Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 239: The Red Robe Man Reappears

At the moment Luo Fei commanded, the speed of the Auto City was even faster, and a dozen black plumes of smoke emerged from its head.

This is the state of engine overload.

The rat people came quickly, and the Auto City counterattacked faster. A cannon sounded from the roof of the car, and many blazing light bullets landed on the rat people team.

Flames and mud flew, and there was a rain of flesh and blood in the sky.

While the artillery fire continued, countless muzzles protruded from the window of the Motor City, and various bullets flew towards the Ratman team.

When the distance between the two parties was close, the Ratman's attack also followed. To Luo Fei and the others' expectations, the Ratman was holding various human firearms in their hands, and crossed bullet chains hung on their chests and backs.

The Ratman’s fingers are almost as flexible as humans. It is not surprising that Luo Fei and others can use human firearms.

But so many rat people use firearms to justify. First of all, where the firearms come, how to replenish the used bullets.

All of these require huge material support. Without the material being converted into bullets, the firearm in his hand is a fire stick.

The bullets flew back and forth between the two sides, and the horrible howling sounded. The air was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder and the incense of barbecue.

Tian A stood up from the seat and calmly suggested to Luo Fei, "Boss, there are too many rat people and human weapons. We shouldn't stay here."

"Feitu, how many rat people are there?" Luo Fei did not respond, but looked at Feitu.

Feitu, who had been staring at the radar, raised his frowning brows, "2000 has been shown on the radar, but this is not all of them. There are still many in the distance who are joining the battle."

As soon as he finished speaking, Fei Tuo let out a whisper, and then yelled, "No, there are werewolves inside..."

Seeing more and more strangers coming, I don't know if it is a tribe or an empire nearby.

Luo Fei sat in the driving position where Tian A was leaving, and with a swing of the steering wheel, Lucky's head turned and quickly moved away from the Auto City.

Taking advantage of it as the neutral block for the main target of the Scavenger and Werewolf coalition forces, Luo Fei naturally ran as far as possible.

The Ratman coalition did not pay much attention to Luo Fei's heavy truck, but they still sent two unicycles.

The style of the wheelbike is quite sci-fi. The silver wheels are three meters high and hollow. Inside the wheels sit two rat men, the palm of the rat man in the front, and the rat man sitting in the back controls the double-barreled machine gun, baby The barrels with thick arms extend from both sides of the wheels.

"Huh? Those two unicycles are good..." Through the rearview mirror, Luo Fei saw the chasing soldiers behind.

But Luo Fei didn't care about them at all. For him, they were here to send equipment.

"Boss, I will deal with them."

Tian A was about to leave, but was stopped by Luo Fei, "Wait, you go to the second carriage to welcome them in, and bring the Ratman by the way."

Without asking why, Tian Au walked out of the cab, walked through the corridor, and reached the bottom.

I don't know when a small door appeared here, maybe Luo Fei just set it up.

There was no surprise on Tian Au's face, and he stretched out his hand to open the small door, and in front of him was another carriage.

The connection between the two carriages is similar to the buckle between the trains, and a large span is recessed and jumped onto the flat plate in front of the second carriage.

Then opened the door in front of him and walked in.

A dozen pairs of green and faint eyes stared at the incoming person immediately, Tian Yao's face was expressionless, and he turned a blind eye to the stench that filled it.

Passing through the werewolves indifferently, he sighed slightly in his heart. Unfortunately, these 30 werewolves lost half of them in the Auto City.

When I finally arrived at the destination, I opened the back door of the carriage and saw the two galloping unicycles.

Next, the door is automatically separated and becomes a board between the car and the ground.

Tian A was standing on the edge, and when he saw the sky above the two unicycles, ruthless eyes appeared.

No accident, the two unicycles lost their hostility, and under Tian A's guidance, they rushed into the carriage from the board.

Slightly causing confusion among those werewolves, their teeth and claws are about to tear up the quiet ratman.

Tian A yelled, "Sit down for whatever you are doing."

The werewolves sat down unwillingly with a grunt, Tianya came to observe the scavenger for a while, asked some words, and brought back the elf scavenger.

"You mean, you are from Ten Thousand Beast City, where is your Ten Thousand Beast City?" Luo Fei was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Ten Thousand Beast City took the initiative to attack humans.

"In...dense...fog..." The human language spoken by the Ratman was not very clear.

Luo Fei looked in the direction it was pointing at. The place where the rat-man coalition came out was so foggy that it was difficult to peek.

"Where did your weapons come from?" This made Luo Fei even more concerned. The alien with weapons and the alien without weapons are two concepts.

Foreign people without weapons are already very difficult to deal with, and now that weapons are just as powerful as a tiger.

Luo Fei came to understand after intermittent explanations by the Ratman, "So that's it, you found the base of the robot and occupied it."

Understand the reasons, but Luo Fei didn't want to manage them, because they were too powerful to be able to compete with his own power.

