Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 30: Corrosion insects

"Once they succeed, the Electronic Foundation will become their bag, and they will be at the mercy of this group of vampires. Now they are hiding here to accumulate strength, thinking about the conspiracy against the Electronic Foundation, how can such a thing make them succeed? For all the residents of Mechanical City, we must eliminate these evil forces." Lucy said righteously.

After Luo Fei listened, he was full of doubts. Whether the Electronic Foundation is good or Huang Hu and others are bad, he can no longer make accurate judgments.

Then suddenly he shook his head and laughed in his heart: In such a world full of monsters, there is no righteousness, but it is all for profit. What does this have to do with yourself? I just want to find a way back to the Iron Broken City.

"Since you are a member of the Electronic Foundation, some things are easier to do." Luo Fei attracted Lucy's attention, "Are the parents of Huameng in your Electronic Foundation?"

Hui Meng raised her head and looked at her expectantly, but Lucy did not answer her immediately. She was silent for a moment, and replied with a little regret: "I don't know."

"No, or did you not investigate?" Luo Fei followed and continued to ask, asking quickly and urgently. He hoped to resolve the matter as soon as possible.

Facing Luo Fei who seemed a little aggressive, Lucy was unhappy and ignored Luo Fei at all. Before turning around and leaving, she faced Luo Fei and said, "Don't worry, our president will definitely honor our promise to you."

Watching Lucy leave, Luo Fei angrily hugged his arms, a little annoyed, "Is the Electronic Foundation great? Why don't you answer my question."

"She is in the wilderness now and has a mission. How can she have the energy to help you find a pair of ordinary people." Luo Luo explained her behavior, and then he frowned, as if he was still thinking about what happened just now. Tangled.

The dream painting that I was eagerly looking forward to did not get the result he wanted, and now he looked lonely, and Luo Fei comforted when he saw it:

"If there is no news, it is not necessarily bad news. You see, we are already related to the Electronic Foundation. We can still ask them for help when we go to the Machine City. This is much easier than the two of us looking for."

Uimeng frowned and ignored Luo Fei, trotting to catch up with Lucy, came to a slightly remote place, Uimeng begged, "Lucy, you are my good sister, can you help me find it now? My parents, they owe a lot of money to the Electronic Foundation, and they must have been arrested."

Lucy patted her on the shoulder and softly comforted, "Don't worry, I will find it for you. As for the debt you mentioned, as long as you help me win the Quya Valley base, I promise to write off a sum and give You have a lot of money."

Seeing Lucy's sincere eyes, Eimeng dispelled her worries and nodded vigorously, "Well, I believe you."

Luo Fei told everyone that Iron Nuggets and others had no opinion on the decision to join the team. Only Guangwei objected loudly. "They have no good intentions. They will find ways to make us die ahead. You are not sending us to Push up the fire?"

"Then what do you have a good idea?" Luo Fei pointed around, "We are running out of ammunition and food, and we are still in their encirclement. If I disagree, we will die now."

Looking at the people around him, Luo Fei began to lower his head to think about his situation, Luo Fei continued: "And I have already agreed with Luo Luo, we are still a team, will not let you be scattered to other teams to be bullied, and because of our ammunition Exhausted, we don’t have to fight anymore."

With that said, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The atmosphere was not as solemn as before. Guangwei's face still showed a little dissatisfaction, but no one around him objected anymore, and he could only give up.

After running for a day, everyone was obviously tired, so except for the guards, everyone boarded the truck to rest.

For a while, the cave was quiet.

I don't know when a cool breeze came from the cave, and the two white-armored warriors who watched the night shuddered.

"Hey, it's a bit cold here, do you have blankets there?"

"There is a woolen blanket. If you are cold, go for a run to make sure you will be warm in a while."

"Hey, you are so smart, then I will go for a run."

A white-armored soldier ran around the convoy. Before he ran a few steps, he suddenly staggered and fell to the ground, "Something seems to be entangled with my legs."

He turned his head, and soon saw a sticky thing wrapped around his right leg, and he tripped over it just now.

Seeing two tentacles sticking out of the green slimy crystal plasticine, the white soldier immediately panicked and shouted, "It's a corrosive worm, it's a corrosive worm..."

He wanted to pull out his right leg, but he tried several times in a row but failed. The other party’s stickiness was very strong, noisy, and a puff of smoke floated from his right foot. He knew very well that this was his foot. The white armor on it was corroded.

"Help me, help me..." Not long after, he screamed. The white armor on his right leg had become green smoke, and then his right leg was in close contact with the corrosion insects.

When he finally pulled out his right leg, his right leg had completely disappeared.

"Ah..." When he hadn't had time to be glad that he had survived, another corrosive insect swam from the side and covered his head.

At his last glance, he saw the endless green tide deep in the cave.

