Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 273: The sword is gone

Luo Fei's control mecha shook his head slightly, "Why lie to you, you won't know after a while?"

"I can't wait for a moment now."

The woman raised the miniature villa in her hand, and countless flowers grew luxuriantly. In just a second, a retro-style float was constructed in front of her.

She took a small step to ride, the float was driven by no one, but it drove on its own, leaving quickly under Luo Fei's gaze.

Still impatient... Luo Fei sat quietly in the air.

When he was idle and bored, Luo Fei asked Xihuai what was happening in the cloth factory town recently.

"The Auto City is also here. They want to regain the cloth factory town. Hetianao and the others have some conflicts, but they are suppressed by the turmoil." Xi Huai peacefully recounted what happened recently.

"Then is our canvas production smooth?" Luo Fei is more concerned about this, which determines whether he can quickly return to the Plain of Sad Wind.

"Everything went well." Xi Huai replied.

"That's good." Luo Fei relaxed.

Taking advantage of this gap, he self-checked his own strength. At present, he has entered the peak of the beast level, and he is only one step away from the wild shark level.

However, just this step away trapped him for three days.

If other people with supernatural powers knew that Luo Fei had only stayed for three days and then began to worry, wouldn't they be crazy if they had been stagnating for three or thirty years.

It's just that Luo Fei rarely communicates with other power users, and the time to become a power user is very short, so that he has the illusion that the improvement of the power user itself is very fast, just like him.

"Why can't I improve?" Luo Fei frowned, and the incident of entering the bottleneck made him a little bit distressed.

The strength can't be improved, the skills he can get from Xihuai are very limited, and the strength he exerts is also inferior.

Luo Fei was greedy by some practical skills like the magnetic shield that Xihuai would have, assimilation of magnetic energy, and magnetic gravitation.

"Want to stop shocking yourself with electricity?"

When Luo Fei was considering whether to find a wire for himself, a large shadow appeared on the surface of Mizusawa.

Luo Fei looked at it intently, a large bundle of gray arms wrapped in a black object emerging from the shadows.

Looking closer, there are countless heads buried between that group of arms. They lowered their heads deeply and kept biting into the arms.

Pieces of black matter were swallowed by them, and while the ghost king disappeared, their bodies continued to turn black.

"No, that guy is assimilating the Nightmare Man. Once it succeeds, the ghost king might have the ability to shuttle through the shadows."

Realizing that it was not good, Luo Fei stood up straight, stepped on the sword under his feet, and the other sword rotated and flew away. The target was the right hand of the King of Ghosts.

As long as the ghost king sword in the opponent's hand is taken, the opponent's strength will be reduced by more than half.

When he was about to act, there was a boiling shadow around Luo Fei, and the figures in red robes rose from the inside to surround Luo Fei.

"Luo Fei, you massacred the wicked people of our church believers. Today is your day of death next year."

Obviously an old voice came from directly in front of Luo Fei. Looking at the location, the opponent seemed to be the head of the entire team.

"The ghost stays away, get out, now I don't have time to play with you, wait until I clean up the ghost king, and I will clean up you later." Luo Feiji pointed out the believer.

Now is the time to race against time, the ghost king is more dangerous than them, Luo Fei had to line them back.

"Want to go, it's not that easy." The old believer turned his head and looked around, "Shadow chain."

In the shadows under the feet of the fifteen shadow believers, chain-like shadows suddenly stretched out, and they glided along the water surface, wrapping the shadow of Luo Fei's reflection on the water surface firmly.

Luo Fei moved, but found that his body seemed to be bound by a real chain, making it difficult to move.

"Haha, it's hard to move, now you are the meat on the board, let us slaughter. This is the consequence of you slaughtering our shadow believers."

The old man laughed extremely cheerfully.

The vengeance is finally avenged, and the enemy is about to die.

"Someone will pull Luo Fei out of the cockpit and cut off his head."

The next most important step is to take down Luo Fei's first stage.

But what embarrassed the old man at this time was that all the shadow followers were maintaining the shadow chains, so that no one could move.

So embarrassing...

"Damn, you headless, when you just cast the shadow chain, can't you leave one person?"

The old man cursed, and the shadow believers around humbled their heads, thinking in their hearts: This is clearly your command's fault.

But now they can only stand in a stalemate, but Luo Fei's mind is not on them.

The sharp sword flying in the sky soon came to the right hand of the ghost king, with a red brilliance, and instantly cut off the opponent's right hand.

It succeeded... Luo Fei held his breath and controlled the long sword to twist and deform in the air.

Take it, and fly towards Luo Fei with the ghost king arm.

it is finally over……

Just as Luo Fei breathed a sigh of relief, blossoming flowers grew from the water, wrapping the Ghost King Sword in the sky in the blink of an eye until it disappeared.

Luo Fei was startled, "Hey, it's not good for you to rob it like this, but I got it first."

