Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 199: escape

"I wipe it, I'm not afraid of death."

Without hesitation, Luo Fei burst his head with a shot.

He threw him out of the plane and sat on it by himself.

"Well, do it yourself to get enough food and clothing. Although I haven't driven it, the instructor once provided us with some knowledge. Should I pull the joystick first?"

Put your right hand on the lever on the side of your leg and pull it backward.

Sure enough, the helicopter began to rise, flew into the air against the ground, and then circled in time with the tail as a dot.

Finally, it flew to the ice wall very smoothly.

The helicopter swept across the ground quickly. Although Luo Fei was not very proficient, he still had no problem controlling the activated helicopter.

Today’s weather is good and there is no strong wind. Luo Fei kept his posture while dialing the communication on the black watch.


Huimeng's head appeared, she was surprised at first, and then a happy smile appeared on her face.

"Luo Fei, you are still alive, we thought you were dead."

Luo Fei smiled while looking forward: "Don't worry, my luck is very good. It's not easy for me to die in this world."

After greeting for a while, Luo Fei then asked: "Then where are you now?"

Hui Meng looked around and pondered, "Uh? It should be inside the city wall, and the people here are very friendly. They provide us with some ammunition and some food, although only the Green machine gun is available."

"I know, I'll go over now, wait for me, and soon there will be a pioneer who will come to you, and there will be a 14-year-old girl by his side, you..."

"Be careful." Luo Fei's voice was slightly lower, because even his heart was full of absurdity.

"Ah? Are you sure?" Hui Meng was surprised at first, and then smiled. "No, are you even afraid of a 14-year-old girl now? Haha..."

Luo Fei exhaled, his expression solemn, "I also hope I was wrong, but you should be careful."

"Well, let me pay attention, we will wait for you here." Huimeng disappeared into the black watch.

At this time, an unfamiliar low voice came from the helicopter communicator:

"5674, has the mission been completed?"

communication? Luo Fei looked at the dense buttons above his head, scratched his head, and muttered, "Where is the closed switch?"

"Reply, reply quickly, is Luo Fei dead?" The communication continued to make noises that Luo Fei hated.

Luo Fei, who couldn't bear it, randomly pressed several buttons, but none of them was the button to turn off the communication correctly.

The sound kept in the communication, Luo Fei turned off a few more irritably.

Without knowing which switch was pressed, the helicopter's propeller stopped suddenly and the fuselage fell directly to the ground.

"Oh no, what did I turn off?"

Luo Fei's voice became louder, and the unfamiliar voice in the communicator that had not been turned off was silent for a second, and then suddenly said, "Who are you?"

"Luo Fei?" The other party realized what, unsure.

"It's your uncle and me, who are you? Why do you have to pursue me with all your strength when I know that Ling Fei is not the little princess."

Luo Fei said as he reopened the switch that was turned off.

"What are you planning?"

Luo Fei did not hear the answer that Luo Fei wanted in the communicator. Instead, he said: "The bird will know the ambition of Honghu, you should die humble."

With a beep, the communicator hung up, and Luo Fei's helicopter began to fluctuate.

The propeller rotated again, and Luo Fei, who had spent a lot of effort, finally adjusted the helicopter's flight again.

Looking up through the glass, the tall ice wall has appeared in his sight.

"It's almost the city wall." Luo Fei's mouth curled up slightly.

Suddenly his face changed, the whistling sound passed through the eardrum, and a rocket flew from the ground.

Luo Fei, who did not have the ability to turn too quickly, quickly jumped from the helicopter.

The rocket collided with the helicopter and exploded directly. The strong flame pushed Luo to the ground to accelerate and crash down.

While still in the air, Luo Fei saw a group of people on the ground standing on the snow, next to the strange face tree forest.

Following Luo Fei's fall, those people also rushed towards the place where he fell. Before actually landing, they shot randomly into the sky.

Looking forward to killing Luo Fei in the air.

As the ground got closer and closer, Luo Fei spit out a circle of green smoke, which appeared under him like a soft cushion.

Finally landed safely.

After rolling around, Luo Fei disappeared without a trace.

When those people came to Luo Fei's place, Luo Fei's figure had long been lost here, and there were no footprints.

Ten minutes later, Luo Fei staggered through the woods among the trees with strange faces.

After checking the surroundings, no one noticed his existence. Until this time, he could not deal with his wounds.

When the helicopter exploded, a piece of flying iron was inserted behind his back.

This made him lose most of his combat power.

The mechanical arm reversed to the back and pulled out the iron piece with the big palm.

With a muffled grunt, Luo Fei staggered forward, closed his eyes and took a slight breath, controlling the tightening of the injured muscles, which was regarded as temporarily stopping the blood.

As a beast-level powerhouse, the body's self-healing ability has been greatly improved, and the wound that was supposed to be stitched up can be as good as before as long as a good rest for a day or two.

