Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 246: Jet Mantis

Because of Si Yu's entanglement, those mercenaries didn't move forward for a while, and all looked at the leader of Black Feather. Anyway, it was better to let the leader decide in the end.

Head Black Feather was wrapped in the sight of everyone, and his heart was suddenly floating. As long as this murder case was completed, his prestige could be improved.

He glanced at the storm again, and the result was self-evident, just to please this adult, then he will sit firmly in his position as the leader for a long time in the future.

However, Ciwei said at this time, "Stop all, are there not enough dead people?

Besides, we have more important things to do. You should all know that Lord Kuanglan's real body is a tank.

Now Lord Kuanglan needs your rescue. For the continuation of you and your offspring, we should unite and rescue Lord Kuanglan. "

Everyone looked at each other, the truth before them, the hope for the future, and they quickly made a choice.

"For humanity."

They solemnly swear, with their right hand clenching a fist and hammer on their chest, they strongly expressed their determination.

The crowd ran back to the Auto City and drove away in the dark under the leadership of the head of the black feather.

In the dark night, the alien beasts are still active, and the aliens are still hunting in groups.

Countless searchlights are turned on, which not only illuminates the way forward, but also increases the risk of exposure.

This is not what they want, but they have to do it. Only in this way can they reach the place where the storm is.

The Auto City was in front, and Lucky was driving on its left and right. Apart from Luo Fei and the others, there was only Heijiaguma in the car. Kuanglan and Ciwei got on her aircraft and followed behind.

The night at this time is different from the past. There are often rumbling sounds in the distance, and the flickering thunder is playing in the sky.

"If I knew he was a pioneer, I wouldn't have cut his limbs." Gu hammer hammered his head in annoyance, and he didn't understand how he could do such a thing.

If you offend the tide, you are going against all human beings.

"Luo Fei, I can only rely on you in the future. Now we are all shouting." Gu Tsui sat in the passenger seat and complained to Luo Fei on the walkie-talkie.

"Well, that's okay." Luo Fei faintly responded. He didn't care too much about it, because he was also a pioneer, and he didn't cut Kuanglan's arm.

Gu Tsui was a little dissatisfied with Luo Fei's response that didn't respond much, shouldn't he say something about supporting each other, then meeting each other late, and finally putting in a joss stick and worshipping the handle?

Just as he was about to speak, a rapid howling approached from the horizon.

Ciwei's exclamation suddenly sounded in the communicator: "It's the Jet Mantis, hurry up and save me..."

This is a public channel. Not only Luo Fei can hear it, but Hei Yu and others can also hear it.

The searchlights of the Auto City immediately swept into the sky, like two beams of light stirring the black night, and finally converging together to illuminate the figure of the coming object.

A huge jet mantis appeared in front of everyone. Its adult body length is 15 meters. It has six sharp sickle arms. It sprays six almost substantial air currents from its back. It draws a curve at a high speed like a phantom. Approaching the blue aircraft.

For the Jet Mantis, the sky is its territory, and all aerial creatures passing through its territory will be attacked by it.

As for the creatures on the ground passing by, it just ignored them.

The speed of the aircraft is obviously not as fast as the Jet Mantis, and everyone can see that the two are rapidly approaching.

Head Black Feather would definitely not let Ciwei and Kuanglan be injured, and immediately ordered support.

Countless light bombs fly from the car city to the sky, but the effect on the targets in the sky is really not good.

The other party didn't even bother to avoid it. There were many small air holes on its body, and the violent air flow ejected from it, forming a jet shield around the jet mantis.

Seeing as the distance gets closer, four thick iron pillars emerge from the Auto City, and then a thick red beam of light emerges from the inside, poking at the jet mantis like four chopsticks.

Boom, hit instantly.

It is also the first time that Jet Mantis has encountered such an attack. This is one of the secret weapons of Auto City, the laser beam.

The light beam disappeared, and the jet mantis in the sky fell like leaves.

Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. With the power of the car city, they could only shoot this attack. If they couldn't hit, then they could only try their luck with a cannon.

No one cared about the Jet Mantis that was hit, and everyone thought it was absolutely impossible to survive a hit like that.

But when the praying mantis fell to the ground, it suddenly stood up. At this time, its whole body was severely damaged, and green blood flowed out of the broken bone armor.

There were no wings on the back, and the five of the six arms were removed, leaving only one mutilated sickle arm.

With only half of its head left, it rushed towards the Auto City on one leg. Before the Auto City could react, it was approached by the Jet Mantis.

Noisy, the half-palm-thick steel door was easily torn open, and the Jet Mantis squeezed in through the crack.

The mercenaries inside were terrified, and countless bullets shot at it, but they were all bounced off by the bone armor on its body. Only occasionally when it hit the exposed wound, it howled.

"Don't let it in, otherwise the Motor City will be destroyed by it." The mercenary captains immediately organized their own troops, and greeted it with rockets and grenades without money.

