Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 2011: Terrorist organization

The night in the gorge is very quiet. The entire Grand Canyon is under the cover of mist, like a dead area without life, and no sound can be heard.

However, this is not to say that there are no creatures in the gorge, but that the creatures in it are not like the creatures in other places, they will come out at night to hunt for food. In fact, the spirit beasts in the gorge are actually there. Those who come out during the day are naturally related to the fog in the canyon.

After Yunxiao was hidden above the Grand Canyon, he waited while cultivating. During this period, he also sent out a few of his clones and scattered them around the Grand Canyon. In this way, as long as those people came to the gorge, It is basically impossible to escape his perception.

Although his mental power will be affected in the mist, his mental power is still quite powerful above the canyon.

The night passed very quickly. When the early morning sun tore through the dark night, Yun Xiao suddenly discovered that the gray fog in the entire gorge turned into a colorful color, just like after the rain. Like a rainbow.

"Good guy, it's no wonder that it's called the gorge. It turns out that this is the origin of the name of this gorge, but then again, the morning in the gorge is really beautiful!"

Looking at the beautiful scenery of the canyon in front of him, Yunxiao suddenly felt fascinated. He was sure that he had never seen such a fascinating scenery before, as if the colorful light in the canyon had a magical power that made people unable to remove the eyes. .

"Such a beautiful scenery, I should call Qingqing and the others to enjoy it together. Unfortunately, the situation is severe right now, and I can only talk about it after the things here are over!"

With a faint sigh, Yun Xiao really wanted to call Lei Qingqing and the others out at the moment, but when he thought of the situation at this time, he gave up such thoughts.

The colorful glow lasted for about a quarter of an hour. When the sun jumped out of the horizon, the colorful light in the Grand Canyon suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

Seeing this, Yun Xiao couldn't help flashing a hint of unfinished color in his eyes, obviously he hadn't seen enough.

"The situation seems to be a little different from what I thought. According to the truth, if those people choose to act on Chenshi today, they should have arrived early, but it is Chenshi now. They shouldn’t be there yet. ?"

Stabilizing his mind, he suddenly realized at this moment that his previous speculations were probably taken for granted.

If those people choose to take action today, they must arrive early last night, set aside the advance amount, and at the same time make some arrangements in the canyon.

But until this moment, those people have not been traced, which shows that they should not be acting today.

"Yes, it seems that we have to wait a little longer, anyway, the entrance of the Great Luo Mi Zang is here, I don't believe those people will never come!"

Although he didn't wait, he was not in a hurry either, because he believed that the news that Gong Ziyu had inquired about would definitely not be false.

Having said that, even if the news is wrong, he actually has no other choice. At least, he has to stay here for three days. If he really does not wait, it will not be too late to make other plans by then.

Another point is that one of his clones is still acting outside at this time, and can grasp the information from Azure City at any time. If there are any changes, that clone will also transmit the news as soon as possible.

With these in mind, he simply continued to wait on the canyon, observing everything here.

The sun rose, and the time of the first day slipped away like this, and then the second day. Unfortunately, after the hour of the second day passed, the people Yun Xiao was looking forward to still did not appear, which made him inevitably a little unhappy. , As if things are a little beyond their control.

"It's the last day. Tomorrow will be the time of action that those people planned. I just don't know, will they really proceed according to the original plan?"

As the night darkened, Yun Xiao's somewhat relaxed spirit immediately concentrated. He knew whether he could wait for those people, and he should be able to see and know tonight.

It is already late at night. If those people choose to act tomorrow, then it should be almost here. Of course, if there are any variables in it, it's a different matter.

"Swish swish..."

At this moment, an undetectable sound of breaking the wind suddenly came from a distance, the sound was extremely weak, if it weren't because of his mental strength, I'm afraid he would not be able to sense it at all.

"En? It's really here?!!!"

Hearing the sound of breaking wind in the distance, Yun Xiao's eyes suddenly brightened, and the whole person suddenly became energetic, subconsciously covering himself up a little more tightly, for fear of his whereabouts being exposed.

In a short time, three figures in night clothes came to the sky above the gorge from a distance.

These three figures are like ghosts in the dark night, and everyone does not show a trace. Even the strong of the legendary realm is afraid that it will be difficult to find their existence.

As soon as they came to the top of the canyon, after the three people exchanged simple sign language, they searched in different directions in the Grand Canyon. It took about half an hour for the three to move the entire sky over and around the Grand Canyon. They all probed again, and finally got together again.

"There is nothing unusual. It seems that the news we found should be okay. Then Gong Ziyu was really killed, and the news was not sent back."

"The news came from that person. Of course, there can be no falsehoods. I don't know who it was. They killed four legendary experts in Tianyu City one after another. These methods are really terrifying!"

"These have nothing to do with us. Since there is nothing unusual here, I will notify everyone to come over, so I can arrange it as soon as possible."

"Go, the two of us are guarding here..."

After a few simple conversations, two of the three stayed directly, while the other fleeed away, and the sky over the canyon quickly returned to silence.

"Ha, it seems that I have underestimated these people, they can even inquire about the affairs of the City Lord's Mansion of Tianyu City, no wonder they did not act in advance, but still implemented according to the original plan."

In the depths of a dense forest, Yun Xiao couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and he was a little bit clear in his heart.

As for the simple conversation of the three people in the air, his mental power was very clear. Although the three of them didn't say much, he already understood that these people actually had inner support in the city lord mansion of Tianyu City, but he found out. Gong Ziyu failed to pass the news back, and even learned about the situation where the master of the City Lord's Mansion was beheaded by him.

Because of this, these talents did not change the original plan, and still proceeded according to the original plan.

"In this way, they should only know that the four legendary masters in Tianyu City have died, but they don't know that Gong Ziyu was captured by me first and then wiped out. It is even more impossible to know that I have learned from Gong Ziyu. News of the Great Luo Mizang."

After Gong Ziyu was captured by him, it was just that he lived more than a quarter of an hour longer than the three of Han Dongye. No one would have guessed that he had read all of Gong Ziyu's memory.

"This is better. Since they don't know my existence, then I can hide in the dark and find the right time to shoot."

After clarifying the causes and consequences, his heart couldn't help but become more joyful, because all these situations are good for him.

"Swish swish..."

At this moment, there was another sound of breaking wind. Upon hearing the sound, Yun Xiao's eyes condensed slightly, and he subconsciously looked into the distance, just to see more than a dozen figures coming from a distance, with a strong momentum. amazing.