Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 2438: Mantis catching first

In less than a quarter of an hour, I actually saw the three-headed divine monarch realm of the different demon one after another. At this moment, Yun Xiao was really surprised from the heart.

That is a divine monarch realm-level different demon king, just put it at one end of the divine realm, it may cause huge losses to the divine realm, and there are three heads at the moment, if they kill in the divine realm, it is hard to imagine how many. People suffer.

The most important thing is that the three-headed **** monarch realm strange demon suddenly appeared, which in itself was an extremely dangerous signal.

"Anyway, this may not be a good thing for me, at least, I now have a way to improve myself quickly!"

The complexion changed again, but Yun Xiao finally narrowed his eyes, and a bright light flashed under his eyes.

Frankly speaking, whether the God Realm is peaceful or turbulent, it has no effect on him. Although he has a benevolent heart, he does not worry about those who are irrelevant.

On the contrary, a high-level stranger appeared in the God Realm, and he could strengthen himself and the several big beasts around him by hunting the stranger, which was beneficial to him.

"Saradu, help me to keep this human **** here!"

Just as Yunxiao was thinking, the divine monarch and other demon who was fighting against the human divine monarch also discovered the return of his companion. Seeing this, its eyes suddenly lit up and hurriedly asked for help.

Its strength is almost the same as that of a human god. It is impossible to kill the opponent, but now that a helper returns, the situation is completely different.

"Okay, let me help you!"

The returned Alien King smiled coldly, and while speaking, he was holding Shen Tu with one hand and directly participating in the battle.

Although it wants to separate a trace of mind to control Shen Tu, given the strength of its Divine Sovereign Realm, this hardly has much influence.

Sure enough, as a Divine Sovereign Realm and other Demon King joined in, the Divine Sovereign Realm powerhouse on the human side suddenly became a little flustered, and in an instant, he abruptly suffered a few tricks from the opponent.

The two great divine monarch realm and different demon kings cooperated tacitly, and for the human masters of divine monarchs, the situation was already quite dangerous.


Not long after, the alien demon king who was holding Shen Tu seized the gap and slammed a punch on the back of the human god. This fist made a violent blow, causing the human **** to squirt out a mouthful of blood and fly out. It's tens of feet away.


The human gods knew that two fists were hard to beat four hands, and with the strength of the opponent's fist, they directly tore through the space and fleeed away frantically.

"Jie Jie Jie, want to run?

It's not that easy! "

Seeing that the human gods were about to flee, the two great gods of the different demon kings flickered at the same time, and one of the different demon kings appeared directly in front of the human gods, blocking the other's way.

The different demon has wings on its back, and the speed is much faster than that of the human warrior. Therefore, it is not that difficult to escape under the hands of the different demon.


With a bang, the human gods were easily stopped, and then, two great alien demon kings bullied themselves and continued to attack the human gods like a storm.

"Damn anomaly, I'm fighting with you!"


The human gods were also angry at this time, and he knew that the situation was more critical. After a roar, his breath suddenly burst, obviously using some secret method to temporarily increase his strength.

"Boom bang bang..." As the human gods began to desperately, the two great alien demon kings did not dare to neglect, but in general, two-on-one they still occupy the absolute initiative.

As time passed, there were a few more sword marks on the bodies of the two great alien demon kings, but for them with amazing defensive power, such injuries did not have much impact.

On the other hand, the power temporarily stimulated by the human gods through the secret method is gradually weakening. If there is no support, he is really likely to be consumed by the two great alien kings today! "Roar!!!"

Suddenly, the two great alien demon kings glanced at each other. One of the alien demon kings roared and rushed directly at the human god. This was anxious and fierce. When the human **** reacted, the other's punch had reached his In front of him, it was too late to dodge anymore at this time.

Almost subconsciously, the human gods can only hurriedly cross-arm to block.

"Jie Jie Jie, you are done!!"

Seeing that the human gods chose to defend, the strange demon king on the opposite side laughed strangely, and suddenly changed from fists to grasping, and clamped the hands of the human gods! "not good!!"

The human god’s complexion changed wildly. He knew that he was finished this time. Although he was able to shake off the opponent’s catch, this process took time. Although it was only a very short time, it was enough for another alien king. Complete a sneak attack from behind.


Sure enough, at this moment, the space behind him swayed slightly, and the other Demon King patted his horse, an unprecedented sense of crisis, instantly wrapping him.

At the critical moment, he can only mobilize all his power and gather behind him. As for whether he can hold it, he can only be handed over to God.

"Jie Jie Jie, die!!"

The alien demon who sneaked behind him laughed wildly. Although he was still controlling Shen Tu with one hand, he had the confidence to take out the heart of the human gods even with only one hand.


However, just when the claws of the different demon king were about to touch the back of the human gods, an insignificant spatial fluctuation suddenly spread. I don’t know when, a young figure has appeared in the other demon king’s. Behind.

The young figure seemed to have been preparing for a long time, and as soon as he appeared, his fist banged directly on the head of the alien demon king! "Boom!!!"

With a muffled noise, the head of the alien demon exploded suddenly, and there was no reaction time at all.


Almost at the same time, the alien demon king who had become a headless corpse disappeared directly into the air, apparently being taken away by someone.


The light and shadow flashed, and the young man's shadow had disappeared, and he didn't even leave a trace of breath, obviously he left directly.

"Do not!!"

Everything happened too fast. Although the alien demon king who was competing with the human gods found an anomaly, when it reacted, his companion had fallen, and even the corpse had been taken away.

"The sky does not kill me!!!"

The restrained human **** was ecstatic. He did not expect that at the moment of the moment, someone would help him. Without even thinking about it, he slammed the origin, slammed the other demon king’s restraint, and then grabbed the one who was out of control. Shen Tu flees directly towards the distance.