Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 276: Pull support

"Then I really want to thank you." Luo Fei gritted his teeth.

The two of them faced each other, one of them flickered, and the other was full of fun.

For a long time, no one was willing to give in, seeing sparks in their eyes, and a trace of black thread came to them.

Luo Fei was suddenly shocked. This black line seemed to be familiar, and after careful identification, he finally discovered that this is not the pattern of the Ghost King Sword transforming the evil spirits?

The ghost king finally took action on the corpse.

At this conclusion, Luo Fei couldn't sit still.

Immediately began to summon Xihuai, "Yes, come into the thick fog, ready to fight at any time, eh? Crazy storm, okay, bring him too."

Fortune Wushuang did not come singly, and the sound of tank tracks came from behind.

Luo Fei quickly jumped into the armed mech, picked up the reluctant Luo Yang, and flew into the air one by one, surrounded by blue clouds, and his figure gradually disappeared.

After all this was done, the Black Tiger underneath rushed over, firing a cannon to destroy everything on the road, while crushing the corpses in the rubble and moving forward slowly.

Obviously it is looking for something.

But the result is destined to be nothing.

"What's wrong?"

Luo Yang also saw the black lines rushing forward like a tide, and they spread like a plague, everywhere on the wall, on the ground, on the ceiling.

Luo Fei was silent for a moment, then slowly said, "This is the ghost king transforming the body of this alien beast."

"Ah, this." Luo Yang just remembered, Luo Fei had already said all this.

"So what you said is true." Luo Yang lowered his eyebrows slightly, feeling a little guilty, but then he was covered up in the next second and was replaced by anxiety.

"Then what should we do now, can we stop it?"

At this moment Luo Yang had already thought about what would happen when this behemoth reappeared.

"Is there a human stronghold near here?" Luo Yang hurriedly asked, only to see Luo Fei nodded vigorously, her head drooping as if she had lost all strength.

The black air is permeated, everything around is tainted with black air, and after a short while, it has become a night-like world.

However, there was a stranger here, the Black Tiger, whose light bullets were like a ray of light in the dark world, illuminating the place one after another.

At this time, a large amount of dissipated black gas appeared in the place destroyed by it, and it was hurting the corpse that was recovering.

This made Luo Fei and Luo Yang's eyes brighten.

Cloth factory town.

The scene of depression a few days ago seemed to have disappeared, and the place became lively again.

When going back and forth, there were mercenaries armed with guns and knives, and those who appeared on the roadside were local residents doing small businesses.

In the Auto City where Master Kuanglan sits, based on the relationship of self-image, the mercenaries who have spontaneously organized and the leader of the Black Feather continue to emphasize, they actually achieved a fair deal when buying and selling.

This is simply a rare situation, but it just happened at this time.

So the place is thriving, and the residents frequently show their favor to the mercenaries.

Around the town, there is also a spaceship, an oversized car parked.

The two sides do not violate the river water. There is neither exchange nor joint cooperation.

It is said that the two companies have a lot of grievances. The restart at that time was actually not conspicuous. What Weng Lai implemented was a mercenary mission system, which did not take the initiative to develop personnel or force his subordinates to develop personnel.

It was only required to take over the tasks issued by the Mercenary Union of Tianpu City, so there was more or less friction with the mercenaries between the tasks.

As a result, the deadlocked relationship between the two parties is left to the present.

Of course, Weng Lai did not claim to be restarting at that time, only calling himself a spaceship mercenary group.

Originally, the cloth factory town was announced to be jointly managed by both parties, but Weng Lai and others had no intention of taking charge of the town. In the end, the cloth factory town had essentially become a vassal of the Auto City.

At the moment in the cloth factory, a row of armed mechas stood at the door, and on the opposite side were Tian A and Feitu.

"I said, when we finish this batch of canvas, we will leave, and the cloth factory here will belong to you."

Tian A repeated what he had been repeating since the morning. Of course, he didn't call out in person. He just used the repeat function of the speaker.

However, the retreat of Tian A and others did not make the other party retreat, but rather aggressive.

One of the white Detector III armed mechas took a step forward. Tian A recognizes him, and Ji Xing, who has become the third in command of the Auto City, often leads the armed mecha squad on missions, and vaguely becomes the number three leader of all armed mechas.

"Now the entire cloth factory town is ours, and the cloth factory is also ours. Get out of here as soon as possible."

"You are not allowed to take away a needle and a thread. You will compensate us for the loss of the cloth factory and the cloth factory town last night."

"Otherwise, don't blame us for keeping you from getting out of this town."

Fei Tuo didn't know how many times he had heard this. Except for the first time he was pulled by Tian Ao, the left ear went in and the right ear went out. It didn't matter.

Feitu also turned on the tape recorder in front of him, and said, "A robber is always a robber, and a dog can never change eating shit."

