Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 227: Seizure

Walking around in the alleys like a maze, Luo Fei came to the Brown family that the scavengers said under the guidance of the scavengers tremblingly.

The Browns’ house is very large, at least three houses are connected in series. This is what Luo Fei can see from the front. As for the back of the house, Luo Fei estimates that there will be more.

"Brown is a butcher, the richest in our piece." The scavenger shivered and poured out everything about the target.

"Did you really see those rat people entering Brown's family?" Luo Fei stood at the metal gate. The rivets on it were all old and mottled, but the strong smell of blood was clearly emitted from above.

The scavenger who was questioned quickly nodded, wishing to shake his head down.

"Yes, I saw it, I saw it with my own eyes, they set up a trap with raw meat, and let the rat people fall into it one by one."

"It's a clever way." Luo Fei got the exact news and raised his right foot with a fierce kick.

The metal gate in front of him slammed apart and slammed backward, banging, and there was a violent noise between the gate and the wall.

At the same time, everyone inside was alarmed.

The shirtless big guys all turned their heads, and they all wore black masks on their faces, with a smile on their faces, as if they were welcoming guests.

Everyone was wearing a black apron, holding a bone chopper in his hand, and standing in front of an iron table full of raw meat.

"No, my mercenary, I can't go in..."

Ignoring the miserable sound of the scavengers, Luo Fei dragged him into this hidden processing factory.

The movement caused by Luo Fei attracted a brawny man in the same attire. He carried a bone-chopper, and came to Luo Fei with a huge beer belly.

He was not scared by the various weapons on Luo Fei, but unceremoniously threatened:

"You invaded my home, hindered our work, and caused our mental damage."

"If you don't give us 1,000 bullets, then we will go to the mercenary union to sue you. You should know what the consequences will be if you are accused."

Of course Luo Fei knows that once the situation is true, the lighter will be restricted from receiving tasks, or points will be deducted, and the heavy one will appear on the bounty list.

But Luo Fei was not fooled, 1,000 bullets? This is a proper robbery.

Besides, it looks like a black workshop here, and it doesn't seem to be allowed to operate.

Luo Fei threatened in turn, "Then you can file a complaint. I would also like to know if your workshop has paid taxes."

It seems that he was hit by the key, Brown immediately went soft in front of him, put down the bone chopper in his hand, and smiled flatly, "This... let's discuss it. How about I am willing to give you 100 bullets?"

Facing the ammunition box handed over, Luo Fei took it smoothly. At first glance, there were only some pistol bullets, and there were some burrs on the bullets and connecting ports, which were obviously defective products made by workers with rough craftsmanship.

He received the bullets, but Luo Fei still had no intention of leaving. He looked around and said:

"Someone saw you catch the rat people and bring them out. They are the property of the arena."

It was suddenly realized that Brown realized that Luo Fei was not here to check him. He concealedly gestured to his men, and said:

"I think you are mistaken. We don't have rat people here. They have sickening black fungus on them. How can we eat their meat."

"Really? It's also possible that they have sneaked in. I need to search." Luo Fei put down the scavenger on his shoulders, and he hid under the metal table in fear.

Behind him came the sound of the metal gate closing, and Luo Fei saw the big men blocking the gate and threatened him by raising the bone chopper in his hand.

Luo Fei felt a little amused at this, "Are you not seeing the situation clearly, I have a gun on my body."

After the last lesson of forgetting to bring a gun, Luo Fei often brought a lot of guns and bullets to pop out the door. At this time, he had a Uzi submachine gun, a gold shotgun, and a wind sniper rifle on his back, except for two long swords. There are also two Black Star pistols on his outer waist.

Brown, wearing a smiling mask, stepped back a few steps. Behind him, two burly men took double-barreled guns and aimed at Luo Fei's head.

Brown smiled triumphantly, "I thought you were here to check us, it turned out to be just a mercenary doing a task."

"Look, our gun has been pointed at your head, and your gun is still on your body. Now your only choice is to surrender."

How could such a battle frighten Luo Fei? He ignored the double-barreled guns in front of him, and raised the black watch on his arm to contact Sun Li calmly.

"I found a clue to the rat man, but I need your support. The address is..."

Before Luo Fei finished speaking, Brown immediately waved behind him, "I really don't know the situation, kill him."

The two brawny men pulled the trigger without hesitation. It seems that this is not the first time they have done this.

But Luo Fei was unharmed after the gunshot, and he continued to express to the black:

"Yes, Brown's house, many people know, hurry up, they are very dishonest."

Compared to Luo Fei's calmness, Brown widened his eyes to see the two strong men behind Luo Fei were shot and fell.