But now he doesn't have much time to waste, and there are still many people around looking for him.

The only place where he lives now is inside the ice wall, in the Lucky Number.

Stepping on the snow and continuing to walk forward, behind him, there was a puddle of blood on the tree.

After a while, a figure twitched the tip of his nose and came to the tree where Luo Fei had just arrived.

He put his right palm on the blood stain and slowly said, "It's hot, it's nearby."

Move the palm away, and the blood on the trunk has disappeared.

When the visitor glanced around, the whole world suddenly dimmed in his field of vision, and the red figure not far away became the only color.

He chuckled and followed the staggering figure.

Following the edge of the strange face tree, Luo Fei came to a familiar camp, a tree house composed of strange face trees.

With a breath of mist, Luo Fei came to the edge of the barbed wire fence, swiping his right hand in the void, and the barbed wire automatically disconnected, revealing a passage for one person to pass through.

He kept his body low and carefully looked around with a gun. He remembered that the people inside should have a lot of money and could buy good weapons or hire a lot of mercenaries, if they did that.

Walked into the camp, waved back with his right hand, and the broken barbed wire automatically closed.

Luo Fei, who turned around, frowned slightly, and found that it was too quiet here.

After waiting for a while, he did not notice any movement.

He quietly came to one of the tree houses and opened a gap in the wooden window to look inside.

There was a figure lying on the ground, and then in the dim light, Luo Fei found her whole body shriveled like the roots of an old tree.

"Mummy?" Luo Fei opened the door and walked in, and found that the hostess here was dead, and her death was terrible.

Is it man made or a strange animal?

After checking a little, Luo Fei found a wound pierced by a sword blade in her abdomen.

But the blade did not pierce the body, but stayed inside.


Luo Fei was still a little uncertain. He looked outside for a while. There might be dead people in other tree houses, and their wounds could bring more news to Luo Fei.

He just gave up after a little thought, after all, the murderer might also be in one of the tree houses.

It is not wise to fight against the murderer.

Closing the door, Luo Fei slowly sat down against the wall, recovering his strength as soon as possible.

Not long after, the figure who followed came here, and he smiled slightly, "The prey has come automatically."

He had just stepped into the gate, and there was a sudden gunshot in the distance, and several bullets shot through his body in an instant.

The figure looked down at his body, and there were several transparent holes in it. Although it was not painful to him, the harm was obvious.

He rushed back with a low growl.

Luo Fei, who was awakened by the gunfire, woke up instantly, his closed eyes opened, and he came to the door to open a finger-wide slit.

"Niu Si, he didn't die."

A familiar figure in the distance shuttled among the crowd of mercenaries, and saw him jumping up from the spot like a flea, and then landing on one person from the sky.

With a scream, the mercenary instantly turned into a corpse.

At the same time, the mercenaries kept firing, but the bullet seemed to shoot into running water, bringing out a **** flower on Niu Si's body.

However, that's all, Niu Si was still alive and kicking toward the next target.

Luo Fei was surprised, turned his head to look at the corpse beside him, the murderer was self-evident.

But there is also something strange to Luo Fei, "What happened to this guy in the Ice Castle Prison, how can he become a supernatural person who is not afraid of bullets."

No matter what happens, this guy is very dangerous now.

In Luo Fei's observation room, those mercenaries rushed towards him with explosives bags. When Niu Si grabbed the mercenaries, the mercenaries unplugged the fuse without hesitation and detonated the explosives bags.

There was a loud noise, the flames rose, and four or five strange-faced trees fell.

On the ground.

After a while, Niu Si jumped out of the flames, accompanied by the flames, cursing:

"Are these people crazy? They blew themselves up, relying on..."

When the surrounding mercenaries saw that he was not dead, the flames gradually disappeared from Niu Si's body, leaving a blurred face and charred body.

With the squirming of water, he recovered in the blink of an eye.

The mercenaries looked at each other, continued to throw grenade, and continued to commit suicide attacks carrying explosives.

Niu Si's attack seemed to be only a long sword assassination, a close attack, and it was very smooth at first. When the mercenaries changed their strategy, he was somewhat stretched.

When mercenaries rushed towards him, Niu Si could only keep running away.

When Luo Fei thought that these mercenaries would be led away, two pairs of giant hands made of ice and snow suddenly stretched out on the snowy ground, and they swung down to knock those mercenaries away.

They bumped into the tree trunk and suddenly vomited blood.

The mercenaries quickly searched for the instigator, and soon found a figure suddenly appeared in the distance. They immediately turned their guns, and the bullets flew out.

But an ice wall rose up in front of the man, blocking all the bullets.

The detonator realized that he should be dispatched and rushed to him immediately.

But they rushed two steps, and suddenly tripped to the ground. Looking back, they did not know when there was an ice and snow palm the size of a human hand on the ground.

The palms firmly grasped their ankles, which was also the culprit that caused them to fall.