Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 279: Only a trick

Weng Lai and Huamao were full of sad faces. The reports from Tian Ao and Feitu made them hate the people in the Auto City, and at the same time they were full of worries about the situation in front of them.

Without the canvas, their wind horns cannot take off and fall to the ground. They will face more complicated and dangerous situations.

Kuanglan and Xihuai were equally worried.

Kuanglan was annoyed that he could not protect these human beings, while Xihuai was angry that Luo Fei's stubbornness refused to escape.

In Lucky, Eimeng had already come out of the laboratory, climbed out of the car roof, clasped her hands, and bowed her head in prayer.

Ling Fei, who came out of the window, opened her eyes wide to look at the silhouette covered by the black mist, and muttered, "Can you still perform miracles?"

Then her mind wavered again.

Xi Huai replied furiously behind her, "That guy, that guy must be dead this time, what should I do, I don't want to die... I don't want to die yet..."

"Yes, go to the Auto City, there are so many people, maybe it can survive for a while." Thinking of this, Lucky suddenly accelerated, the muzzle stretched out, and immediately fired a cannon in front of the Auto City.

With the explosion, Heiyu's face turned black when he saw all this, especially after he heard that Ji Xing had destroyed the canvas in the cloth factory.

Inside the behemoth.

The hard work paid off, Luo Fei finally sensed the existence of the ghost king sword not far from the disappearance of the ghost king.

"I will go down and find the Ghost King Sword, and we will have a 50% chance of winning." Luo Fei solemnly said to Luo Yang.

"Wait first." Luo Yang hurriedly stopped him who was about to act.

She smiled and said, "Look at me."

Raising the villa in his hand, countless seas of flowers poured down like a waterfall, and then fell into the black ocean.

The sea of ​​flowers was constantly polluted and turned black, and the dead ashes fell in piles, and then was corroded by ghosts.

Facing such a loss, Luo Yang turned his face away and closed his eyes, so that he didn't see and didn't bother.

But Luo Fei could see from her constantly shaking eyelashes how heartbroken the other party was at the moment.

Things went smoothly. When the sea of ​​flowers disappeared, a large hole ten meters wide appeared in front of the two of them.

The figure of Ghost King Sword also appeared.

Luo Fei stretched his head and paused for a few seconds, then turned to ask Luo Yang, "Are there any flowers? That big guy is still there."

In the **** hole, the ghost king full of tentacles raised his head and roared silently, and the ghost king sword was wrapped in that layer of arms.

Can only watch, but can't get it, let Luo Fei disciple say nothing.

Luo Yang concentrated for two seconds, then suddenly patted his forehead with his right hand, lay down in the dandelion boat, and sighed:

"I can't do it anymore, my head hurts so much, and the rest is up to you."

It can be inferred from this that the other party's sea of ​​flowers is limited, not endless.

Motivates so many flowers, and at the same time it is a huge test for her physical and mental strength.

Luo Fei had to give up the expectation of her and looked down at the black hole. The masses of ghost energy were slowly healing. Before long, they would disappear from Luo Fei's field of vision. It would not be easy to see them again. .

After thinking about it for a moment, Luo Fei suddenly turned over and jumped down, still in the air, a black curved blade flew from the Ghost King Sword, cutting Luo Fei in half as soon as he saw it.

The long sword behind him slammed against his back, and pressed it down forcefully.

The speed increased, and the flying curved blade passed dangerously.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Fei fired successive laser beams. The price of doing so would cause the laser gun to suffer irreversible and serious damage, referred to as power overload.

The arms along the way were destroyed by laser beams, and with the clicking sound, the eyeball at the front of the laser gun suddenly split.

Without hesitation, Luo Fei immediately threw the weapon in his hand into the arm of the ghost king.

A black arm just grabbed it, and at this moment, the trigger of the laser gun was moved by invisible force.

The front end of the laser gun is getting brighter and brighter. When the eyeball is damaged, the beam always condenses energy and can no longer be shot.

When the light reached its limit, there was a loud bang, and the silica in the laser gun was overloaded and exploded.

The blue brilliance extends to about two meters. Although the scope is small, it is powerful, and all the wrapped areas become particles and disappear.

After a series of attacks, the arm holding the Ghost King Sword also broke.

Luo Fei stretched out his five fingers, and the long sword flying in the air flew back immediately.

"Got it." Luo Fei was still a little unbelievable until the Ghost King Sword appeared in his hands.

After all, something went too smoothly.

"Let's go."

Anyway, when he got it, Luo Fei decided to leave quickly.

Immediately urged the armed mecha to leave, but after a second, the body did not move.

Looking down, at some point, a black arm stretched out from the ghostly shadow under his feet, and grabbed the mecha's ankle.

Luo Fei knew what was wrong, opened the hatch, took the Ghost King Sword, and the long sword behind it flew to his feet, carrying him to continue flying upwards.

However, at this moment, the ghost king on the opposite side grinned, and the big hole on the top of his head quickly closed between countless arms waving.

Luo Fei was horrified. Before he flew a few steps, it was already pitch black. He faintly heard the exclamation from Luo Yang, and then there was no sound around him.

"Oh, it was designed by the other party."

Seeing the corners of the ghost king's mocking mouth, Luo Fei's pupils instantly shrank to the size of a needle eye.

"This guy is wise?"

