Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 2093: Control the situation

"How can this be possible without my arm"

Above the sky, the earth-shaking roar resounded like a terrifying thunder through the entire void. At the source of the sound, Zhou Tiannan, the leader of the Floating Alliance, was holding his left shoulder at this time. There was originally strong and powerful. Almost Qigen’s arm was cut off, and the red blood was splashing around like a fountain

Although the god-level powerhouses are strong enough to move mountains and fill the sea at will, their bodies are still flesh and blood, not truly detached from everything, immortal and immortal.

Throughout history, I don’t know how many god-level powerhouses have fallen due to various reasons. Just like Zhou Tiannan at this time, if it’s not his arm but his neck that was just cut off, then he’s It can survive for a short time, but it can't last long.

"How can this be impossible, this is impossible"

With a hideous face, at this time Zhou Tiannan still has a trace of the power and demeanor of the leader of the alliance. If his acquaintances are present at this time, I am afraid that he may not be able to recognize him.

"Hahaha, the leader of the Floating League, isn't it just that way?"

Just as Zhou Tiannan flew back and yelled in disbelief, a long laugh suddenly resounded, but it was a sword and a cloud of merit. At this time, he also retired from the battle circle and was uttering a long excitement. With a smile.

Yun Xiao was indeed very excited at this time. Speaking of it, from the beginning, his main energy was placed on Zhou Tiannan, because he knew in his heart that only Zhou Tiannan could pose a threat to him, and the latter. It is true that he has always been locked, and he can be shot at any time.

If you change to someone else, you will naturally not be able to find the other person’s lock, but how strong his mental power is, how can he not feel the hostility of the other person?

As for that Shen Dianqing, he was not at all concerned. The reason why he did not directly kill Shen Dianqing because of his talents was precisely to wait for such an opportunity. To put it bluntly, his goal was Zhou Tiannan from beginning to end.

The sword just now was the one he had done with all his strength, and its power was definitely not weaker than the full blow of any powerhouse in the realm of gods, and it was only strange that Zhou Tiannan could escape under that situation and distance.

"Oh damn, **** ah, you hide your cultivation base"

Hearing Yun Xiao's laughter, Zhou Tiannan was trembling with anger, and his whole body was almost mad.

The sword Yun Xiao just used was the source of the sword. Of course he couldn’t fail to see this, but the problem was that before that, he hadn’t seen Yun Xiao as a realm powerhouse with hidden cultivation bases. By

Being able to use the power of the origin of the sword, and that of the pure origin of the sword, he would never believe it if he were not a strong person in the realm of gods.

It’s just that he has never heard of the fact that a strong person in the realm of gods can hide the true cultivation level from another strong person in the realm of gods, because strong persons in the realm of gods will have a sense of interaction with each other, and there is almost no sense of induction. Less than the situation.

"Hmph, everything is on your own account. What happened today is that your unfilial son was wrong first, and now you are intervening in the fight between me and this son. Your arm is a bit of warning to you. All right."

Seeing Zhou Tiannan retreating far away, Yun Xiao did not continue to chase after him, and he did not deny that he was hiding his cultivation.

It was a fluke that Shicai was able to chop off the opponent's arm by surprise. Now that the opponent is prepared, it is much more difficult for him to hurt the opponent again.

"The dignified god-level master of the **** actually used this kind of indiscriminate means to injure people secretly. It is simply despicable."

Hearing Yun Xiao’s scolding, Zhou Tiannan’s complexion kept changing, but he did not dare to take the initiative, because he knew in his heart that, let alone his injured and broken arm, even if he was intact, he wanted to defeat a comprehend sword. It is almost impossible for a strong person in the realm of the gods of the origin.

If he insists on working hard with Yun Xiao, not to mention that he himself may be in danger, even his floating alliance may be implicated as a result, and eventually disappear into the long river of history.

"It's not that I am despicable, but that you are too stupid, and you can't even see my true cultivation level."

With a cold smile, Yun Xiao glanced at the opponent indifferently, and smiled ambiguously.

What he meant was actually saying that the other party could not see his endless cultivation base, but this must have a different meaning to the other party.


When Yun Xiao said this, Zhou Tiannan's expression was stagnant, but he couldn't say anything to refute.

This time it was indeed himself to blame. If he could find out that Yun Xiao was a god-level powerhouse earlier, then there would be nothing to do next.

"Well, your son is disrespectful to me. I only wanted to impose a small punishment, but you just wanted to protect your shortcomings. This is why I was hurt. Let's put it aside today. I won't look for it again. The trouble of your Floating League, you can also leave here."

Waved his hand, Yun Xiao interrupted the other party directly, arbitrarily arranging.

The situation has developed to the present, and the situation is still favorable for him, but frankly speaking, he can feel Zhou Tiannan's strength, so he really doesn't want to entangle with the other party anymore.


Hearing what Yun Xiao said, Zhou Tiannan, who was still so angry, flashed his eyes and started thinking quickly in his mind.

Enemy with a mysterious strong man who understands the origin of the sword, of course this is not what he wants to see. Although he did suffer this time, he is just one arm. As long as he goes back to patiently recuperate, it will not take long. It's not a big deal when it's restored to its original state.

Speaking of which, what worries him most is that Yun Xiao will never die with the Floating Alliance. Now that Yun Xiao has chosen to settle things down, his best choice is to accept Yun Xiao's proposal and end this conflict.

"Leader Zhou Zhou, you can't leave me alone"

At this moment, the trembling voice suddenly sounded, interrupting Zhou Tiannan's thoughts, but Shen Dianqing, who had been fighting Yunxiao before, finally recovered from the shock and asked Zhou Tiannan for help.

Shen Dianqing's face was pale at this time, and his whole body was trembling unceasingly. He was obviously frightened.

He never dreamed that Yunxiao was actually a master in the realm of gods. Although his status was not ordinary, he still didn't dare to make a mistake in the face of a strong master in the realm of gods.

You know, everyone understands that it is almost impossible to kill a god-level powerhouse. As long as a god-level powerhouse wants to escape, it is generally difficult for someone to keep it.