Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 2183: Excalibur Revival

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The nine real beasts, spirit souls, are lined up in front of Yunxiao at this moment. Frankly speaking, even if Yunxiao now has the power to surpass the spirits and spirits, it is inevitable to be secretly shocked.

Those are nine-headed beasts, although they have no physical bodies now, and their strength is probably not one, but their realm is definitely the realm of real gods, maybe higher gods, maybe higher!

Looking at the entire Apocalypse Great World, it would be extremely difficult to find a few divine beasts. At this moment, nine of them popped up. Although they looked like divine souls, they were really amazing.

"Let's talk about it, what the **** is going on with the nine of you? What kind of person is such a big hand that actually uses your nine-headed beast as a tool?"

After a brief shock, Yun Xiao quickly recovered his calm, and said with a smile on his face at the nine-headed divine beast.

Although the spirits of these nine-headed beasts are very strong, even without a physical body, the individual strength of these guys is afraid that they will wirelessly approach the lower gods. If the nine guys are combined, it is estimated that they can completely suppress the upper **** strong.

But now he is not afraid even if he is a strong spiritual **** who comes, it is not difficult at all to clean up these nine guys.

"Master Rong Bing, all of our nine memories have been taken away. Today, we only remember that we woke up from the desperate situation, and then was discovered by the guy from the Fujia Chamber of Commerce, and then passed to the master. As for the others, Nine of us don’t know."

Hearing Yunxiao's question, the spirits of the nine-headed divine beasts all crawled on the ground, not daring to neglect a bit, and finally the tortoise-shaped divine beast replied.

Among the nine-headed divine beasts, this turtle-shaped divine beast is obviously stronger than the other eight-headed divine beasts. Even now, the power of the remaining eight-headed divine beasts has not reached the realm of gods, but its power should have reached the lower gods. Level.

"In that case, how did you get refined into the divine sword, and who refined you, don't you remember all of you?!"

Yun Xiao's brows frowned upon hearing the answer from the Divine Tortoise, obviously not very satisfied with such an answer.

He wants to figure out the ins and outs of the matter, and it is best to understand all the origins of these nine ancient swords, but now it seems that his goal may not be achieved.

He didn't worry that these guys would lie to him. Now that he is promoted to the realm of gods, all the methods of the beast Suzaku have been integrated, and in front of the beast Suzaku, apart from the other four innate beasts, no beasts dare. Just lie.

"Master Mingjian, after the nine of us woke up, none of us had enough strength to communicate with each other. Afterwards, we recovered some strength before we could communicate. It is certain that the nine of us were definitely trained. A set of divine swords, but the strong who refining us may be afraid that we have the heart to resist, so we erase all our previous memories. If it were not for the master to kill a demi-god human warrior some time ago, let us all be contaminated. There is a trace of divinity, we probably don't even have the ability to come out of the sword."

Another sacred animal spirit stood up. This was a flame sacred bird, obviously the direct bloodline of the sacred beast Suzaku. Because of the Suzaku bloodline, she seemed to have less fear of Yunxiao, and there was a kind of intimacy invisibly.

"Well, it seems that trying to figure out the origin of your identities will probably be impossible for a while."

After smacking his lips, Yun Xiao's gaze swept across the body of the nine-headed beast, and it was inevitable that he felt a little regretful.

He originally thought that he could learn about the gods through the spirits of these nine-headed beasts, but he didn't expect these guys to have no previous memories.

"It's fine, put these aside for now, now, nine of you sacrifice!"

His complexion was a little more straight, Yun Xiao didn't bother to ask too much, but directly ordered the spirit of the nine-headed beast.

He had already sensed that the original confession of the blood did not make this nine-headed beast really become his vassal. After all, it is a nine-headed beast. If it is so easy to be controlled by a human warrior, then it will really be seen. It's a ghost!

He even believed that if someone else confessed to the nine-handed divine sword by dripping blood, it is very likely that the nine-headed divine beast would have been controlled by the nine-headed divine beast.

"Follow the master's order!!"

Hearing Yun Xiao talked about sacrifices, the bodies of the nine-headed divine beasts trembled, and then the eyes were filled with surprises.

For the nine of them, offering sacrifices to the spirits and souls is definitely a great opportunity. You must know that their spirits are weak now. Although they can barely guarantee that the spirits and souls will not disperse by relying on some mysterious methods of the beasts, it is really necessary to further improve. Too difficult, too difficult.

But once they sacrificed to a true innate **** beast, then the power that the latter gave them back would probably be something they would not be able to obtain in their lifetime.


Thinking of this in his heart, the nine-headed beasts started at the same time, offering their spiritual essence one after another, and placed them in front of Yun Xiao respectfully, letting Yun Xiao dispose of them.

Although the memory has been removed, their methods are still there. After all, the people who refine them can't erase all of their inheritance methods. Wouldn't they refine a bunch of waste products?

"I think you are all very weak. I will give you some benefits this time so that you can work better for me too! Go!!!"

Seeing the spirits of the nine-headed beasts complete the ritual, Yunxiao hesitated a little, even if his mind moved, the next moment, the nine-headed small Suzaku marks came out of his forehead, one after another sinking into the spiritual essence of the nine-headed beasts. !


The Suzaku's mark and the spirit of the beast merged instantly, and returned directly to the spirit of the nine-headed beast. The next moment, the spirit of the nine-headed beast trembled from a distance, and the aura soared immediately, just a few blinks of an eye. , The realm of the nine-headed beasts is all restored to the realm of the lower gods, and the mysterious turtle among them is even more faintly reaching the level of the upper gods!

At the same time, in the depths of Yunxiao’s soul, nine small spots of various shapes appeared immediately, which was the manifestation of the nine-headed beast. At this time, as long as Yunxiao thought, the nine-headed beast would be wiped out. There is no resistance!

"Thank you, my lord for perfection!!"

At the end of the sacrifice, all the nine-headed beasts became extremely pious, and their eyes flashed with uncontrollable excitement. For them, from this moment on, their days of fear and fear can finally come to an end.