Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 2469: Dongling Mountain

Feng Qiwu felt that her back was soaked in cold sweat. She has never felt death so close to her since she practiced. She believes that as long as Yunxiao moves her thoughts casually, she will be completely cold! "Sovereign realm powerhouse?

! Is he a strong man of the gods?

! ! "

After a brief loss of consciousness, she immediately realized what kind of existence Yun Xiao was in front of her! She herself is a master at the pinnacle of the Most Sacred Realm. In the realm of the Holy Divine Realm, she thinks it is difficult to find an opponent, and since Yun Xiao can make her unable to fight back, what else can it be if it is not in the Divine Sovereign Realm?

"Girl, do you think the way we communicate now is much better than before?"

At this moment, Yunxiao's voice sounded again, and it sounded as calm as ever.

"You...Where are you sacred?

! "

Feng Qiwu's complexion changed again, and his tone was slightly trembling and authentic.

Seriously, she was really scared.

Having been at the Lost Land at ease for so many years, the rule she has always believed in is not to provoke a few masters of the Divine Sovereign Realm in the Lost Land, but now, she has actually had a head-on conflict with a strong God Sovereign Realm. This feeling, really Terrible.

What annoyed her the most was that this powerhouse of the Divine Sovereign Realm had only reasoned with her, but she just wanted to bully the weak! Now it's all right, the hunter and the prey have exchanged identities, she really can't imagine what will be waiting for her! "Don't ask any more. Next, I will ask questions and you will answer. If you dare to tell lies, I will send you to the West immediately."

Yun Xiao glanced at each other indifferently, "Return these two strange beasts to these two, is there a problem?"


Feng Qiwu paled, and hurriedly trembled.

Just kidding, the sword is between her eyebrows, how can she care about the two corpses of strange beasts?

In fact, she really hated those two strange beasts now.

"The second question, how big is this lost place?

! "

Yun Xiao nodded and continued to speak.

"I don't know how big the lost place is, because the area I can reach is limited, and there are many places that I don't dare to set foot in based on my cultivation base."

Feng Qiwu didn't dare to hesitate, and hurriedly replied honestly.

"The third question, do you know the **** of war and the family of **** of war?"

Yun Xiao raised his eyebrows, and simply asked the question he most wanted to ask.

"Zhantian God Lord?

Ares family? "

Hearing Yun Xiao suddenly asked about the God Sovereign Zhan Tian and the God of War Clan, Feng Xiwu was stunned for a moment. Obviously he did not expect Yun Xiao to ask her this suddenly.

"Zhan Tian Shenjun is one of the four great gods of the Lost Land. Naturally, no one in the entire Lost Land does not know him. He settled on Dongling Mountain. It has been more than 30 years."

Although she didn't know why Yun Xiao asked about God Sovereign Zhan Tian, ​​she obediently told her all the information she knew, for fear that Yun Xiao would be unhappy and slaughter her.

"Really here?

! God Lord Zhan Tian is really here! ! ! "

When Feng Xiwu's voice fell, Yunxiao's expression remained silent on the surface, but his heart was full of excitement.

From what the other party said, it is not difficult to hear that God Lord Zhan Tian is in the Lost Land and is still alive. It seems that his life is not too bad, at least not the kind of character who is bullied.

"Where is the Dongling Mountain you mentioned?

Take me right away! "

Now that he knew that God Lord Zhan Tian was here, he couldn't wait to see him right away.

"This..." Feng Xiwu's brows wrinkled involuntarily, and a hesitation flashed in his eyes.


You don't want to lead the way?

! "

Seeing the hesitation on the other side, Yun Xiao's eyes immediately condensed, slightly unhappy and authentic.

"No, you don't know that Dongling Mountain is located in the core area of ​​the Lost Lands. It is a long way to go, and it is not easy to go to the territory of the divine monarch realm and strange beasts."

Seeing Yun Xiao's upset, Feng Qiwu waved his hand and explained seriously.

"Divine Sovereign Realm's territory of strange beasts?

Are there many divine monarch realm monsters in this lost land? "

Yun Xiao raised his eyebrows and continued to inquire.

Feng Qiwu thought a little, "Although it is not a lot, it is also true. There are almost 30 strange beasts in the Divine Sovereign realm that everyone is familiar with. Masters of the environment should know something about it."


How many thirty?

Is it just known? "

When Feng Qiwu's voice fell, it was Yunxiao's turn to be surprised this time. He never expected that there would be so many god-sovereign-level monsters in this lost land! You know, even in the Tianyu Divine Realm, there are not so many powerhouses at the Divine Sovereign Realm level! "What she said is true?"

His eyes flashed, Yun Xiao suddenly turned his head to Yan Shouyi, ancestor and grandson not far away, and asked in a deep voice.

"Ah, it's true, what she said is not false."

Yan Shouyi didn't expect Yun Xiao to ask himself suddenly, but was really taken aback, and he hurriedly bent down and replied respectfully.

"By the way, can there be any beasts of the **** king level in this lost land?"

Nodded, Yun Xiao turned around again to look at Xiang Feng Xiwu, and asked again.

Divine Sovereign level strange beasts are not a threat to him today, even if there are many strange beasts of this level, he doesn't care too much.

The only thing that really made him jealous was the existence of the **** king level! "The **** king level?

I have never heard of it. I was exiled here by Duan Tianyu sixty years ago. I have never heard of a god-king monster in the Lost Lands for so many years. "

Feng Xiwu thought for a while and replied honestly.

"And you?"

Yun Xiao nodded and asked Yan Shouyi again.

"Xia Xia has been living in the Lost Lands for nearly a hundred years, and I have never heard of the strange beasts in the Divine King Realm either."

Yan Shou looked straight, and said cautiously.

"There is no **** king level."

After hearing the answers of the two, Yun Xiao felt relieved.

As long as there is no alien beast of the **** king level, he can walk sideways in this lost place.

"Feng Qiwu, right?

There is no enmity between you and me, so let's take me to Dongling Mountain where Zhantian God Sovereign is located. When I get there, I will let you go. Do you think this is fair? "

After pondering for a while, Yun Xiao looked at Feng Qiwu and said with a smile.

"Do I have another choice?

I just hope that your Excellency will be able to speak, and then it will really be enough to let me go. "

Hearing that Yun Xiao was obviously trying to run himself on purpose, Feng Qiwu couldn't help showing a bitter smile on his face, and replied bitterly.

Not to mention that Yun Xiao just asked her to lead the way. Even if Yun Xiao made some excessive demands, she categorically did not dare to refuse.