Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 275: Very easy task

A sea of ​​colorful flowers appeared in front of her, forming a waterfall flying down nine days.

In the blink of an eye, the Sky Eagle is approaching.

With a burst of sound, the flames are overwhelming and the sea of ​​flowers disappears.

With two explosions, Luo Yang's figure had disappeared into the flames and disappeared.

After a few seconds, the fire disappeared, Luo Fei opened his eyes and looked anxiously, and found that a large villa appeared in the other side's original location. He wanted to come to the other side and hid in a critical moment.

Luo Fei just breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, the artillery sounded continuously, and the Black Tiger gained momentum and kept firing.

The endless cannonballs fell on the villa, flashing a burst of light.

At this time, the villa has no backhand strength, it can only continuously grow countless flowers, wrapping itself one after another, and the cannonball is like a naughty child peeling sugar, peeling off layer after layer of flowers. Ocean.

Worse, the opponent doesn't have any counterattack, so sooner or later the defense will be broken.

This time Luo Yang must have grown up, and Luo Fei knew the consequences. Once the sea of ​​flowers disappears, the other party's villa may also be destroyed.

"what to do?"

Luo Yang must be rescued, she is a powerful figure, but how to rescue Luo Fei considers several situations:

He rushed up and slashed the Black Tiger with his double swords. It was just a matter of whether his attack power could consume the opponent's energy shield in a short time. Even the armor on the Black Tiger was also a big obstacle.

Or he rushed up to block the opponent's cannonballs and bought Luo Yang a second of breathing time.

It's just hard to say whether he can last for a second, but the result is certain that he will definitely be blown to death.

Time is only a moment in the past, but the thinking in Luo Fei's mind has already thought about it thousands of times.

Suddenly he slapped his forehead, silly? Isn't there still a cloud pipe?

Quickly took the Yunwu pipe in his mouth.

A cloud of blue smoke was suddenly spit out by him and flew into the air from the cockpit.

Afterwards, invisible clouds and mists appeared around the villa where the explosion continued. When it was thick, a moving villa appeared from the edge of the clouds and mist.

The flying light bullet immediately adjusted the shooting target, but the light bullet passed through the moving villa, leaving a large misty hole.

The Black Tiger instantly realized that she had been fooled, and immediately adjusted the direction of the shelling.

Then, he threw another empty space.

Taking advantage of the neutral position it adjusted just now, Luo Yang had already left the place.

Luo Fei knew that the plan was successful and Luo Yang fled, and the Black Tiger would definitely look for an accomplice.

He immediately turned and ran behind him. At the same time, two identical figures separated from him halfway and ran in two directions.

Sure enough, the Black Tiger spotted him, and immediately, there was the sound of missiles in the sky, as well as the bombardment of artillery shells.

It can be seen that Luo Fei's spoiler just now made the other party hate to the bone.

Boom, one clone was shattered by the Sky Eagle missile, and then another clone was buried in a pile of three shells.

Luo Fei, who was fleeing, kept sweating on his forehead, like a waterfall, and soon a puddle of water condensed in the sole of his shoes.

The whistling sound from behind approached, and at the same time the roar of artillery shells was mixed.

This is a two-pronged approach... Luo Fei turned his head because of fear, and the flying cannonballs and missiles had already arrived in front of him in the blink of an eye.

At this moment of despair, Luo Fei calmed down instead, thinking in his heart: If another personality appeared here, how would he break the situation?

A magnetic cover glowing with blue light appeared on his body. This was Luo Fei's last struggle. Although he knew that he was only a car, he still had to try his best. Maybe it was a fluke?

At this moment, a palm of a bouquet flew out of the distance, grabbing Luo Fei and dragging him over.

The shell exploded in the rear, but the Sky Eagle missile circled in the air, evading the light burst, and directly continued to chase Luo Fei.

Just at this time, another bouquet flew from the side, stopped the Sky Eagle missile, and detonated it at will.

It's safe... Luo Fei exhaled the sulky breath that had been condensed in his heart.

When the sea of ​​flowers disappeared, an unfamiliar area appeared in front of Luo Fei's eyes, full of twists and turns, which was probably the intestine of a strange animal.


The sudden sound caught Luo Fei's attention, and when he searched for the source, he saw Luo Yang sitting on the wall.

"You are injured." Luo Fei quickly squatted down to check her injuries. Fortunately, there was no other trauma. Except for some dust, even the clothes were sound.

It's just that a trace of blood ran down the corner of her mouth, which made her look a little unpleasant.

Luo Yang waved weakly, "It's nothing serious, it's just that the physical strength was exhausted and the internal organs were injured."

"Cough cough." Seeing her coughing violently, it didn't look like a minor injury, but the other party still insisted, and Luo Fei couldn't ask.

"Unexpectedly, after years of absence, the Black Tiger has two photovoltaic energy pillars, and its strength has become so strong."

Luo Yang was a little annoyed. If he hadn't entrusted him, maybe he wouldn't have been hurt.

