Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 304: My godfather

"Say it first, this mechanical base belongs to me, and I have already paid you."

On the way to the run, the two passed through the assembly line factory, Mengxi was always alert to Luo Fei.

Luo Fei seemed to realize something, and he looked around for a while, "You can't manage such a large base. How about dividing me half?"

At first, he didn't expect the base here to be so big, Luo Fei suddenly regretted it.

"I knew you would be so shameless." Mengxi also has her own considerations. In Tianyu City, there are many rogues who covet other people's property. If the news of her getting such a large base is spread out, she will definitely be targeted.

If someone helps her share the pressure, this is really best.

So Mengxi agreed, "No problem, I allow you to own half of it, but say it first. In order to prevent the big guys in Tianyu City from gossiping, you must be my subordinate in name. Second, in the future. The first voice of this base must be me."

Luo Fei thought for a while. This was to completely pull him into Tianyu City, but at the same time, he did not have the constraints of Tianyu City. On the contrary, he could get such a huge base, which was not bad.

Even if you don’t want it in the future, you can still sell it.

Therefore, he also agreed, "No problem, we will be neighbors in the future."

The two talked very well, and Mengxi's originally hostile mood eased.

When the two rushed to the scene, there was a scene that frightened the two of them.

In the center of the assembly line factory, there is a column that is hundreds of meters thick, and it is slowly opening at this time.

The surrounding armored mechas have surrounded there, until a fifty-meter-high blue-purple mechanical Tyrannosaurus rex descended from the opened cylinder.

"Damn, there is such a big mechanical dinosaur here?" Mengxi quickly took the personnel back.

According to the theory of world evolution, the larger the machines and creatures, the stronger their strength. The larger the previous bases, the emergence of huge mechanical bodies is also possible.

Luo Fei followed her closely, "Just now our deal was over, we still think about how to escape."

Unwilling Mengxi nodded helplessly.

At this moment, all those armed mechas poured firepower on the mechanical Tyrannosaurus, and countless light bullets fell on it, but they were bounced off without accident.

"Roar?! Human..."

The Natyrannosaurus roared again, and the infrasound wave mixed with the smell of heavy metal rushed towards the mecha unit. The pilot inside suddenly spewed a mouthful of blood and collapsed.

I saw that all those armed mechas fell to the ground, life and death unknown.

Luo Fei and Mengxi fled frantically, and rushed out of the metal gate at the moment of their death.

Immediately, the entire ground began to shake, the metal gate in front of him began to rise, and the sand fell.

Luo Fei and the others ran forward frantically until they got into the Lucky Number, and immediately left where they were.

The surrounding armed chariots were still a little bit uneasy, and as the sand sank, all the armed chariots sank into the sand.

The farther away from the rising behemoth, the paler the faces of Luo Fei and Mengxi.

In front of him was a huge mechanical spaceship.

The shape is like a flat fish mouth, and the metal gate is like its eyes, two on the left and two on the left.

And its real door should be the big mouth tightly closed.

"This is... Machine City." Mengxi murmured, until the opponent rises 100 meters above the ground, everyone can see how huge the opponent is.

At least over ten thousand meters in body, as high as one thousand meters in thickness, hundreds of light blue flames were ejected from the back of the'fish head', and the machine city was slowly moving, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

Everyone unanimously breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the Mechanical City was not above their heads, they would not have imagined what it would be like when the other party fell on their heads.

"I'm scared to death." Mengxi leaned against the metal wall and patted her towering chest hard.

After calming down, seeing Luo Fei's emotionless eyes, she let go of her hand, "Why, are you envious? Don't worry, I think that little girl has grown up and is also a big beauty with a bumpy figure."

Luo Fei's eyelids collapsed and his forehead wrinkled. "What I want to say is, how do you compensate the other half of my mechanical city."

Mengxi spread both hands and said, "I won't compensate you. Your significant other is there. As long as you can kill that big guy, my partner can also give you control."

"Really?" Luo Fei's eyes lit up.

Mengxi glanced at the corner of her mouth, "It's more real than real gold."

"Forget it, now real gold is worthless." Luo Fei turned his face away.

With a few casual jokes, the nervous mood was relieved, and Mengxi stood up straight, tidying up some embarrassed military uniforms.

After finishing, said: "Next, I will go back, after all, it is too dangerous here."

After stating his plan, he asked Luo Fei, "How about you? Would you like to follow me? With your current equipment and strength, you should be able to mix well in Tianyu City."

Luo Fei looked at the ground outside for a while and thought, "Then can I beat Pan Bei?"

The corner of Mengxi's mouth twitched, "No, he is a conscript, I will let you be the captain at most, and let you take a part of the elite troops."

"As for beating Pan Bei?" Mengxi dragged the long tone amusedly, "It is certainly impossible, but he has no problem with beating you. In terms of status and strength, you are not his opponent yet. "

In other words, without status and strength, I can't beat him... Luo Fei was lost in thought.

