Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 2366: Back to Basics

The entire Qingluo Palace was completely shrouded in a strange atmosphere.

The battle between Yunxiao and Wu Gan is still going on. At this moment, not only the entire Qingluo Palace, but also some family forces around Qingluo Palace have already sensed the movement here, but, Because of the power of Qingluo Palace, they absolutely dare not come forward to investigate it easily.

At this moment of the war, hundreds of houses and pavilions in Cheongluo Palace have been razed to the ground, and even a few spiritual peaks were directly blasted into fly ashes, but even so, no one appeared in the depths of Cheongluo Palace. come out.

The reason is very simple. Those veterans of the Holy Realm who are close to Wu Gan will definitely not be able to take action at this time. After all, Wu Gan’s “bullying” a young disciple by himself is already very embarrassing. Laughed out of your teeth?

As for the strong sacred realm who has a bad relationship with the elder Wu Yan, he is naturally happy to see the other party deflated at this time, so he will not help out.

"how so?

How could there be such evil young people in the world?

Can anyone tell me, is this true? "

Elder Wu Gan is still struggling to support him, but the young disciple who has not been able to get a Divine Realm for a long time has already put his mentality on the verge of collapse. I don’t know how many moments he almost stopped directly. So that this "nightmare" wakes up as soon as possible.

The Zongmen veteran of the dignified Saint God Realm can't even take a disciple of the Earth Sovereign Realm. He doesn't know what other people think of this. Anyway, he himself can't accept this fact at all.

"what to do?

What should I do?

! If it continues like this, I really might lose! I can't lose, I can't lose! ! ! "

Up to now, he had noticed that Yunxiao's swordsmanship was becoming stronger and stronger. It felt like the opponent was practicing swords with him.

A cruel reality told him that Yun Xiao was extremely talented in swordsmanship, but the opponent never seemed to have studied with real masters, so he had never been able to find a breakthrough in swordsmanship.

But right now, his existence just made up for this shortcoming of the other party. Maybe it won’t take long before Yunxiao’s swordsmanship will undergo a qualitative change and reach a new height, and at that time, he may really be far away from failure. Not far away.

The fact is also true.

Just as the elder Wu Gan was anxious, Yun Xiao's mind was surprisingly calm. To be precise, although he was fighting at this time, his mind had already entered an indescribable kind. In the artistic conception.

"It turns out that with swordsmanship, any moves and skills are imaginary. The great way is simple. Use the simplest way to exert the strongest power and save the most physical strength. This is the best way of swordsmanship. I seem to be a little bit off!"

I don't know how long it took, Yun Xiao's face suddenly showed a smile.

The time he practiced was still too short and too short. During these short years, all his thoughts were spent on improving his cultivation, and he rarely devoted himself to the study of swordsmanship.

But in fact, swordsmanship requires a lot of time to study and experience before you can understand the true meaning of kendo.

In this battle with Elder Wu Gan, he did not originally have any advantage. It can even be said that Elder Wu Gan suppressed him, but it was the little pressure that the opponent put on him that allowed him to understand the swordsmanship. Going higher, it can be said that in this short period of less than half an hour, his swordsmanship has truly been baptized! "Om!!!"

At this point, at a certain moment, the Red Lin Sword in his hand suddenly buzzed, and in an instant, the Red Lin Sword completely turned into an afterimage, and the speed was more than three times faster than before! At the same time, his sword moves are no longer confined to the original form. The angle and strength of each sword are all different. The same sword used 70% strength before, but now it only needs 30% strength. Prompted, but the power is more than doubled than before! "boom!!!"

The sudden improvement made the veteran Wu Gan on the opposite side look terrified. He was caught off guard, but he was blasted out by his sword light for several tens of meters, and his eyes almost protruded! "Hahaha, old stuff, I really want to thank you this time!"

A sword blasted into the elder Wu Gan, Yun Xiao couldn't help but burst into laughter.

It can be seen that he should be very excited at this time, and this is inevitable, because the breakthrough in swordsmanship has almost doubled his combat power! Now he, although his cultivation level has not changed, his combat power is definitely better than those who have entered the Holy Realm.

In other words, at this moment, he already has the ability to defeat Elder Wu Gan! "Back to Basics?

You... You actually realized the realm of kendo's return to nature?

! ! "

Elder Wu Gan opened his eyes wide, and his body trembled violently.

Ordinary people can't see the way, but as a holy realm powerhouse, he knows that just now, Yunxiao's swordsmanship has completely broken through the shackles and entered a special realm. This realm is the realm of swordsmanship! Throughout the ages, there have been many amazing talents. They can’t walk with common sense. They are also cultivating swords. Ordinary people spend their entire lives honing and proficient in swordsmanship, but those with unusual talents are Can experience things that ordinary people can't understand! Just like Yunxiao’s realm of returning to nature at this moment, this is the supreme artistic realm that only swordsman geniuses can comprehend. This kind of artistic realm cannot be achieved by ordinary swordsmanship in thousands or tens of thousands of years. Looking at the entire Qingluo Palace, The kendo masters who can realize the realm of returning to innocence can count them with one hand.

It is a pity that he himself is not in this hand.

He never expected that Yunxiao's talent in kendo was actually terrifying Ruos! And this kind of natural advantage is something he can't even envy! "Illusion! I must have had a problem with my practice, so that I have a delusion and hallucinations! It must be so!!!"

Shaking his head abruptly, he was completely unable to accept reality at this time.

Being pressed and beaten by a young disciple in the realm of the earth, now he is helping him realize the realm of returning to the original with one hand. If all these are true, isn't his life a sad reminder of his home?

"Old thing, look at me if I kill you alive this time!! Kill!!"

Seeing the elder Wu Gan's face full of unlovable life, Yun Xiao sneered, and the Honglin Sword in his hand trembled slightly, saying that he would launch another offensive! And this time, if he were to let go of the attack, Wu Gan's ending would probably be very tragic.

"Little guy, you have to be forgiving and forgiving, but it's enough to stop!"

However, at this moment, a light sigh suddenly came from the depths of Qingluo Palace, and the voice did not stop, a woman in a purple veil already appeared on the field, looking at the clouds with complex expressions.