Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 201: Ice Wall

"Is that enough?"

Luo Fei's hands are against the giant ice and snow hands above his head. Although his body is a little rickety, his eyes are still bright.

"I said that it's easy for me to kill you. The shot Niu Si fired has nothing to do with me. He didn't accept my instruction, and he is dead. You should get rid of your anger."

The long sword on his neck exudes an icy cold air, which makes Bing Shou dare not move anymore. He glanced at Niu Si who had been squashed, and he could only swallow the next anger.


The giant ice and snow hand immediately dispersed like snowflakes. Luo Fei stood up straight and glanced at the location of Niu Si, only to find that apart from a pile of scattered gun parts, he was long gone.

"It's quite fast." Luo Fei murmured and continued walking.

Since Restart and the Guards of the Ice Wall have re-allied, when going to the Ice Wall, Luo Fei will definitely meet Restart again.

"Maybe they can use their power to completely wipe out the power of the vulture army."

Thinking of this, Luo Fei's brain hurts a bit. It is estimated that after the vulture army has been wiped out, they still have to confront the city guards.

"Foreign people from outside are attacking, and the humans here will continue to fight. It's really not that Xian didn't die fast enough."

When thinking about it, passing by Bing Shou, Luo Fei continued to move towards the ice wall.

Bing Shou was slightly stunned, and quickly followed, followed Luo Fei's back, and secretly said: "It looks like he is going to the ice wall, wait for me to summon a helper to make you look good."

Not long after, a red figure rose from the snow. Niu Si glanced at Luo Fei and Bing Shou, smiled slightly, and followed.

I also thought about it in my heart: They have already had conflicts. As long as I work harder, it is estimated that blood will flow into a river soon. This is really a delicious meal...

Passing through the woods with strange faces, there was an ice wall hundreds of meters high in front of him. Last time, he just glanced quickly, and he passed through a hidden passage. This time he needs to enter it.

In this way, he can only go to the front door.

The main entrance on the ice wall is made of steel, and a motor is placed inside, which can be activated by a button.

In the west gate, a dozen or so high metal gates are inlaid on the ice wall, and there is a team of ice wall guards in front of the gate.

Luo Fei walked slowly, and was stopped by the ice wall guard before he approached.

"Miscellaneous people wait and leave quickly." The two guards stood in front of Luo Fei with guns.

At this time, Bingshou rushed up and shouted sharply: "You get out of the way and dare to block our way to restart the personnel. Are you impatient to live?"

The ice wall guard had to retreat, Luo Fei gestured to Bingshou slightly, and followed him to the metal gate.

In the buzzing sound, the metal gate opened, revealing the vast space inside.

The entire ice wall is a fortress as well as a base, which also contains a lot of equipment and residents.

Luo Fei walked in and saw that most of the people passing by were the ice wall guards. They moved in groups, running in all directions under the command of the commander.

The situation in front of me seemed very tense, the shouts, harmonies, and curses all blended together.

"The snowman has attacked the city, hurry up."

"What's going on, the ammunition is brought up."

"Hurry up and support Route 245, it is almost breached."

Luo Fei was about to contact Huimeng, when Bing Shou next to him received the communication first, and the head of the girl in red, Dori, appeared on his black watch.

"Bingshou, are you back? Then come to Line 245 to help."

Bing Shou raised his arm, embarrassed: "Master Dori, my shoulder is injured, I am afraid I can't help much."

Dolly's face changed, and she said coldly: "This can't be done by you, you can quickly come over to me."

The screen disappeared, and Dolly gave him no room for bargaining.

Bing Shou cursed secretly, slightly raised his chin and looked at Luo Fei, "You also saw that I was injured, and it was caused by you. I hope you can help me to support Line 245."

"If you don't say I will go, lead the way." Luo Fei did not refuse. In fact, he didn't want the whole basin to become a mess.

Not for personal benefit, but for the common destiny of mankind.

Before visiting the ice wall, Luo Fei followed Bing Shou to the wall.

The surrounding ice wall guards all ran to a place far away, and there was a sound of killing in that direction.

Slightly approaching the crevice on the wall, Luo Fei had already seen the dense snowmen on the ground, they swarmed towards the ice wall, climbing up flexibly with their hands and feet.

The ice wall guards guarding the city wall immediately counterattacked, turning them into ice sculptures one by one.

At the same time, Luo Fei also saw the Lucky number appearing on the wall in the distance. It was launching a cannonball, and a violent blue light burst out in the snow crowd.

The blue light has a hemispherical diameter of 20 meters wide, and the snowman inside becomes an ice sculpture on the spot.

But this is not finished yet, countless light spots shoot out around the light ball, these light spots fall on the surrounding and continue to explode, and small blue spheres appear again.

When the ball of light disappeared, all creatures within a hundred meters of it all turned into the world of ice sculptures.

"The power is stronger..." Luo Fei was delighted.

Looking again, a huge mammoth stopped not far from Lucky.

