Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 2240: Arrival in the God Realm Chapter �

The God Realm, as the final meeting point of the heavens and all realms, has endless lofty mountains, turbulent, boundless vast oceans, and city buildings like the lower realm. In general, the God realm is the same as the lower realms. There is no essential difference in the world.

However, one thing that is absolutely different from the lower realm is that the world rules of the gods are much higher than those of the lower realms. In the gods, the realm of the lower gods is nothing more than ordinary people. Anyone who has grown up will have a lower rank. The strength of the gods, but a single word, already explained the status of this realm in the gods.

…………At this moment, on an uninhabited island in the God Realm, a ray of light suddenly appeared above the island. While the light flashed, a young man turned in circles, falling from the sky with a look of horror.


The young man fell heavily to the ground, his head fainted by the huge impact, and he was almost fainted by the fall.

"I'm going to die, fortunately my small body is still strong, otherwise I will really be smashed into flesh!!"

Grinning fiercely, Yun Xiao felt pain everywhere on his body, and the long-lost pain seemed to have suddenly transformed him back into an ordinary person.

"His, is this the price after the ascension?

No wonder everyone is unwilling to fly up, this feeling of returning to ordinary people is really unpleasant to the extreme! ! "

After a sigh of relief, he struggled to get up from the ground, with a bitter smile on his face.

That's right, this young man is just the sky that just soared from the great world of Apocalypse! After deciding to go to the God Realm, Yun Xiao did not continue to waste time in the Lower Realm. He first arranged all his family and friends in the Five Elements Temple, and then left all his clones in the Lower Realm, guarding the Five Elements Temple, with all his strength. Help everyone practice.

After doing this, he took his five descendants of the innate beasts, and the beasts at hand, soaring up! It is a pity that even though he exhausted all his methods, when he was about to descend into the God Realm, he and his six great beasts were eventually broken up and landed in different places in the God Realm.

"According to the memory of the white-clothed young man, in the God Realm, only when the cultivation base reaches the Profound God Realm can you fly in the sky. It seems that within a long period of time, I am afraid it will be difficult for me to experience the feeling of flying freely! "

After feeling the power in his body, he could feel that the source of the upper **** in his body was almost compressed into a small point, and it was no longer as full as it was in the lower realm. It seems to have shrunk.

However, he knew that this was not a shrinkage, but that the rules of the God Realm were too tyrannical, making his power suppressed by the rules, and only by constantly improving his realm, could he gradually break the constraints of the rules, and eventually he would be like in the lower realm. Not only can you soar for nine days, but you can even tear apart the rules of the God Realm at will! "Now it's okay, not only Qingqing and the others can't come to the God Realm, but even the subordinates of the six sacred beasts can't come together. Now I am a real lonely person!"

He sighed, at this time, he would inevitably have an indescribable sense of loneliness.

When he was in the lower realm, although he did not often meet with Lei Qingqing and others, these people always stayed in the Temple of the Five Elements to practice, and it can be said that they have been by his side all the time.

It’s a pity that when he ascends to the God Realm, it’s not allowed to carry anything at all, and it’s even more impossible to bring a warrior who has not cultivated to the realm of God. In the end, he can only endure his reluctance and leave everyone and everything behind. The lower bound.

"The rules of the God Realm are really terrifying. I can't even perceive where a few of them are coming, and I can't communicate with them through the power of the soul. This is really a troublesome thing."

The soul turned, he wanted to try to get in touch with his subordinates of the six great beasts at this time, but when he wanted to run the soul, a severe pain suddenly came from the depths of the soul, which made him unable to do so. Contact each other six! Under such circumstances, he couldn't help being shocked, and he didn't dare to try easily anymore.

"Even the Suzaku secret technique can be cut off. It seems that I still underestimate this God Realm!!"

Licking his lips, he finally understood why people in the lower realm were so reluctant to fly up, and even his perverted existence here suddenly became helpless. If this were replaced by other high-ranking martial artists, I am afraid that Let's be even more desperate, maybe it's possible to fall directly from the sky and fall to death! However, none of his six divine beasts were ordinary people, and he didn't worry that they would be thrown to death. As for how to contact them, he could only consider it after his cultivation level had improved.

"Let’s think about my own situation first. I don’t know where I descended. When I fell from above, I seemed to see the sea everywhere around me. Is it possible that I descended on a small island? Got it?"

Shaking his head, he temporarily set aside other thoughts and carefully observed his surroundings.

In the eyes, there are huge trees everywhere, and some weeds that are more common in the gods. In addition to these, there is even the sound of waves in the ear, which indirectly proves that what he saw in the sky before should not be an illusion.

"Yes, it seems that I really landed on a small island. I don't know if this is too good or bad luck."

After observing for a while, he even climbed onto a towering tree and looked around. He finally determined that he had really landed on an island, and the entire island was not small, with a diameter of more than a few kilometers. ! It's a pity that due to the rules of the God Realm, his mental power can't be used at all. Otherwise, he can be sure of what is on this small island and whether there are creatures that threaten him.

"No matter what, let's slowly adapt to the rules of the gods. Although my original power is suppressed, it is still more than a hundred times that of ordinary people. As long as I adapt to the rules here, I can at least have the power of the gods. Power, by then, will not be too bad in this God Realm."

In the God Realm, the realm of the Spirit God Realm is a watershed. Below the Spirit God Realm, including the Spirit God Realm, can only be regarded as a very ordinary level, but once you reach the Earth God Realm, you will have a certain status. As for the God God Realm, that's even more of a side character. You must know that even in places like the God Palace, the warriors of the Celestial Realm can be mixed to the level of the little boss.

As for the Profound God Realm, it is already a symbol of a big figure. In a place like the God Realm, the difficulty of ordinary warriors who want to cultivate to the Profound God Realm is beyond description. Heavyweights who rarely show up are rarely seen on weekdays.