Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 2110: Ready to work

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Before reaching the headquarters of the Fujia Chamber of Commerce, Yun Xiao never dreamed that the headquarters of the Fujia Chamber of Commerce would have such a terrifying scale.

Although he has not yet figured out all the conditions of the Fujia Chamber of Commerce headquarters, just the front court of the Fujia Chamber of Commerce that he sees right now has deeply shocked him.

There are various shops and shops connected to each other, and there are a lot of things for sale in it, which can be described as everything.

Although it is only the forecourt of the Fujia Chamber of Commerce, there is absolutely no **** in the things sold here, even a random sword or knife is a valuable weapon.

In addition to magic weapons, there are also a variety of precious elixirs sold here. The types of elixirs are also varied, healing and life-saving, and even harmful. As long as you want to buy, you can sell them here.

Not only that, the Fujia Chamber of Commerce also sells a variety of daily necessities, just like women's favorite rouge gouache. There are many similar shops here, and the prices of these daily necessities are really expensive.

In short, the business of the Fujia Chamber of Commerce is spread across the entire Apocalypse world. As long as it is imaginable, the headquarters of the Fujia Chamber of Commerce will definitely be able to buy it.

Yun Xiao followed Qin Lu and wandered the forecourt of the Fujia Chamber of Commerce casually for a while. Unfortunately, at the end of the tour, Yun Xiao did not see a treasure that tempted him.

Of course, in order to be able to get the token of the Fujia Chamber of Commerce, the two of them still spent more than a dozen first-grade spirit veins, bought a few fairly good pills, and left them in the Kylin Temple.

"My son, it's almost there. We have spent more than a dozen first-grade spirit veins. Now we can exchange for silver tokens and enter the atrium of the Fujia Chamber of Commerce."

After strolling around, Qin Lu was full of interest, without any boring meaning, as if she became more energetic as she strolled around.

"There is really nothing worth buying here, let's go, change tokens, or continue to take a closer look."

Nodded, Yun Xiao smiled slightly and motioned to Qin Lu to continue leading the way.

At the moment, although this vestibule space is very large, and there are many shops and shops in it, his mental power has already spread, and he has scanned all the shops and shops, and he has not found the treasure that makes him tempted.

Speaking of it, the use of mental power in the headquarters of the Fujia Chamber of Commerce is somewhat dangerous, but now that he has reached such a place with many treasures, if he does not explore the transparency, it seems that he is a bit sorry for himself. The status of a priest.

While they were talking, the two of them followed a wide street all the way forward, flying by almost a quarter of an hour before they came to the front of a large hall.

This hall is not like those shops, but an independent tall temple. There is also the logo of the headquarters of the Fujia Chamber of Commerce on the temple, which is obviously a special institution specially set up by the Fujia Chamber of Commerce.

Yun Xiao didn't ask much, but just followed Qin Lu into the hall. When he entered the hall, Yun Xiao found that there were still a lot of people inside, but the order was orderly and everyone lined up. Finally, I received a silver-white token next to several tables.

"Silver Ling, it seems that this is the lowest level entry token of the Fujia Chamber of Commerce."

Seeing the white tokens received by everyone, Yun Xiao naturally understood what this place was. According to Qin Lu, the guests of the Fujia Chamber of Commerce are highly ranked, and silver customers are just the lowest-end VIPs, and there are more. Gold customers, Zijin customers, black gold customers!

Silver customers can enter the atrium of the Fujia Chamber of Commerce, where the treasures will be on a higher level, enough for the masters below Endless to get what they want.

Gold tokens can enter the back court of the Fujia Chamber of Commerce. The space in the back court is not as large as the atrium and front court, but the things sold there are more precious. I am afraid that only legendary powerhouses can trade there.

As for the Zijin token, it is a high-level token that can be listed in the upper space of the Fujia Chamber of Commerce. It is not easy to obtain the Zijin token, because it involves not only buying things, but also other businesses.

The last black gold token is even more difficult to obtain, and once you can get the black gold token, you can conduct activities in more spaces of the wealthy chamber of commerce, and you can also open a store in the wealthy chamber of commerce to sell your own. Baby, trade or exchange with others.

Yun Xiao and Qin Lu lined up, and it took a long time for them to get the token. In the end, Yun Xiao successfully got his silver order, and finally he could pass through the hall and enter the atrium of the Fujia Chamber of Commerce to stroll around.

As for Qin Lu, she does not need to worry about the token, because she has been to the Fujia Chamber of Commerce a long time ago, and the token on her body has already reached the level of Zijin, the bottom space of the entire Fujia Chamber of Commerce. , She has all gone.

The passage in the atrium is behind the token issuing temple. With the token in hand, Yun Xiao and Qin Lu quickly passed through the barrier and came to the atrium. The treasures here are already very high-level. Although they are still of little use to Yun Xiao, they are not The people around him still have great benefits.

What's more, if you want to get a higher level of gold tokens, you have to consume one hundred first-grade spirit veins here, no matter what, he must buy enough for one hundred spirit veins.

Of course, one hundred first-grade spiritual veins are nothing to Yunxiao, and the various miraculous medicines and treasures he exchanged this time were directly transferred to the Qilin Temple, and the clones were distributed to the people in the Temple. .

The relatives and friends around him are not bad in talent, but they lack the foundation. This time, spending more than a hundred spiritual veins in the atrium to buy the foundation of the pill and spiritual plant, this is simply a golden opportunity.

In the end, he actually spent a full two hundred first-grade spirit veins, and only then bought all the treasures he wanted to buy. With the things he bought this time, he believed that everyone in the Kylin Temple could at least repair them. To raise a level!

Unsurprisingly, after getting the gold tokens, Yun Xiao and Qin Lu went straight to the backyard of the Fujia Chamber of Commerce without stopping. The space here is much smaller, but the things for sale are really not trivial.

If you want to get the Zijin token here, you must first consume fifty second-tier spirit veins. In addition, you have to sell good things to the Fujia Chamber of Commerce. Only the things that satisfy the Fujia Chamber of Commerce. In order to successfully pass this level.

Yun Xiao has a lot of treasures, and this level is naturally easy to pass. So far, the Silver Order, Gold Order, and Zijin Order of the Fujia Chamber of Commerce have been gathered by Yunxiao. This collection speed is probably enough to make countless People are horrified!