At least Luo Fei, who was watching from a distance, thought so.

It was lying on the ground, about five times the size of Lucky, with a straight proboscis like a tank gun, shooting out a bluish shell.

Seeing this scene, Luo Fei was surprised: "That's a tank? How does it feel like a mammoth."

"Cut, make a fuss." Bing Shou continued to walk forward, and Luo Fei followed him.

"This is the tank of our pioneers, the pride of our Bingju City, and the biochemical tank we researched out."

Biochemical tank? ... Luo Fei fell into a little thought, the biochemical warrior of the Vulture Army... is it also in this line?

Not long after, the figure of a snowman appeared on a section of the city wall in front of him. The figure was three meters high and one of them was five meters high. It also held a mace in its hand.

The frozen bomb landed on it, but only some ice scum appeared. With a casual shake, all the ice scum fell.

There is almost no harm to it.

And around the snowman leader, the elite snowmen are holding the freezing gun in their left hand and the long sword in their right hand. The style is also taken from the guards of the ice wall.

After a glance, the number was at least a hundred. With such a large number, only 500 ice wall guards were not their opponents at all, and the number of beatings regressed.

"This, this number is really too much, I still go back, it's up to you, Luo Fei..." Bing Shou moved back, but stopped after walking two steps.

He felt a wall appeared behind him, preventing him from moving back, turning his head suspiciously, and the figure of a woman in red was greeted by his eyes.

Bing Shou smiled awkwardly, "Secretary Dori, why are you here."

Then he defended: "I was injured, it was Luo Fei who fought, so I asked Luo Fei to support them, which is regarded as a replacement for me."

I don't know when Dori appeared behind the two, seeing the wound on Bing Shou's shoulder frowning her eyebrows, and at the same time looking at Luo Fei dissatisfied.

Luo Fei also frowned and looked at Bingshou, "Don't talk nonsense, it's obviously someone else hit you, it has nothing to do with me."

"But you are his boss." Bingshou retorted.

Luo Fei stopped speaking, looked at him coldly with his arms folded, Bing Shou snorted and turned his head.

"Ice Shou, you go to heal first, Luo Fei, you go to help our ally Ice Wall Guard." Dori gave the order directly.

Luo Fei shrugged, didn't go forward directly, but stayed where he was, took out the wind-sniffing rifle from his back, and two golden halos appeared immediately.

The golden light flew frequently, and the elite snowmen in the distance fell one by one.

Watching Bing Shou was dumbfounded, it would be good if he could kill five elite snowmen with his ability, but in the blink of an eye, Luo Fei killed a dozen of them on the opposite side.

"Huh, that's it. I rely too much on guns, and I won't have much room for improvement in the future." Bing Shou turned and walked under the ice wall with a look of disdain.

But the snowman leader was still quite fierce, and the mace in his hand blocked the gold thread shot by Luo Fei many times.

Just as Luo Fei had to choose to retreat or call his men, hundreds of Snowstorm I-type armed mechas rushed from a distance.

They rushed towards the leader of the snowman, but in the next instant, they were dented by the mace, and their limbs were broken.

However, Luo Fei and the others couldn't get involved in such a battle, so they could only watch them fight at close range.

The battle was extremely fierce. After paying more than 30 snow armed mechas and their pilots, the snowman leader finally fell on the ice wall with scars.

The battle on the ice wall came to an end, and then the armed mech units began to support other places, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Dori, who watched the whole process, nodded faintly, "Well, your strength is good. According to Master Shou's order, you can now be one of our restart members."

Luo Fei smiled and said, "It's a pity, I don't want to join the reboot yet."

"Oh?" Dori raised her chin. "Is it because you know that we are going to start a war, so you are afraid?"

Luo Fei nodded without hesitation, "Yes, a meaningless fight, this will only consume our own human strength."

Dori folded her arms and disagreed with Luo Fei's thoughts, "Humanity is still a mess. Only we have the ideals and the strength to unite the entire human city. You lack faith now, and this will keep you confused in the future."

"Join us now, I will make you a true one of us, and let you find the true meaning of life."

Facing Dori’s rich tone, Luo Fei lowered his eyes, thinking:

"The goal is indeed great, but to complete the great goal will be fatal and wounded. The key is to fight against other humans. This is really unnecessary."

"The battle of the supernatural person should be more adept at sneaking into the battle on a small scale. Those ordinary humans are not the opponent of the supernatural person at all."

Now Lucky is not far away, Luo Fei can unite with Xihuai, so that he doesn't have to fear anyone except the pioneers.

Luo Fei resolutely refused, "Maybe I will join you on a whim in the future, but now I need to complete one of my personal affairs."

"Private business?" Duoli smiled and said, "In our such a great career, you still have to complete private affairs. You are really selfish."

Then she gave a mocking expression, "But now, you can't join it anymore."

She turned and looked behind her, Luo Fei had met with a dozen supernaturalists and walked over.