Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 302: Everyone gathers

Luo Fei looked at her up and down.

"This won't work." Mengxi turned her flushed face, "I am a woman from Fengchuan now."

Luo Fei raised his eyebrows and thought, I don't mean it, I just want to say that your face is really big.

Just opened her mouth, Mengxi slammed the ground, coldly snorted: "Just this time, you can't tell Fengchuan."

Luo Fei was stunned. Seeing that she was about to untie her clothes, he hurriedly stopped, "You think you misunderstood me, what I want to say, don't look at you beautiful, in fact, I can't handle your request."

Mengxi stopped her hand movement, the expression on her face turned red, and then stared at Luo Fei fiercely, "You will forget all the things just now."

"What's the matter? Isn't it just talking about how to open the metal gate?" Luo Fei pretended to be dumb.

"That's good." Mengxi gritted his teeth.

When Mengxi took a few deep breaths, the blush on her face faded, showing that her own control is very good.

Luo Fei thought she would turn around and leave.

"Is there really no way to open it?" Mengxi asked Luo Fei again, looking straight over, as if he wanted to see the pores on Luo Fei's face clearly.

Luo Fei nodded firmly.

"But, there are still many secret doors in your car that can't be opened. There is really no powerful equipment inside?"

Luo Fei's eyes began to drift.

Mengxi's eyes lit up and there was a play, and he quickly said: "What price do I need to pay before you are willing to help me?"

Luo Fei's eyes began to turn up, looking towards the roof, his right hand tapped his right knee rhythmically, seeming to be thinking.

"Wealth, woman, or status?" Mengxi hurriedly said.

Seeing Luo Fei's fingers stopped, Mengxi realized that the other party's thinking was over, and his whole body suddenly collapsed, waiting for the other party's answer.

She could neither agree to the request that the other party was about to make, nor immediately reject it. At least she had to weigh the pros and cons in her mind, and the time for this weighing should not be too long, otherwise it would easily cause Luo Fei's dissatisfaction.

Luo Fei looked up at this moment, "I want to know what happened to you and Pan Bei?"

The atmosphere suddenly condensed, Mengxi's fists were clenched tighter, and his eyes lowered.

After a long silence, he still said:

"The bloodthirsty rats came that year, and our orphanage suffered heavy losses. I was trapped by them at the time. I only saw Pan Bei pulling you away without looking back."

Luo Fei was slightly shocked. He understood the situation at the time, but he was a little guilty at this time, "You know the situation at the time, no one can do anything..."

Mengxi turned around immediately, not wanting to look at Luo Fei's guilty eyes, and said coldly:

"I know, so I didn't blame you."

"Then you and Fengchuan..." Luo Fei was puzzled.

"He saved me, otherwise you think I can still stand here and talk to you." Meng Xi turned his head halfway.

"I asked, and I answered, the past is over, I don't owe you, and you don't owe us, that's it." Mengxi walked out the door without hesitation.

Originally, this question was also because of Luo Fei's curiosity, but he did not expect that it was the two of them who would ultimately harm her.

"But at the time, there was really nothing I could do." Luo Fei sighed slightly.

Then he threw out the guilt in his mind. After all, he is still alive now, which is already a kind of luck.

Mengxi came to the sand, and the fearless army had all returned, forming a circle around her.

She raised her head to look at Luo Fei who was sticking out the window, and muttered: "Do you have any secret weapons?"

When entering the Lucky number earlier, Mengxi had already started investigating, but found nothing, and some doors could not be opened at all.

The reason for her curiosity was because Pan Bei was shocked when she learned that he had become one of the conquerors of Skyland City.

Without superb strength, one cannot become a conscript at all.

However, he has only been out of the orphanage for two years, so how did he become a conscript?

For this reason, Mengxi had explored and found that Luo Fei was also passing through at the time, but then he was nowhere to be seen.

Seeing Luo Fei so suddenly, she really wanted to know what they discovered at the time, so that both of them have changed tremendously now.

"If I can get it, then I will have the power to protect myself." Mengxi clenched her fists. The fear of death in the past has always enveloped her like a shadow, and now she must grasp her own destiny in the future. .

Soon, Luo Fei stepped out of the car door step by step, and came to the metal gate under Mengxi's gaze.

The metal gate in front of me was engraved with angular patterns of alien beasts, like a big mouth of a dinosaur about to be bitten. Just looking at it, I felt a rush of murderous air.

Looking at the metal gate ten meters high and five meters wide in front of him, Luo Fei pulled out the dark Ghost King Sword from behind.

As one of the super psionic weapons, the Ghost King Sword is so sharp that most of the metals in the world are eclipsed in front of it.

The metal gate in front of you is no exception.

A wave of his right hand, followed by a stroke, a pull.

Immediately received the sword and returned to its sheath, standing in place.

Taking a deep breath, he raised his mechanical arm and punched it straight.

Suddenly a one-person-high gate appeared on the metal gate, and the one-foot-thick metal plate had already flown into the base.

Finish working.

Luo Fei turned and walked towards Lucky.

Mengxi's face was solemn, staring at the pitch-black Taidao on Luo Fei's back, expecting this to be the secret of Luo Fei and Pan Bei's fallout.