Another white-armored warrior knew that something was wrong and ran over immediately. He was shocked to see that the running white-armored warrior was swallowed by green creatures, and in the depths of the cave, it was like a green tide pouring fiercely.

"Corrosion worm... Coming..." The white armored soldier hurriedly yelled to the intercom in his hand.

In the next second, a human head emerged from the car, and then countless light bullets fell on the tide, and a large area of ​​white frost immediately covered it.

Luo Luo jumped onto the roof of the truck and observed for a while, feeling bad. Lucy also came to his side. He immediately said in a deep voice: "It seems that this is the site of corrosion insects. There are a lot of them. It is estimated that it will be ours. If you run out of ammunition, you can't kill them. What countermeasures do you have?"

Although the green wave was mostly covered by frost, it still moved slowly towards the convoy, and soon it would be able to approach the convoy.

Lucy turned her head and looked around. The green tide was almost out of sight, and behind her was a cave covered by an ice wall. She would face the attack of sonic bats when she went out, which can be said to be a dead end.

She lowered her head to ponder for a moment, and shook her head lightly while frowning, "We seem to have nowhere to escape. It seems that we can only fall here."

When Luo Luo heard this, he sighed weakly, and then faced Lucy, with both hands pulling out the sword from behind, his eyes were dead, "Since I'm going to die, can you tell me if the Electronic Foundation will help me? Rebuild Dongling Town?"

Lucy suffocated her breath and couldn't help taking two steps back, alert, "What do you mean, are you going to kill me before we are all dead?"

"Don't get me wrong." Luo Luo stepped forward, his power was amazing, "I just want to know how important the "phantom machine", as one of the "four electrical appliances", is in the Electronic Foundation. When you are in danger, Will someone come to meet you."

Looking at Lucy with horror in her eyes, she quickly understood his plan, "You want me to be on the verge of death, so that the people from the Electronic Foundation can save me?"

"I advise you to dispel this idea. If I die, the Electronic Foundation will only select another person to take my place, and no one will help me at all."

"Oh, then I will kill you even more." The tall armored mech walked step by step, and Lucy stepped backwards step by step.

"Why, there will be no reinforcements if you kill me." Lucy was empty behind her feet and found that she had reached the edge of the truck's roof.

"People like you are not taken seriously, so we people in the Electronic Foundation may be even more so. On the other hand, it shows that the promise of the Electronic Foundation is just empty talk."

After Luo Luo finished speaking, Lucy's eyes drooped, apparently tacitly acquiescing, and Luo Luo was even more disappointed about this, and he took a step forward, and the two swords in his hand were crossed and twisted towards Lucy.

Suddenly Lucy splits in two from the middle, turning into two identical figures, jumping out of the truck one from the left and the other from the right.

The situation in front of him was beyond Yan Luo's expectation. He paused for a moment and couldn't tell which one was Lucy's real body. "Small bugs, if that's the case, then I'll see one kill the other."

He jumped off the truck and rushed towards Lucy.

At the end of the convoy, Luo Fei walked out of the truck with sparse eyes, yawning and looking far away, countless corrosive insects rushed in the distance, but Luo Fei was chasing Lucy nearby.

"What happened?" Luo Fei was confused.

Hearing the sound behind her, Eimeng also walked out in a daze. When she saw Lucy's situation, she immediately yelled and rushed, "Lucy, I'll help you."

"Hey..." Luo Fei wanted to grab her and tell her not to be impulsive, but it was too late. Hui Meng rushed forward and pulled the trigger.

The fast-flying saw blade blinked and came to the front of the armed mecha. At this moment, a sharp sword slashed from the top, and the rotating saw blade that could cut off the giant stone crab crab claws immediately split into two halves and flew over from both sides of Lun Luo. .

Luo Luo maintained the slashing posture, slightly raised his head to face painted dream, the blue light mirrors on his eyes gleamed, "You want to help her? Against me?"

"I don't allow you to bully her." Hui Meng was very firm, quickly put a saw blade in her hands, and aimed at Yan Luo again.

"Oh Huo..." The long sword was raised by Yan Luo, and Xue Liang's sword pointed at Hui Meng, "Then are you conscious of being beheaded?"

"Wait..." Luo Fei couldn't help but stepped forward and approached Huimeng's side. "What the **** is the situation? We are now being attacked by corrosive insects. We should work together to repel them. Why should we chase and kill Lu? oo?"

"Then you need to say?" At this time, Guangwei's voice came from behind Luo Fei. He stared at Yan Luo fiercely, and said loudly: "He wants to destroy us all, in order to avenge us for destroying his Dong Ling. town."

"We should work together to kill him. Only in this way can we be safe."

The iron blocks on the truck and the others all came down. Some people in Guangwei heard his explanation and clamored without distinguishing them, "Kill Luo Luo, kill Luo Luo..."