With the Ghost King Sword, Luo Fei might be able to break through the door frame of the beast level, and Luo Fei was very concerned about this.

A few seconds later, a carriage full of colorful flowers appeared in front of everyone.

The shaded old man's complexion changed suddenly, and his tone was a little distorted, "Hua Di-Luo Yang..."

"Hurry up."

Following the old man yelled, but it was too late, their feet were already entangled by the flower stems, and they couldn't move.

The green-haired woman slowly stepped down from the carriage and glanced at the surrounding scene. Finally, her green eyes fell on the old man, and her eyebrows were lightly frowned.

"You really are wildfires that can't be burned and the spring breeze blows and regenerates." She was curiously asked, "How many people do you still have, how can you kill them?"

The old man knew that he and the others could no longer leave, he immediately became hardened, and snorted, "We are the church that started for all mankind to enter the happy kingdom created by God. As long as there are people in the world who suffer, our people will never come. Absolutely."

"Even if you kill me today, there will be thousands of me standing up in the future."

Luo Yang snorted coldly, "Speaking is better than singing. If it weren't for your arbitrariness, Sky Soul City would not fall into chaos, causing it to dodge less than Fengyun Thunder Beast, and the 100,000 people in that city would not die."

After listening, the old man laughed loudly. After three seconds, he sneered and said:

"Isn't Fengyun Thunder Beast attracted because of you claiming to be guardians? It is really embarrassing to put blame on us now."

protector? Attracted Fengyun Thunder Beast? ... Luo Fei has a heart to gossip about the secrets between them.

But now is really not the time, Luo Fei looked at the ghost king and the nightmare people on him.

Black has already infested most of their bodies and will soon merge into one.

"Can you guys..."

Luo Fei just spoke, and Luo Yang immediately yelled, "Shut up."

She glared at the old man opposite, obviously in a state of anger, not even caring about the mutant ghost king who was slowly approaching behind her.

"What do you know, how much our guards have lost in order to protect mankind, do you know?"

"In those days we fought against foreign nations and killed almost all of them. For this we also suffered heavy losses. Even if only I survived, I would guard the rest of humanity."

"But it was because of your chaos that I had no choice but to return to the city, and this also caused the alien kingdom to summon the Wind and Cloud Thunder Beast, and we humans suffered heavy losses by using the same method of death."

"In the final analysis, it's not your fault."

Speaking of the end, Luo Yang was already in a state of anger, exerting all his powers, countless flowers emerged from the tiny villa in her hands, flooding all the followers of the shadows like a tide.

Before the old man disappeared, he shouted, "The leader will not let you go if he flies away."

"Hmph, whoever you are here, I will kill them all."

Luo Yang hummed coldly, urging the supernatural powers all the time, and in the end Luo Fei was not spared and was submerged by the tide of flowers.

Suddenly a shadow enveloped Luo Yang's head. She turned her head and looked, her heart trembled. The huge body was covered with countless heads and constantly waving arms, which looked abnormally nauseous.

"Disgusting." Luo Yang pointed behind him.

Countless flowers climbed onto the body of the ghost king, swallowed and absorbed.

And those flowers were not without any damage, they slowly turned black, and finally turned into powder and scattered.

Luo Yang clutched his chest, feeling a special heartache, because the number of these flowers was limited.

You can only make up for the losses yourself.

Suddenly she felt something wrong, stretched out her hand, the sea of ​​flowers in front of her spread, and there was no ghost king inside.

"It's really fast."

Waved again, all the flowers faded and were taken back by the micro villa.

Mizusawa disappeared, the body melted away, leaving only a pile of dead bones.

A white armed mecha in the bones stood up, first searched for it, but found nothing, then raised his right hand and waited for a long time, but nothing happened.

Luo Fei was startled, his head was a little dazed, and he muttered, "How come it is gone?"

"What are you looking for?" Luo Yang stepped on the flowers step by step, and at each step, the flowers rose from the ground and placed under her high heels, giving the impression of a fairy going down.

But Luo Fei knew that Luo Yang, who was called the Flower Emperor, was moody and could not be calculated by common sense at all.

Luo Fei was not used to her either, and simply replied, "Where is the sword you snatched from?"

Luo Yang turned around and was also puzzled. After a few seconds, he said in relief: "If you don't have it, there will be no chanting. Why are you looking for it?"

Luo Fei suddenly became angry and was startled for a few seconds, and said:

"Since you don't care about that sword, what are you grabbing from me, do you know how much trouble it will cause me to lose that sword."

After thinking about it for a moment, the ghost king had assimilated the nightmare person, possessing the ability to shuttle shadows, and the ghost king sword was taken away by the opponent just now.

Standing up from the ground, turning around to leave, but before Luo Fei took a few steps, a bunch of flower stalks suddenly rose from the ground, wrapping his ankles of the armored mecha.