"How can I get it?" Mengxi looked back at the Lucky Number at the back, her eyes flickering, "There should be more than this thing inside."

A small hole was opened in the metal door in front of him, and Mengxi raised his right hand, "Prepare."

At this moment, a large number of vehicles swarmed in, and the noisy sound was even worse than before.

"It's not good, this time there are more enemies." Xue Yong stretched his head from the first jeep.

However, it was too late for his reminder, and another group of vehicles came from another direction, encircling them.

Under the headlights, the sand col in front of the metal gate was suddenly bright as day.

The convoy that had been beaten away was also surrounded and crowded with Xue Yong and others.

Mengxi looked anxious. Why did so many people come in just a short while, the secret of the robot base in front of him seemed to be insecure.

Even if you are anxious, you still have to ask about the situation before you, and immediately shouted: "Who are you? I am the woman who fought the earth mover Fengchuan in the Tianyu City Earthline Xinghui, hurry up and tell your origins."

Then a lazy voice sounded from a giant armed chariot, "Oh? People from Tianyu City, then we are a family."

"Don't worry, I'm not here to deal with you. I accidentally heard that there are treasures here, so everything will come, haha..."

Just in time, a beam of light fell on Luo Fei's body, exposing him to the visitors.

"Oh, Luo Fei, you really are not dead yet." The man said again.

"Who are you?" Luo Fei vaguely felt that the other party's voice was a bit familiar.

"Haha, what a noble man, who am I?" The voice of that person became hateful, "I am the head of the flying fish mercenary group. The person who once forced my father to kill my father was called the "dead dog". Rotten fish."

"It turned out to be you!" Luo Fei suddenly, it seems that the'dead dog' has defected to Pan Bei, and with Pan Bei's support, he is getting stronger and stronger.

"But, I didn't force you to kill your father, you obviously did it voluntarily." Luo Fei felt innocent.

"Dare to argue, kill him for me."

Under the roar of "Dead Dog", all the mercenaries pointed their guns at Luo Fei.

At this critical moment, the Fearless Army stood in front of Luo Fei.

"Woman, what do you mean?"'Dead Dog' said angrily.

Mengxi chuckled, "Luo Fei is my subordinate, if you dare to move him, I will let my husband Earth Line Xinghui conquer the earth mover Fengchuan to trouble you."

"You...huh." "Dead Dog" snorted coldly, knowing that something could not be done, waved, "Let's go."

"Wait..." Mengxi stopped suddenly.

Seeing the question of "Dead Dog", "What?"

She smiled and said, "It's okay if you want Luo Fei's life, but you have to help me."

"Dead Dog" didn't hesitate, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Help me level this robot base." Mengxi pointed to the big hole drawn in the back.

"Dead Dog" was still thinking, Luo Fei asked Mengxi who was approaching in a low voice, "Are you really going to sell me?"

Mengxi glanced at him, "This robot base is not like a simple one, wait until he survives."

At this time, the ‘dead dog’ took a look at the fully armed fearless army, and it was unwise to go to war with them.

If he leaves and then looks for a chance to kill Luo Fei, I don't know how long to wait.

So made a decision, "Okay, I will believe you once."

But it is impossible to consume one's own strength, so he shouted to those who are not the fearless army:

"You all, let me in, and the people in that truck."

"That's my car, and it's also my people inside." At Luo Fei's gesture, Mengxi let half of the Fearless Army into the truck to prevent the mercenaries from coming in.

Under the pressure of the flying fish mercenary group, Le Guan, Xue Yong and others got out of the vehicle and walked down with their weapons.

"Hey, Luo Fei, Mengxi, we are classmates, can we not do this to me?"

Facing the shout of Leguan, Luo Fei smiled and said hello, but Mengxi chose to ignore it.

Le Guan was still driven into the metal gate.

Then came the flying fish mercenaries. They left a small number of people and walked into the metal gate with all the armed mechas.

"We will go in too."

In the end, Mengxi and the ‘Dead Dog’ mixed team followed behind.

At this moment, two soldiers walked down from the heavy truck, one was the bounty mercenary Huaxi, and the other was the fearless soldier No.007 with mechanical prosthetic limbs replaced with hands, feet and right eye.

They followed to Luo Fei's side, responsible for protecting his safety.

Luo Fei glanced at the Dreadnought Warrior No.007, and he knew from his number that he was one of the earliest fighters. He has been able to live up to now and has quite a wealth of combat experience.

At this time, his hands and feet were fitted with mechanical prostheses modified by mechanical dinosaurs, which were sturdy and powerful, still retaining sharp claws.

The mechanical right eye also has the capabilities of hyperopia, dynamic vision, playback and night vision.

Entering the metal gate, it looks very empty inside. Once inside, there is a square with three passages around.

In order to find the center here as soon as possible, the ‘Dead Dog’ did not let them divide their forces, and went straight to the dark.

Le Guan and Xue Yong are at the forefront. They have the worst weapons and the worst equipment.

"If it weren't for the missile fired last time, how could I have been so miserable." The Le Champion in the team kept complaining. At this moment, he was the only one wearing a power armor and surrounded by caravan guards with steel i armor.