Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 2024: Rushing

Above the 氤氲 Grand Canyon, the tough Juntian Array, like a huge G-shell, steadily protects the entire 氤氲 Grand Canyon underneath. Faced with such a large array, even if it is the sixth of the Tianyu City City Lord’s Mansion. The big super power can do nothing.

However, although the six could not break through the Juntian formation, it was impossible for them to wait outside indifferently.

Everyone wants to get the Great Rome Tsang. Now that they can’t take it out of the Gorge by themselves, they can only take the next best thing and choose from the hands of the people who got the Great Rome Tsang. Snatch the baby.


At a certain moment, a strong gust of wind blew over the Grand Canyon from the air. J was almost the next second after the wind rose. With the entire Grand Canyon as the center, the endless fog evolves out of thin air, that is, J During this time of breathing, the sky above the originally clear and clear canyon was completely shrouded in layers of mist, even Juntian Great Formation was no exception.

"Hahaha, how long has it been? It's been how long I haven't seen the misty formation of our Tianyu City City Lord's Mansion. After charging for so long, it seems that the misty formation is more powerful than before, hahahaha! !"

"It is indeed more solid than the last time. These mists are just like the essence. Even if the legendary realm is caught in it, it is difficult to see the situation ten meters away. In this way, the six of us are in this big formation. Already invincible."

"Qiu Tianli and Li Tianqiu think that they can sit back and relax by setting up the Juntian Great Array, but I am, after they get the Great Luo Secret Vault, how can we break out of our Mist hidden Great Array!"

"Break through? Hahaha, if they can get out of the misty formation, I'm Cao Wanyuan awkward?"??????

In the endless mist, the six masters of Tianyu City are standing in the mist at this moment. Everyone wears a special mask. This mask is part of the misty formation. As long as they wear this mask, they will You can freely shuttle in the misty formation, unaffected by the formation!

This is their biggest reliance on this trip. Speaking of which, they didn't expect Qiu Tianli and others to be able to arrange a Juntian formation here, but this did not affect their plans. s3();

Even if Qiu Tianli and the others did not set up the Juntian Great Formation, they had to set up the Fog Hidden Great Formation to prevent Qiu Tianli and others from escaping after taking the treasure, and secondly, to prevent outsiders from participating and destroying their capture. Bao plan.

The Mist Array is the famous Array of Tianyu City’s City Lord’s Mansion. Although it is not as big as the Juntian Array in terms of fame, the Mist Array has its own uniqueness. Shrouded by a large array of mists, people inside cannot get out, and people outside cannot come in. The six of them are here, they are absolute masters!

You know, the six of them are not only not affected by the fog, but they can also perceive every change in the fog through the mask. As long as there is any wind blowing, they will get feedback for the first time, just like everywhere. They are all the same as their eyes and ears.

The only disadvantage of the Mist Array is that it takes a long time to recharge after use. The last time the Mist Array in Tianyu City appeared hundreds of years ago, the Mist Array today is really full of energy. It’s full, it’s okay to use it for J months.

"Well, now the big battle is complete, we just need to hide in