Anyway, I have to try it once.

Luo Fei also has a general understanding of Pan Bei's strength. Most of the source is the belt of the alien beast king, which can summon hundreds of alien beast kings with different abilities, and the cost is only some lifespan.

It is indeed the most comprehensive equipment of all super psionic weapons.

Seeing Luo Fei lowered his head sadly, a little unhappy, Mengxi took a breath of hot air and asked indifferently:

"Ah, I don't know why Pan Bei is so strong. His ability can actually summon such a powerful animal. How did he train? Is he really a genius?"

Finally, he inadvertently asked Xiang Luo Fei, "Do you know the reason?"

Luo Fei nodded slowly, without hiding: "Back then..."

Mengxi pricked his ears and concentrated on it.

"Because he lost you, he cried bitterly, turned his head all night, pierced his lungs, abused himself every day, and washed his face with tears... Finally he was completely abnormal..."

Mengxi was dumbfounded when she heard it, and said inconceivably: "You... are you telling the truth? He... still thinking of me?"

"Fake." Luo Fei showed his big white teeth.

Mengxi took a deep breath and clenched her fists. There was a wave of fluctuations in her body inadvertently. Two black energy swayed around her, similar to two irregular black balls.

Realizing that it was wrong, she quickly dissipated the surrounding energy.

Knowing Luo Fei's plan in an instant, he glanced at him disdainfully, "If you don't tell, don't tell, but also spy on my secrets."

It turned out to be similar to the ability to summon...Under the detection of magnetic energy, Luo Fei knew it in his heart.

I just don't know what stuff can be summoned.

"Okay, I said it." Luo Fei still didn't want to lose this ally, and it was nothing to tell her.

It won't be long before everyone will know about super psionic weapons. After all, they have spread all over the world and will surface sooner or later.

Mengxi hugged her arms and slanted her eyes, as if I didn't believe what you said next.

"Because of the super psionic weapon." Luo Fei solemnly said.

"I know the psychic weapon, but is it too much to add a super..." Mengxi looked at Luo Fei up and down like a bun.

"I know that the power of psychic weapons is really good, but they will be destroyed by stronger power, and the power has an upper limit." Luo Fei said:

"But the super psionic weapon is so strong that it is indestructible. As for the upper limit, you can't see the top at all."

"What you... said is true." Mengxi asked uncertainly and tentatively.

Seeing her eyes narrowed, there were three points of doubt, four points of doubt, and last three points of contempt.

Luo Fei turned his head and raised his feet to walk to his bedroom, "Believe it or not."

Seeing his leaving back, Mengxi frowned and muttered a few words in his mouth.

"Goodbye, I hope we can cooperate again in the future." Mengxi did not force Luo Fei to join, opened the door and walked out.

Back in the bedroom, Ling Fei had cooked the mushroom porridge and waited. Luo Fei sat on the bed, enjoying it all naturally.

Through the window, I saw a floating chariot flying from the sky, parked beside Mengxi, and watched them disappear into the sky.

"A machine city that is recovering should be able to stop the two cities at war." Luo Fei murmured.

At this moment, with a glance, an armed chariot drove past him, and when he saw the figure appearing inside, Luo Fei's mouth curled up.

The Type 13 machine gun on the roof fired quickly, with a few bursts, and the chariot's wheels burst on the spot.

The armed chariot rolled a few times on the sand, followed by several figures.

When the heavy truck came in front of the tank, only a few of those mercenaries stood up.

"Oh,'Dead Dog', did you expect the situation now? You fell into my hands again." Luo Fei waved his arm and greeted enthusiastically.

The unshaven man showed a wry smile on his face, knelt on his legs, and banged his head three times.

"Father, from now on, you will be my dad. If you let me go east, I will go east, let me go west and go west."

In order to kowtow, the other party actually put a steel plate in front of him.

Luo Fei glanced at the sunken steel plate, and instantly understood. When his head is in contact with the steel plate, his head must have turned into steel at the moment of contact, so the crisp sound of fine iron humming just now can be heard.

"I don't want to be cut off by you when you are upset." Thinking back to the old man who offended him, Luo Fei actually didn't want to kill him at the time.

The ‘dead dog’ had a physical meal, but it was pitiful and invalid, and immediately changed to another plan.

He immediately stood up, his hands collapsed, and laughed three times, before his whole body suddenly turned into steel.

"Do you know why I know Pan Bei's ability?"

Without waiting for Luo Fei to think, "Dead Dog" quickly said:

"I have become Pan Bei's godson. If you kill me, my godfather will not let you go."

Looking at him, Luo Fei was helpless, and suddenly asked, "Can you contact him."

"Dead Dog" was taken aback, and quickly nodded, "Of course, I am his most beloved son, how could I not be able to contact my godfather?"