Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 2524: Shuling

As the tree spirit walked along, Yun Xiao thought he was well-informed, but at this moment, seeing the giant tree in front of him, he was truly shocked.

"Yin and Yang, this... is this really a tree?

I'm dazzled, am I? "

After a long time, Yun Xiao came back to his senses for a while, and asked the spirit of Yin-Yang Tu on the side.

The Spirit of Yin and Yang Tu smiled slightly: "The owner is not mistaken. This is indeed a tree, but it is a very good tree. It seems that the owner has encountered a great opportunity this time!"

"A great opportunity?

What's the meaning? "

Hearing this, Yun Xiao's eyes suddenly condensed, and a bright color flashed under his eyes.

"I don't know the superior is coming, the little girl is welcome, and I hope to forgive her!"

However, without waiting for the spirit of Yin and Yang Tu to say more, a sweet female voice came suddenly, and the voice was very pleasant, which made people feel like a spring breeze.

Yun Xiao's gaze subconsciously looked in the direction where the sound came from, just to see a woman in a long green dress floating in front of him.

"What a beautiful woman! How could there be such a beautiful woman in this world?"

Isn't this too beautiful? "

Seeing the woman in front of him, Yun Xiao couldn't help but stare blankly, his eyes filled with awe-inspiring colors, because he was sure that he had never seen such a beautiful woman in his life.

"Hahaha, don't pretend to be human in front of this seat. Tree spirits are tree spirits. Why do you have to pretend to be human?"

At this moment, the laughter of the Spirit of Yin Yang Tu suddenly spread, interrupting Yun Xiao's thoughts, and pulling him back from his absence.

"Gluck, it turned out that I met the same kind. I really didn't think that this kind of poor country can also encounter such a powerful spirit, but I don't know what your Excellency is called?"

Hearing that the spirit of Yin and Yang figured out, the woman in the green dress was not too surprised, because they were both spirit bodies, and they could indeed sense the identity of the other's spirit body, which was not surprising.

The corner of the spirit of Yin Yang Tu’s mouth picked up: "My name is not something anyone can inquire about, but you can meet me, Eh, and my master today. This is indeed your good fortune, and the biggest one in your life. Turning point."


So, did the little girl really meet a big man today? "

Hearing the words of the spirit of Yin and Yang, the woman in the green dress raised her eyebrows, and a strange color flashed under her eyes, and hurriedly looked towards Yunxiao on the side of the spirit of Yin and Yang.

She is more or less able to perceive the power of the spirit of the Yin and Yang map, and what she never expected is that such a powerful spirit of the Yin and Yang map is actually a thing! After looking up and down for a long time, her brows couldn't help but slowly frowned, because she had already noticed that Yunxiao's cultivation base was only in Absolute Dust! Such a level of cultivation does not seem to be worthy of being the master of the spirit of Yin and Yang diagram, right?

"Ahem, I made the girl laugh. I'm not a big man, I'm just an ordinary person with better luck."

Yun Xiao was a little uncomfortable when she was seen by the woman in the green dress, so she quickly coughed, shook her head and smiled at the woman in the green dress.

Although he knew that the woman in the green dress in front of him was not a human being, to him, whether it was a human or a spirit body, they were actually similar. In fact, as long as these powerful spirit bodies were willing, they could transform into a human body at any time. Yes, it is no different from a normal human being.

"Ordinary people?

If you are an ordinary person, how can you make him recognize you as Lord? "

Upon hearing Yun Xiao's words, the woman in the green skirt smiled slightly, obviously not believing what Yun Xiao said.

"Hey, of course, my master cannot be an ordinary person. If you want to know what is outstanding about my master, right now is a good opportunity. As long as you recognize my master as the master, then you will immediately understand how good my master is. ."

At this time, the spirit of Yin and Yang Tuzhi stood up and raised his eyebrows at the woman in the green dress.

"Acknowledge him as Lord?

Are you kidding me?

Relying on his cultivation base of the Extreme Dust Realm, you actually let me recognize him as the master? "

The eyes of the woman in the green dress were slightly narrowed, and a flash of anger flashed under her eyes.

She always likes to be free. She has never thought of recognizing a human martial artist as the master, and it is even more unlikely that she would recognize a small martial artist in the extreme realm as the master. Maybe just recognize the Lord.

"This..." Hearing the words of the woman in the green skirt, Yun Xiao's face trembled, and a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face. He didn't expect that the spirit of Yin Yang Tu would let others recognize him as his master as soon as he opened his mouth. He was rejected face-to-face by others. At this moment, he couldn't help feeling hot on his face, which was really embarrassing.

"Hahaha, don't overspeak your words. Just like you, you can grow by devouring the flesh and blood of a human warrior. I am afraid that even after ten thousand years, it will be difficult for you to have any prospects. If you find it, you may chop you down for firewood."

The Spirit of Yin and Yang Tuzhi didn't care about Yunxiao's embarrassment, but directly looked at the woman in the green skirt with an authentic smile on her face.

"This will not bother you, your Excellency. If there is nothing wrong, you should leave as soon as possible. I don't welcome two of you here, please!"

The face of the woman in the green skirt sank slightly, and she directly issued the order to dismiss her. Obviously, the words of the spirit of Yin and Yang had hurt her self-esteem and made her a little uncomfortable.

The Spirit of Yin and Yang Tu raised his eyebrows, and his eyes suddenly narrowed: "Little Tree Spirit, are you ordering me?

It seems that you think I am too good to talk? "

"What about ordering you?

This is my site, do you still want to do something with me in my site? "

The eyes of the woman in the green skirt also narrowed, and her tone became colder, showing no signs of weakness.

"Ha, it seems that I won't show you a hand, you little tree spirit doesn't know what to respect the old and respect the old at all. In that case, I will let you see and see my means today!! The universe is in my hands! Go!!! "

The primordial genius of Yin Yang Tu laughed, and while he was speaking, he raised his hand suddenly, and suddenly, a strange rune floated out of his hand, and in the blink of an eye he reached the trunk of the giant tree, and then plunged directly into it! "Om!!!"

As the rune entered the trunk, the giant tree trembled suddenly. The next moment, the giant tree, which was originally covered with sky and sun, was like a deflated leather ball, and began to shrink crazily. It was just a few breaths. The giant tree has shrunk by nearly half! "what?

! ! This...How is this possible?

! "

Seeing her own body shrinking crazily, the eyes of the woman in the green dress suddenly widened, and she froze in a daze, as if she was frightened and stupefied!