"Need treatment?" Luo Fei walked out of the cockpit and stretched out his right hand.

The other party raised his eyebrows. In some surprises, the other party would be able to treat, but he still raised his left hand.

The manipulator grasped the slender hand, and the invisible magnetic fluctuations passed through Luo Fei's arm.

From the palm of the hand to the whole body, the other party became warm.

"Yes, I'm getting more and more optimistic about you, and I can actually get treatment." Luo Yang looked satisfied, reminding Luo Fei of their expressions when they were taken by those uncles and aunts when they were in the orphanage.

Is this trying to recognize me as a godson?

Look at the opponent up and down, young but not beautiful, strong but somewhat second, it is simply the best choice for teammates.

forget it.

Luo Fei shook his head decisively, "I'm improper."

"What's wrong with you?" Luo Yang threw Luo Fei a sanitary ball.

After sighing, she explained to herself:

"Since the destruction of the Sky Soul City, my companions have also been killed and wounded, and in the end I am the only one who survives in this world."

"I originally belonged to the Longevity Guardians Alliance, but there was such a big event here, but the headquarters did not respond."

"So I want to ask you to do me a favor?"

Hearing this, Luo Fei breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't recognize me as a godson, that's good.

He agreed, "No problem, if I have time, I'll take a trip to the headquarters for you."

As a result, Luo Yang's strange eyes were greeted, "What you think is so beautiful."

"If I ask you to go to the superpower headquarters, I will harm you, of course, it will also harm me."

In Luo Fei's drooping eyelids, she laughed and said: "I want you to stay here to help me take care of these strangers and supervise their major actions. I will report to the superpower headquarters."

"If you go as an outsider, you will be killed directly by them."

Luo Fei was not disappointed without letting himself go, but it was not what he wanted to stay here.

He looked at the left and right, the strangers fleeing from the side were endless, without even looking at them.

The sound of artillery fire from a distance became denser, and the screams continued to fluctuate.

"This place is almost leveled by the Black Tiger."

Luo Fei said quietly.

The meaning is obvious, the foreigners are almost finished playing, what else to watch.

"Yeah, it's almost over, but there are still Fengyun Thunder Beasts..." Luo Yang said indifferently.

Luo Fei, who was shocked, almost broke her wrist, Fengyun Thunder Beast, that could destroy the existence of Tianpu City, and it was also the existence that ranked ninth in the ranking of biological hazards.

And looking at its current level and scale, at least it is a mature body.

"You let me monitor Fengyun Thunder Beast?"

Luo Fei looked at her incredulously and revealed from his solemn eyes: Are you asking me to die?

"Yes, is there any difficulty?" Luo Yang nodded and said naturally:

"According to my observations, it may have become the ultimate body, capable of stimulating all weather changes around it, but it cannot be ruled out that other reasons may cause its strength to vary from level to level."

"I need you to continue to observe its strength changes so that I can send more accurate information to the headquarters so that they can send more suitable candidates."

"Can Wind and Cloud Thunder Beast be wiped out in this way?" Luo Fei said in shock: "The Abnormal Headquarters is really amazing."

Luo Yang glanced at him strangely, "It's not to wipe it out, it's to lead it away."

"It jumps from a mature body to a mutant body to become the ultimate body. With such a change in strength, it has at least reached the level of heroic and catastrophic. Now, how can humans have done it?"

With that, Luo Yang was a little frustrated. If the Sky Soul City hadn't been destroyed by it, Fengyun Thunder Beast was just a mutant, and humans could still destroy it at a price.

Unexpectedly, an improper operation also allowed the other party to evolve and become a more terrifying existence.

As alien beasts that appeared after the catastrophe, they were originally the products of past mutations.

Generally, they are from birth to juvenile body, then growth body with irregular strength, and then the three stages of mature body.

But there are always unique existences, and the mature body is not their end.

Induced for some reason, they will become more powerful variants.

If the direction of mutation is consistent with one's own attributes and perfects one's own shortcomings, it will become the ultimate body without many weaknesses.

As for the upward direction, it is even more terrifying, but fortunately, they also look down on the small planets and all fly out of the atmosphere.

The above are all the knowledge popularized by instructors in the past. Of course, anyone who has studied history knows this knowledge.

"Eh?" The strength of Fengyun Thunder Beast here is beyond Luo Fei's imagination, which makes him even less want to stay here.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to take on such an important task. You should look for someone else." Luo Fei resolutely declined.

"Why are you so timid?" Luo Yang retracted his left hand angrily, "I just let you stand in the distance to see its changes, and I didn't let you go to its core position."

"It's still asleep at the moment. You can remind me when it wakes up?"

Luo Fei naturally put his right hand behind his back, and said after a little thought: "Then how long will it take to wake up?"

Feeling better, Luo Yang stood up on the wall, pondered for a while, and replied:

"It depends on the situation, it may not be at least 500 years, or it may be thousands of years."

"Don't worry, it shouldn't wake up until you die of old age." Luo Yang comforted Luo Fei with his eyes, "Is this task easy?"