Brown snatched his gun angrily, "You fools, I will deduct the losses you cause from your salary."

Seeing that Luo Fei hadn't prepared himself, he raised his gun and shot, and two strong men fell behind Luo Fei.

The bullet in the gun was empty, he hurriedly took out the bullet and put it into the barrel, muttering to himself:

"How could this happen, how could the bullets go? Sure enough, the modified firearms are too unreliable."

When he finally loaded the bullet, he found that Luo Fei had impatiently pulled out the pistol from his waist and pointed it at his head, with a threatening tone, "If you don't want your head to bloom, you'd better stop your movements. ."

Threatened by his life, Brown showed a performance that was inconsistent with his body shape, and he quickly threw the gun in his hand.

In order to show his sincerity, he knelt on the ground and fell down, "I was wrong, please don't kill me, I will give you whatever you want."

"Very well, where are the rat people?" Luo Fei raised his eyebrows. The accident was so smooth, he thought he wanted to kill them all.

"They..." Brown hesitated, but under the muzzle in front of him, he tremblingly said their whereabouts.

When Luo Fei followed him to the freezer warehouse, his heart suddenly became cold, and the rat people had all been skinned and hung on the hooks.

After the calf, the bounty is halved.

"Have you found them?"

The metal door opened and Sun Li and her group walked in. When she saw the hanging rat people, her face became very ugly.

"Who did it?" Sun Li looked to the left and right, and finally fixed on Luo Fei's head with the gun pointed at it.

"This guy is Brown?" After getting confirmation, Sun Li went up and punched him on the belly, causing him to kneel on the ground.

Then stomped on the opponent's head with a foot, "Do you know how much I lost? Damn guy, and, if their meat can't be eaten, you will kill those kids."

Black fungus is very harmful to the human body and can cause human internal organs to gradually become necrotic, especially for children.

In most cases, the meat that parents buy will let their children grow strong.

Thinking of such a terrible thing about to happen, Sun Li couldn't help but slam his head a few times again.

His head kept hitting the ground violently, and Brown yelled in pain, "You hurry up and stop, this is the property of Lord Siyu, you can't run wild here."

Sure enough, Sun Li stopped when she heard that person's name. Just when Luo Fei thought she would let Brown go, she stepped on more fiercely.

"Very well, if I find evidence of a relationship between you, you will all be finished."

"Captain Black Feather will not let you go."

The last kick was stronger, and Brown fainted directly.

But the sound of gunshots just aroused the alertness of other mercenaries, and at this moment, there were numerous footsteps outside.

A team wearing white armored armor walked in. These mercenaries were wearing fully enclosed helmets, making it difficult to see their faces.

"Look at who this is? Isn't this the "Stinger Rose" of our Auto City?"

The head of the mercenary's helmet visor lifted over his head, revealing a rough face.

Sunli immediately recognized him and sneered, "You are really fast here. Is it because this is your property, so you are very nervous? Captain Si Yu..."

"What are you talking about."

Captain Si Yu immediately waved his hand, "How could this be my property? I'm a good person."

"Hmph, I will find evidence." Sun Li gave up asking, the other party would not be so stupid as to admit it.

Because this kind of behavior is very serious to the residents of the Auto City, everyone involved in this workshop will be punished by the boss of the Auto City.

"Huh? Who are you? Are you new here?" The subject naturally changed. Si Yu put his eyes on Luo Fei's body, and the armor on his body was out of line with the surroundings.

"Yes." Luo Fei just spit out a word in response to his slightly playful eyes.

"Since you are not from our Auto City, please come with me. We suspect that you are a spy from other forces."

The other party came over to take Luo Fei away, but was blocked by Sun Li, who was thrusting in. "He is now in our squad. You have no right to take him away. Besides, our Auto City welcomes other people to come in. There is no harm in him. Before Auto City, you had no right to arrest him."

"Oh? Really?" Si Ju put his hands down, and his muzzle swayed randomly.


With the gunshot, Brown's head was instantly pierced.

Looking at the shocked expressions of Sun Li and others triumphantly, Si Yu took back the gun, "Maybe, what you said is right."

Just as Sunli was about to get angry, many mercenaries broke in outside, Sunli had to press her impulsive behavior.

Next, the mercenaries sealed up this place and reported what happened here to the boss here, Black Feather, the commander of the Motor City mercenary group.

He will handle this matter, and other mercenaries can also provide some suggestions.

As for Luo Fei, an outsider, he doesn't even have the right to speak, unless he completes the tasks provided by the Auto City and gets their approval before he can join the Auto City.