Luo Fei was not in the mood to care about such a fierce battle. He was repairing Tian'ao's Mecha Claw Wolf.

At the same time, he installed the extra Green machine gun on the roof of Lucky, after all, its power is much stronger than the Green machine gun.

When the bullets of the Green machine gun were exhausted, Luo Fei's mind came up with the decision whether to sell it.

Diligence and thrift is a virtue, waste is shameful, and never throw it away casually.

At this moment Luo Fei was lying on the bed with his eyes closed. Even if he did not open his eyes, Luo Fei could feel everything in the lucky number.

The Talon Wolf in the mecha compartment is slowly recovering, as if an invisible maintenance warehouse is busy.

The Green Machine Cannon behind it automatically floated into the air, passed through the large hole that was automatically separated, and came outside.

After installation, I made some fine adjustments, and then notified Eimeng to check it again to see if there were any deviations. She is still good at machinery.

Suddenly, there was a violent explosion outside. Luo Fei looked through the window, and the huge jet mantis fell and fell onto the grass outside the door, before being run over by the Auto City.

An armed chariot suddenly sped out from the bumpy gate, ignoring the shouts of the mercenaries behind him, and the chariot galloped into the distance without turning its head back.

Immediately there was a sound of a cannon, and a shell fell on the side of the chariot, flying it violently, and then fell on the ground and continued to madly far away from the Auto City.

"Something went wrong?" Luo Fei saw that the Auto City didn't stop, nor did he send anyone to chase him. He had obviously abandoned the chariot.

On the way to the ground, Luo Fei also encountered some wandering strange beasts, but he was shattered by the artillery fire of the Motor City before he got close to the team.

Along the way, Luo Fei leisurely followed them to the destination.

Even on the grasslands, geological disasters can occur, such as earthquakes. Ground cracks are the result of an earthquake. They are like scars appearing on the face named ‘Dadi’.

After driving for two hours, the night was still the same darkness, and the Motor City finally stopped in a huge crack.

The widest part of the ground seam in front of me was more than a hundred meters away, and the Auto City would definitely not be able to drive past it.

It is impossible to go around, there are more than one seam on the ground, and I don’t know how many there are in all directions.

"Everyone got out of the car. After the earthquake, the soil is very loose and will collapse if you are not careful." The communicator screamed, and then Ciwei's voice came.

Luo Fei scratched his eyebrows. Without the help of the tank, the raging tank could only rely on the armed mecha, and the difficulty had increased many times.

Xihuai's voice sounded in Luo Fei's heart at this time, "Master, Kuan Lan asked if we have arrived, and asked us to be on the sidelines and leave the rest to the people in Auto City."

"I see." Luo Fei nodded silently, thinking that Kuanglan is a good person, and if his tank is so heavy, then he will also be trapped.

Not long after, more than 50 various armed mechas ran out of the Auto City, and one row of mechas was also walking with an iron chain.

At the side of the mecha, about 300 mercenaries followed, carrying various equipment to explore the situation inside.

The terrain is complex and the ground is intertwined. The mercenaries not only need to explore the hard ground, but also find the right path.

According to Kuang Lan, his body was stuck in a crack in the ground, and it might fall down due to geological loosening over time.

Now those mercenaries have to fight for time, and they can't go slow.

"go ahead."

This team was personally led by the head of the black feather, passing through the gap between the two ground cracks.

The huge team went further and further, and no one told Luo Fei that they would follow.

They are now obviously rejected.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Tian A suddenly said to Luo Fei through the walkie-talkie:

"Boss, do we want to keep up, or should we just stay here?"

Luo Fei did not hesitate, "We will not follow or stay here, we will walk our way."

"Huh? Is this okay? They know the characteristics of our truck, and they will **** our truck." Tian Yao said blankly.

He is now colder than before, and nothing seems to arouse his interest anymore.

"If they dare, then we will let them be human again." Luo Fei felt that his murderous aura was getting heavier.

Originally, he was in the Auto City well, but then he was driven out inexplicably, which made Luo Fei a little dissatisfied with them in his heart.

"Furthermore, I have obtained the map given by Kuanglan. If this favor is not returned, I can't sleep well. Not only will we have to save Kuanglan's body, but we will also be faster than them." Luo Fei's eyes flashed a little.

Tian A didn't care what the mercenaries thought when they rescued Kuanglan's body. Since it was Luo Fei's order, he resolutely implemented it. "Understood, boss."

Sitting in the main driving position, he immediately turned the steering wheel, which was equivalent to giving Xihuai a signal to turn the front of the car and rush towards the seam next to it.

"what are you doing?"

Tian Ao's behavior shocked Gu Ma, and immediately pressed the steering wheel, but the vehicle they were riding in did not stop.

Gu Mu lowered his head and found that Tian Wa had been stepping on the accelerator forcefully.

"Hurry up, let go, I'm going to fall in..." Gu hammer eagerly pulled Tian A away from the driving position, and quickly shifted and sat on it.