"Perhaps when Ling Fei becomes a five-tailed fox man..." Luo Fei immediately shook his head and threw the thought out of his head.

If Ling Fei really becomes a five-tailed fox person, she must be stronger, otherwise she won't be able to restrain her at all.

Having said that, I don't know what she thinks all day long, except to eat and sleep, and occasionally act according to Luo Fei's orders, like a living puppet.

Knowing about the situation in Ten Thousand Beast City, Luo Fei asked Tian Ao to take the Ratman back.

Suddenly, Xihuai's voice sounded in Luo Fei's heart, "Someone has entered my body, do I need to bring him to you?"

Luo Fei was shocked and stood up abruptly. Fei did not know, so he wanted to ask Luo Fei, but Luo Fei reached out and pressed him to stop him.

Opened the small door leading to the corridor, looked around but didn't see anyone.

"Xihuai, where is he?"

"Among the shadows in the corner, he... is moving towards you." Xi Huai sighed.

Luo Fei looked at the sharp junction between the wall and the floor, and said coldly to the air:

"Unfamiliar visitors, please come out."

The sound echoed throughout the metal corridor, the echo reached the end, and then returned to Luo Fei's side.

About three seconds later, the figure that sneaked in still did not appear.

Luo Fei narrowed his eyes and said faintly: "Xi Huai, eat him."

"It wouldn't be enough." It muttered.

Invisible intermittent silk threads extend from every corner of the carriage, and finally all converge in one position, depicting a person's figure.

The other party seemed to be swimming in the water, slowly approaching Luo Fei's side at the end of the corridor.

Compared to swimming in the water, the opponent's speed in the shadows is much slower.

It's strange that it's not slow to shuttle in the shadows, but why is he so slow?

Luo Fei looked at the outline of the dotted line coldly, and moved as the opponent moved.

After a while, his speed slowed down, and he seemed to feel something, especially his physical fatigue was very clear.

As a last resort, he finally emerged from a corner of the corridor, wearing a red robe and a hood, hiding his face in the shadows.

"It turned out to be your ghost."

Seeing his appearance, Luo Fei recalled the weird man who had become a nightmare man, and the shadow believer who appeared afterwards.

"Cough..." He obviously felt his own weakness. He coughed suddenly and violently, and then felt the pain of the five internal organs being pulled by something.

Suddenly, he saw the right hand covering his mouth, dry and wrinkled, like an old man's hand.

"What's wrong with me?" The originally straight body bent down, and his hood lifted hard.

When he saw Luo Fei's puckered mouth, everything was explained.

"It turned out to be your ghost, even if you kill me, your name has entered the blacklist of our Shadow Church, and we will chase you to death and stop us from preaching infidels..."

The changes on his body continued. Knowing that his time was running out, he tremblingly took out the black dagger from his long sleeves, but just after taking it out, his body suddenly fell.

Luo Fei stepped forward and picked up the red robe, along with the dark barbed dagger.

As for the rest, there is only a pile of dust.

Get a vacuum cleaner made by Eimeng and clean it up.

"Shadow Church?" Luo Fei thoughtfully entered the cab, Tian Ao sat back in the main driving position, and directed Xi Huai to gallop into the distance through the steering wheel.

"It is estimated that Head Black Feather also knows their existence, and seems to have acquiesced in their existence, or that he is fighting against the Shadow Church." Luo Fei thought while looking at the distance.

Now that the distance is almost the same, Luo Fei raised his wrist and used the black watch to contact Ciwei.

Luo Fei breathed a sigh of relief after contacting him about three times.

"Ciwei, I need your help."

"Huh? How can I help you." Ciwei asked.

"We want to enter your stronghold." Luo Fei said.

The other party was silent for a long time, and seemed to be seeking some people's opinions. Luo Fei could hear the squeaky sound coming from the black watch.

"Huh?" Ciwei pondered for a moment, "I'm sorry, I made you wait for a long time. Although you helped me, I can't break our rules. Although I can't let you come to the Windhorn, you can go. this place."

Dudu, a map was uploaded from the black list, and there was a picture of a small camp on the map.

"You can go to this place, and it will give you shelter there." Ciwei said apologetically.

Luo Fei's eyes lit up, and he quickly said, "Could you give me a map to the Plains of Sorrowful Wind, and I can give you the materials you want."

"From the Plains of Sorrowful Winds? Are you going there? There is a war going there..."

Ciwei's words gave Luo Fei a bad premonition in his heart, fighting? With whom? How is the battle?

He wanted to continue to question, but Ciwei's voice came first, "I can't give you the map, because I don't have it either, hehe, after all, my mercenary level is not high and cannot be exchanged."

"Wait for your mercenary level to increase. You will be eligible to go to the Plains of Sorrowful Winds. That's it. You go to that stronghold, it's still safe."

The communication was quickly interrupted, but the content made Luo Fei dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, even after restarting, he would start to act in accordance with the way of mercenary unions. This is because there is no longer any goal, so can it be passed by?