Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 2405: Trouble

Looking at the black long sword in his hand, Yun Xiao's complexion continued to change, and his heart became more and more surprised.

This sword is really extraordinary. In comparison, the Red Lin Sword in his hand is simply not worth mentioning. If he holds this sword in hand to fight people, the combat power is more than 50% stronger than the Red Lin Sword! Although he still had a real imperial grade dagger in his hand, it was difficult for the dagger to exert the power of kendo. In comparison, it seemed that this half-step imperial grade artifact was more suitable for him.

"Such a precious sword, this woman gave it to me without frowning. It seems that her identity is really extraordinary!"

A half-step imperial grade artifact, the value of this thing is really impossible to estimate, and this woman gave it to him when she said it was given to him. It can be seen that this thing is nothing in the eyes of the woman in white! Maybe the opponent has a better weapon than this, but what is a better weapon than this?

That is the real imperial artifact! "How about it?

This sword of slaughter is of good material, and there is still room for growth. If the chance is suitable, there may be a chance to be promoted to a real imperial artifact. By then, your strength will at least double. "

Seeing Yun Xiao staring at the Slaughter God Sword, the woman in white suddenly smiled and said to Yun Xiao.

"This thing can still advance?

! "

Yun Xiao's complexion was slightly dazed, he was the first time he heard that the magic weapon can be upgraded.

"Of course it can. In fact, when this sword was forged, it should be aimed at the imperial rank. It's a pity that some accidents occurred during the forging, which made it fail. If you encounter the fire in the future Origin, it can be tempered a second time, maybe it can reach the realm of imperial rank!"

The woman in white smiled and explained to Yun Xiao without getting tired of it.

"You mean, if you re-temper it with the original fire, there is hope that it will be promoted to the imperial rank?"

Hearing the explanation from the white-clothed woman, Yun Xiao's face remained silent, but his heart jumped suddenly, and he asked again subconsciously.

"Yes, that's the case, but it's best to supplement it with special forging materials, such as the rare refining materials such as Void Gold and Geocentric Mithril. No matter what, it does have the hope of promotion."

Nodded, the woman in white told the truth.

"Void gold?

Geocentric Mithril?

You can pay more attention in the future. "

Hearing that, Yun Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly, and he carefully wrote down the two refining materials.

The fire of the origin, his Vermillion Bird Divine Flame is the fire of the origin, that is to say, as long as he can obtain the void gold and the secret silver in the center of the earth mentioned by the woman in white, he can re-forge the Slaughter God Sword at that time. The sword is promoted to the real emperor! Just imagine, if he had a true imperial artifact, how would his strength grow?

"It seems that you agreed to exchange with me?"

The white-clothed woman has been paying attention to Yunxiao's expression changes, and seeing Yunxiao obviously want to accept the Slaughter God Sword, the corner of her mouth can't help but pick up, and the answer is already in her heart.

"Agree! Of course I agree! The girl is so sincere, if I disagree, wouldn't it be ignorant of current affairs?"

A smile bloomed on Yun Xiao's face, "Please wait a moment for the girl. I will write a copy of my practice for you. As for the Sword of Slaughter, I will put it away first."

With that said, directly put the Slaughter God Sword into the shrine, then quickly took out the pen and paper, and began to write on the spot.

"Come slowly, but don't make a mistake."

Seeing Yun Xiao, she started to write the exercises silently, and the woman in white frowned and reminded with a smile.

Obviously, she was worried that Yun Xiao would write a fake exercise to fool her, so she reminded Yun Xiao in advance.

"Girl, don't worry, I'm still very credible. Since I have received your Excalibur, of course I won't play any tricks anymore."

Yun Xiao smiled and signaled that the other party shouldn't worry, and in the time of talking, a exercise has been completed for a little while, and the exercises are full of pictures and texts.

"I hope so!"

The white-clothed woman didn't say anything more, but stared at the exercises written by Yunxiao, with a strange light shining in her eyes.

Her vision and insight were extraordinary. If Yun Xiao really wanted to fool her with random fabricated things, it would be almost impossible.

"Okay, this is my practice method. As for the name, I am not very clear. I always like to call it nine-star magical technique, and girls can also call it that way."

It didn't take long for a complete exercise to be completed, Yun Xiao didn't hesitate, and directly handed the exercise to the woman in white, smiling sincerely.

"Nine-star magic?

It's quite appropriate. "

The woman in white took the exercise and watched it with scorching eyes. As she watched more and more, her eyes could not help getting brighter. At the end, her expression was indescribably surprised. This exercise was shocked! Yun Xiao didn't say anything, just waiting for the other person to finish reading, and there was peace in his heart.

This exercise was simplified based on the dragon capture technique he cultivated. First of all, this is definitely not a fake exercise, but if you want to practice this exercise, there are too many requirements. At the very least, the cultivator must divide his dantian into nine, which is already unimaginable! To put it more plainly, the exercises he simplified can only be said to be able to practice successfully in theory, but if you really want to try, the success may be less than one in ten thousand! "Sure enough, the world is full of wonders. It is really unexpected that there will be such a strange exercise in the world. I don't know what kind of martial arts wizard who created this exercise?"

After a long time, the woman in white finally browsed the whole exercise, her face was full of admiration.

"Presumably the girl should be able to see that there is absolutely no error or omission in this exercise. Now, I should be able to leave, right?"

Seeing the serious look of the white-clothed woman, Yun Xiao smiled and stepped forward and said to the white-clothed woman.

After the transaction was completed, he could say that there was no loss, but he received a half-step imperial artifact that hopes to become an imperial artifact. This transaction is really profitable.

"I can't guarantee whether there are any mistakes or omissions. Therefore, the transaction between you and me will probably continue for a while."

The woman in white put away the exercises, a smile suddenly appeared on her face.

"For a while?

What does girl mean? "

Yun Xiao's brows wrinkled slightly, and she suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart.

"Meaning, I will stay by your side for a while before I am completely sure that this exercise is okay, and will not leave until I am sure that this exercise is okay."

The corner of the woman's mouth in white is very natural and authentic.