Right now, Luo Fei became a turtle in the urn and entered the dead place properly. If it were not for accidents, Luo Fei would also become a part of the ghost king's body.

And the probability of this accident is quite high.

In an instant, all the surrounding ghosts rushed towards Luo Fei, and did not stop until a blue barrier appeared around him.

But that's all, the sizzling sound continued, and the magnetic cover brought by the robotic arm and the energy cover mixed with the photovoltaic energy column blocked them.

"What to do?" Dense sweat was secreted from his head, and they gathered into beads of sweat from the sideburns.

After taking a few deep breaths, a closed iron cup appeared on his right arm.

When he held it in his hand, the top opened automatically, revealing the mouth of the cup, which contained the dark beer that the leader of the black feather asked him last time.

The strength of the dark beer is not very great. After a few sips, it is easy to wake up. This is the final decision he made after thinking and choosing.

Expect to use it to come back, but it is not certain whether it will be successful or not. It belongs to uncertainty in uncertainty.

The energy shield has been squeezed to its limit, and it has been tightly attached to his skin.

Now that he could not allow him to hesitate, he closed his eyes and took a sip of the dark beer in the glass.

Not long after, his eyes were confused, his cheeks flushed, and he went drunk.

The surrounding ghost energy became thicker, and the energy shield flickered a few times, and finally disappeared.

Ghost Qi climbed on Luo Fei's limbs like a viper, and got in fiercely like an earthworm.

However, the photovoltaic energy column still shrouded itself with a golden light.

It can be seen that it did not use its full strength at all.

The unconscious Luo Fei's cheeks twitched and twisted, which was a conditioned reflex caused by his body in extreme pain.

The originally confused eyes suddenly became confused, and he mumbled: "What's the situation?"

The magnetic shield reappeared under the urge of drunk Luo Fei, only this time it only enveloped his head.

"His, the black air around is weird."

Perceiving the changes in his body, it has all turned black under the bite of the ghost.

Although I can control them, I can't feel their existence.

It seems to have lost them.

"This is not good news." When the drunk Luo Fei raised his eyes, a huge head suddenly appeared in front of him. It was the ghost king who came over with curiosity.

"Are you the boss?"

Luo Fei used the magnetic lines to scan himself quickly. He first needed to know what he was holding down the bottom box.

Now it is the crisis of the crisis, he has only one head left, and the other parts are out of control at this time.

Luo Fei's eyes condensed, and he saw countless arm silhouettes grabbing his arms, hands and feet from the darkness, and pulling them into a very sticky place.

Until Luo Fei's head and Ghost King's head differed by less than one centimeter.

Sweeping his eyes to the surroundings, the eyes were waving arms, and there were countless strange faces that kept opening and closing their mouths.

"Do you think you are determined to win?" Luo Fei narrowed his eyes in confusion, and the corners of his mouth cocked in disdain.

It seemed that he had noticed something. Luo Fei, with only his head left, used a tiny amount of power to manipulate the mechanical arm and took out a bronze pipe from it.

"Huh? What's the use of this?" There was no dying panic on his face, and he bit the cloud pipe in his mouth.

A puff of green smoke was spit out.

Luo Fei watched it float into the ghostly energy, and then was swallowed by the ghostly energy, disappearing without a trace.

"It's useless?"

Luo Fei frowned, and at this moment, the magnetic shield on his head disappeared, and the ghostly spirit burrowed into his cheek like countless earthworms.


There was a bit of annoyed sigh, "This start is too sad, there is only one head left, and equipment or something, also..."

His eyes suddenly saw the Ghost King Sword in his other hand. The drunk Luo Fei already felt its speciality, but his arm no longer accepted his command.

"It's still useless." Luo Fei shook his head slightly, more and more ghosts penetrated into his cheeks, making him look extremely scary.

As his consciousness became more and more blurred, he suddenly saw the black gas wafting from the misty pipe at this time.

"Huh?" Drunk Luo Fei immediately realized that the source of the ghostly spirit came from himself.

"Interesting?" Under the ghostly face, drunk Luo Fei opened the corners of his mouth, and immediately puffed his cheeks and blew off.

A cloud of black air that was the same as the surroundings floated out of the misty pipe, and as it floated more, the ghost air on Luo Fei's face disappeared one after another.

"Haha, that's how it is."

The black energy that was blown out can still be controlled by Luo Fei, which makes him excited, and his life has been opened.

The more black energy turned out to be, Luo Fei's body began to gradually recover, and his hands and feet had already separated from the body of the ghost king.

Such an action was naturally discovered by the Ghost King, who stretched out countless arms to grab Luo Fei again.

But when Luo Fei instructed him to squirt out of ghost energy, take a step back and wrap his body first.

Then he lifted the left hand that turned black, and in Luo Fei's playful eyes, it was manipulated to change.

The palm splits, revealing a big mouth, the fingers change to become sharp teeth, and the arms grow scaly and become scaly armor.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a snake head.

It opened its mouth and bit, shredded the arm that had stretched out, and swallowed it. The flesh ball visible to the naked eye slipped into Luo Fei's body.

This made Luo Fei's body more full-bodied, and was then spit out by Luo Fei through the cloud pipe to continue to strengthen his body.

The left arm that was transformed by him, at a speed visible to the naked eye, became bigger and bigger, longer and longer, and more fierce.