside the defensive cover, and they were all built by residents who did not give up.

They look forward to returning to Bingju City one day.

People call them the outer city, but the people in the city call them slums.

Luo Fei, wearing a brilliant armor, walked on the road, and the rags-clothed residents and fierce mercenaries walked far away, and at the same time watched Luo Fei.

Luo Fei knew very well that they were afraid that Luo Fei, a patrol member, would trouble them.

The road was unimpeded, passing through the ten-meter-wide avenue, and came to the front of the defensive cover.

Following the steps Ying Yuan said, he came to one of the steel avenues in Bingju City, where there were specially guarded guards.

Through the giant defensive cover, Luo Fei could clearly see the rows of houses inside, and occasionally there were people with good looks and clothes standing on the houses to greet each other.

Others were drinking something leisurely while reading books on the balcony.

On the house near the edge of the defensive cover, some very clean children were looking at Luo Fei curiously.

Seeing their innocent eyes, Luo Fei suddenly felt that this city is a paradise, at least, they will not go hungry.

"Hey, what are you patrols doing here?"

When Luo Fei came to the end of the avenue in the city, one of the two city guards guarding here shouted at Luo Fei.

Luo Fei stopped in front of the defensive cover, reached out to touch the defensive cover as hard as a wall, and opened his mouth to explain:

"My black form is broken and I need to apply for a new copy."

The city guard on the right smiled disdainfully: "Just this little thing is coming to the city, you are really squeamish."

The city guard on the left stretched out his right hand to Luo Fei, "Do you understand the rules?"

"Of course." Luo Fei took out the brown envelope from his pocket. "This is a guarantee letter from the head of Yingyuan."

"But how can I show it to you, just show it to you?"

Luo Fei opened the letter and pasted it on the defensive cover. If the other party was not blind, he should be able to read the words clearly.