It was the same on the other side, except for the first time it almost collapsed, and was almost educated by the passing Kuanglan. For the rest, all the mechas turned on the tape recorder and released the abuse that had been recorded in it.

Then, as always, it has become a spectacle of curse.

The reason why the two parties are so disregarded is because just now, the Storm and Lucky Wind drove south together and left the town.

Just about a mile south of the town, the Skeleton Ratman and Bingwang Huxie looked at their guns in embarrassment.

Neither is running, nor is it resisting. If you surrender, it may be possible.

Without hesitation, the two looked at each other and fell to the ground at the same time, shouting together: "We... surrender."

After a few seconds passed, neither of the two cars responded, which made both of them feel a little uneasy on their knees.

what to do? Run away... The two looked at each other, then at the thick muzzle, and finally both gave up.

It's hard to beat.

At this moment, six red and black eyes appeared in the sky, and the two raised their heads at the same time, and then they covered their heads like needles.

Two seconds later, they walked towards Lucky's second car with red eyes.

But two of the six eyes in the sky are missing.

In the Lucky Number, Ling Fei rubbed her head and consumed two lost eyes, so that she had completely controlled the two powerful characters.

But she was a little puzzled, and asked in the air:

"Why do I have to subdue them? It's permanent. That human will is too tough, and the rat man is also an alienated rat man. This has greatly reduced my strength."

The music box rose from behind her, Xihuai explained with some joy:

"Don't underestimate them, they are all contaminated with the ghostly spirit of the Ghost King Sword. It stands to reason that they are now evil spirits, but they have used their own methods to suppress the ghost pressure."

Ling Fei was a little upset at once, "In other words, they are still injured. In this case, their combat power will be greatly reduced. What do I want them to do at the cost of losing strength?"

The self-destroying strength has done too much damage to herself, not to mention the growth, during this period of time she can barely maintain her strength and not continue to fall.

"Haha, the two of them are useless to others, but to me, the two of them are big killers." Xi Huai smiled.

"Oh? How do you say?" Ling Fei sat on the bed, leaning the pillow against the back of her head.

Xihuai's happy voice continued, "Those ghosts can only be regarded as rootless water to me, and I can assimilate them and manipulate them through biological magnetic energy.

In this way, those ghosts have become a big killer for the two of them. Whoever dares to touch them must be prepared to be transformed.

And the transformed evil spirits will obey our orders. "

"Oh, since they are useful, stay there."

Ling Fei knocked on her head. She felt more pain at this time. She said a few intermittently, then lowered her head and fell asleep.

But Xi Huai hadn't finished speaking, and murmured in dissatisfaction, "But they can't stay here, otherwise they will be all turned into nourishment by the prodigal son."

"Don't put it here, where do you let them go?" With a murmur of doubt, the metal box finally sank into the floor.

Lucky number continued to move forward, Kuanglan saw one person and one stranger enter Lucky Number, thoughtfully, but there was no exit to stop him, and Lucky Number left.

The two cars did not last long, and a black trend appeared in front of them.

"It's bear people, so many." Kuang Lan immediately notified Xihuai, and at the same time discussed, "We don't have tank shells, only a limited number of photovoltaic shells, which is not easy to use.

After all, we have to deal with more powerful creatures. "

Xi Huai didn't take care of it. It didn't matter to him whether or not to kill the alien beast designated by Luo Fei.

The important thing is to be happy.

Without listening to the frenzy, he fired at the black bear team in the distance.

The black bears were already shocked when they saw the Gale Tank, they didn't want to fight each other at all, and they were about to leave as soon as the black bully scolded them.

However, a beam of light suddenly flew from the heavy truck and immediately penetrated the chests of the three bears, leaving a huge hole in it.

The bear people around you were a bit dumbfounded.

However, the beam of light continued to advance, and finally fell on the ground and exploded, and countless rays of light pierced the surrounding bear people again like sharp arrows.

With one blow, the bearman lost a little bit.

The remaining bear people dispersed instantly, like a disc of sand.

Xi Huai continued to bombard, but Luo Fei's urging sound suddenly appeared in his mind.

"I know, I know, come here." Xi Huai replied a little impatiently.

Before leaving, there was another photovoltaic bomb, blowing up the bears again.

The bear people who had lost a lot of money eventually gathered in front of the cloth factory town. As soon as the black bully counted his people, he found that there were only 56 people left.

It is important to know that the reproduction ability of black bears is not high, and the number of children surviving when food is insufficient is even rarer.

It hurt him for a long time to die, not to mention that he died so many all at once.

"Chief, what shall we do now? After running for a long time, I am hungry." The bears gathered around and looked at it eagerly.

As bear people with strong individual strength and huge size, eating has become their top priority.

"Then let's eat and sleep well in front." Hei Ba pointed to the cloth factory town in front of him.

A group of black bears lit up, each salivating, running on all fours to the human stronghold.