Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 2351: Rage

The close-up python in the Supreme Realm can reach a distance of hundreds of miles every time it moves in space. With this efficiency, the two Yunxiao quickly turned over half of the Qingluo Divine Realm.

However, what made Yun Xiao feel unacceptable was that after running through most of the Qingluo Divine Realm, he never found a strange demon again, not even in the Divine Realm! That kind of feeling, it was as if all the strange demons had disappeared from the Qingluo God Realm, leaving no trace! Yun Xiao didn't know what was the reason for this. Maybe the strange demons in Qingluo God Realm really disappeared, maybe it was because he was sensed by other strange demons after killing a holy realm strange demons, and those strange demons were aware of it. It's dangerous, so I hide myself more tightly.

But no matter what it was, he couldn't change such a reality.

In the end, Yun Xiao had to give up the idea of ​​continuing to search for the alien monsters, and headed straight for Qingluo City with his own sacred beasts.

Soon after returning to Qingluo City, Yun Xiao temporarily arranged Zhichi Python and the other five sacred beasts to rest in an inn in Qingluo City, and he went straight to Qingluo Palace.

He has decided to go to Tianyu Divine Realm as soon as possible, but before going to Tianyu Divine Realm, he still hopes to say hello to Murong Xueluo and tell him personally.

Murong Xueluo is one of his few friends. He is leaving now, and he doesn't know if there will be a chance to meet again in the future.

Galloping all the way, not long, he returned to the inner courtyard of Qingluo Palace, and as soon as he entered Qingluo Palace, he felt an extremely warm atmosphere.

After a little insight, he understood that it turned out that since this period of time, the geniuses of Qingluo Palace have hunted and killed strange demons. Several people have been promoted to the God Realm! This kind of news made him quite gratified. After all, Qingluo Palace was able to stand up to kill demons and slay demons. Not only did it help ordinary people, but it was also a great thing for themselves. This is indeed a great thing.

With such a good mood, he quickly returned to his spiritual peak.

The entire Lingfeng was still quiet, no new residents came, and no one saw it. He simply speeded up in secret, and soon came to the two pavilions halfway up the mountain.

"Can Miss Xueluo be here?

I am back! "

Standing directly at the door of Murong Xueluo's pavilion, Yun Xiao raised the corner of his mouth and gently buckled the doorway.

In fact, he already felt the aura in the pavilion, that is to say, Murong Xueluo must be there at this time.


Almost as soon as his voice fell, the door of the pavilion was suddenly opened, and the next moment, the familiar shadow appeared in front of him for the first time.

"Master Yunxiao?

You... why are you back?

! "

Murong Xueluo wore a green gauze skirt, still beautiful, but she was pale at this time, and her face was anxious, as if she was about to cry at any time.


! "

The smile on Yun Xiao's face suddenly disappeared, and it was replaced by an extremely cold chill! "Miss Xueluo, are you hurt?"

His eyes narrowed into a slit, and a depressed breath slowly wafted from Yunxiao's body. Those who knew him must understand that this was an expression of his extreme anger.

"Master Yunxiao, you don't care about me, hurry, leave here quickly, the people of the Wudimeng have been looking for you all the time, you hurry up and leave Qingluo Palace, and never come back!"

Murong Xueluo didn't go back to Yunxiao, but hurriedly pushed Yunxiao out, but he didn't want to delay a word.

"The people of the Ulde League are looking for me?

! "

Yun Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly, but he immediately understood why Murong Xueluo was so anxious.

Wudimeng, to be honest, he was about to forget the name of Wudimeng when he was fighting outside with strange demons during this period of time. He didn't care much about the little friction with Wudimeng before. But now it seems that although he didn't take it seriously, some people don't seem to think so.

"what is the problem?

Have the people of the Ulde League come to trouble you? "

After grabbing Murong Xueluo, Yun Xiao motioned to the other party not to worry, and at the same time asked with a gloomy expression.

"Don't ask too much. Before they know you have come back, you should hurry up and run away!"

Murong Xueluo shook her head, but didn't want to say more.

She knows how much Yun Xiao's character is. If Yun Xiao knows too much, she is worried that Yun Xiao will be impulsive, and if she gets into the horns by then, I am afraid the ending will be very tragic.

"Xueluo, if you still consider me a friend, then tell me what happened, otherwise, I won't leave."

Yun Xiao frowned and her tone suddenly became solemn.

"Hey, why don't you listen to me like this!"

Seeing Yun Xiao had no intention of running away, Murong Xueluo sighed with helplessness on her face.

"The people of Wudimeng have always hated you. Some time ago, that Wu Wanhai came here to find you. Seeing that you were not there, he threatened me to join them. If I refused, he hurt me, Yunxiao, listen to me. Yes, that Wu Wanhai is a villain who must report to you. You don't have to fight with that kind of person. Before they find out, you can leave as soon as possible!"

Murong Xueluo gritted her teeth and could only describe the situation roughly, and at the same time persuaded again.

"Wu Wanhai! It really is him!!"

Listening to Murong Xueluo's account, Yun Xiao's expression became colder and colder. He didn't expect that Wu Wanhai would not let go of an innocent woman.

"It's really good to be deceived. I don't want to trouble him. He even dared to hurt my friend. I must make this account clear to him!!"

He has always been adhering to the principle of not making troubles and not being afraid of things, but now that the other party is making an inch of it, don't blame him for his cruelty.

"Yun Xiao, you still don't want to provoke him, you don't know, the Wudimeng killed a lot of strange demons outside this time, and that Wu Wanhai was fortunate to get an Earthly Sovereign Realm Different Demon Pill. Now that you are a powerful person in the earthly realm, looking for him is tantamount to hitting a rock with a pebble!"

Seeing Yunxiao's reaction, Murong Xueluo suddenly became more anxious, and persuaded her with all her heart.

"Earth respect?

He was lucky! "

Yun Xiao was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect Wu Wanhai to have such a chance.

"Don't talk about this, Xueluo, let me see your injury, don't fall into the dark disease."

Shaking his head, he put these aside for the time being, grabbed Murong Xueluo's wrist directly, and began to check Murong Xueluo's injuries.

He could feel that Murong Xueluo's injury might be serious. The top priority is to heal the other party's injury. As for Wu Wanhai, he would definitely not let it go.

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me..." Seeing Yun Xiao had to examine herself for injuries, Murong Xueluo looked anxious and subconsciously pulled her hand back, but it was a pity that Yun Xiao stopped.

"Profound God Realm?

! Did you fall into the realm?

! ! "

After a while, Yun Xiao's body trembled suddenly, and the blue veins on his forehead burst out!