Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 306: No more

Becoming a pilot's entourage can be said to be the idea of ​​80% of mercenaries.

Because they only need to follow the armed mecha to pick up the loot, this kind of work is safe and easy.

Feitu took a look at the flyer. It was a piece of rough white paper with two lined mechas drawn on each other, and underneath it were illegible handwriting and the opening time.

"Then how does the pilot participate? How about the bounty?" Feitu asked one after another.

When the two were asked, they only distributed flyers and invited people to watch the game, but they didn't let anyone come to the game.

As a last resort, a mercenary hurried to the side to ask.

After a while, the mercenary came back and smiled flatly: "This lord, if you participate in the competition, you need 100 scraps for the registration fee. The victorious contestant will be given different rewards according to the number of wins."

"One is 1000 waste coins, two are 3000 waste coins, and three are 9000 waste coins."

Fei Tuo nodded, simply said "It's okay", turned around and walked into the car, and came to Luo Fei's front.

Tell the news to the three of Luo Fei in front of them.

With no resources to study for the time being, Hui Meng decided to give herself a vacation, so she stayed in Luo Fei's bedroom and chatted with Ling Fei to relieve her boredom.

As for Luo Fei on the side, let him play by himself.

Hearing Feitu's answer, Huimeng's face was pleased, "Just to try the power of the Scorpion. If there is any deficiency, I can also improve it."

"What do you think? Luo Fei?" Hui Meng squinted at Luo Fei.

Luo Fei smiled and nodded. For this unknown girl who has been working hard, there is no need to refuse such a request, nor is it embarrassing to refuse.

At this moment, Huaxi hurried in, "It's not good, someone is offering a reward for Luo Fei on the dark web, and the amount has reached 3 million."

Everyone was shocked, 30,000 can make a person's heart move, 300,000 can act, and 3 million can make people shattered and desperate.

"This, then don't go." Huimeng hesitated.

Luo Fei didn't care, and smiled slightly: "What is there to be afraid of, in this small oasis camp, who else is my opponent or your opponent, why not panic."

"The mercenaries of Iron Fragment City and Tianyu City?" Most of the mercenaries in the forces proposed by Huimeng recognize money but not people. If you go to these two places, you can imagine that massive assassinations will follow one after another. Come.

"Heh, then the soldiers will come to block, the water will come to cover, how many, how many kills." After being chased and killed, but didn't fight back, Luo Fei has not been pedantic to this few steps.

"Boss is mighty, what about our game this time?" Feitu tentatively asked.

"Participate." Luo Feihao gasped.

Everyone was overjoyed, and then Luo Fei whispered to Huimeng, "Can you make me a mask?"

With the mask, who else can know him?

Hui Meng suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

As the saying goes, guns are easy to hide and arrows are hard to guard. Wearing a mask is not too much to hide.

Especially now that he, who was originally small and transparent, suddenly became famous on the dark web, he will definitely immediately attract the attention of many bounty mercenaries.

As long as it is delayed for a while, as the heat diminishes, it will not be too late for Luo Fei to reappear.

As for who raised the bounty for him, I don't need to think about it. Naturally, it is Pan Bei who just talked to him on the phone.

At this time, untimely words came, and Huaxi said: "The address is marked on the reward, which is in the middle of the Getan Desert.

Probably soon, countless bounty mercenaries will be swarmed. "

"Haha." Luo Fei said coolly, "This is the best way, then let them pass the news of the appearance of the mechanical city to the two cities, so that they can stop the dispute as soon as possible and jointly fight the enemies of mankind."

Then quickly whispered to Huimeng: "Can you make a mask now?"

Hui Meng gave him a blank look, then stood up and returned to her laboratory.


The middle of the oasis camp.

A huge tent has been built here, and there is a lot of people inside. I want to come to Bandung this time to charge a lot of entrance fees.

Behind this huge tent, in a clearing, four strange mechas are standing on the sand. From the joints where they are welded, it can be seen that they are all rough craftsmanship.

One of the black mechas looked left and right, and the figure with the mask inside breathed out, "It seems that everyone is a rookie, this time I won."

Inside the tent.

The host said with emotion and gratitude about the feat of this mecha contest and how great the host businessman Bandung is.

"Don't say good things, let me take a look at the next game."

"Please fight the Overlord Mecha against the Scorpion Mecha..."

Everyone cheered suddenly.

The rear curtain was pulled open, and two armed mechas walked in one after another.

Then, a waiter came to the outside platform and yelled, "The market is open, hurry up and place a bet. The Overlord Mech will fight the Scorpion Mech, the odds are 1:8..."

Obviously, those waiters are not optimistic about the scorpion mecha, because the mecha on the opposite side is even more powerful.

The upper body of the Tyrant Mecha is a sturdy humanoid mechanical body, and two pilots are sitting in the transparent cockpit.

Connected to the upper body is a half-section of the base of an armed combat vehicle with six thick tires under it.

While Luo Fei looked at the Overlord’s mecha, the other side also looked at the scorpion mecha. When he saw the slender limbs, the two pilots in the cockpit looked at each other, and already had some countermeasures in his mind.

"Ignore their double shears. Our armor is thick. It doesn't cut at all. We break off each other's limbs, and victory belongs to us."

The host said at this time: "Due to the location, you can't use long-range weapons, you can only fight in close know the rules, let's start."

As the host withdrew, the two armed mechas rushed towards each other at the same time.

"The two mechas are really fighting between the dragons and the tigers, the snipes and the clams are fighting each other, and both lose..."

The host’s words were brilliant, witty words, and even shit, but those audiences were already immersed in it, ready to enjoy the violent battle of mecha, steel and blood flew together, collided and screamed.

At this time, it was said that it was too late and it was fast. As soon as the two armed mechas met, the Tyrant mecha bent over to grab the sharp limbs of the scorpion mecha.

However, the scorpion mecha swung its tail behind and threw it on the chest of the overlord mecha.

With a loud noise, the Bazhe mecha figure shook, and it took two steps back.

This tyrant mech does not know whether it is self-confidence, or it has not found a good weapon. There is no weapon in his hand, only two iron fists.

"It's useless, you can't break the armor of our Overlord."

"Because we used thirteen layers of steel plates, even the bone crusher can't penetrate our armor."

The two sang and played together, and the Overlord's Mecha increased horsepower and charged forward.

It was just that the scorpion mecha in front of me jumped and moved to the right, avoiding the collision of the opponent.

Seeing the Tyrant Mecha left, the Scorpion Mecha turned and followed him.

Because of the structural problem of the Overlord Mecha, it was unable to turn quickly at all, and its agility was very poor.

When the Tyrant Mecha realized that there was no one in front of him and stopped urgently, the Scorpion Mecha had already come behind it.

The double shears inserted into the back of the Overlord’s mecha without hesitation, click, click, and the double shears gradually penetrated into the armor.

In the cockpit, the two pilots felt foreign objects appearing behind them. When they turned around, they were shocked. There was already a big mouth behind them, and the black double scissors appeared behind them.

"We lost, we lost."

Everyone sighed, and then scolded the pilot who was driving the Overlord Mech.

After the two left dingy, the host quickly called out the second armed mecha.

"Please match mech."

The curtain was lifted, and a thin mecha with a height of six meters walked in.

It is like a match made of several steel columns, as its name suggests.

His pilot is a dwarf, just hidden in a small transparent cockpit.

The weapon is said to be two steel whips, in fact it is two steel pipes, but plus the length of the arm, it is 4 meters long, which is longer than the double shears of the scorpion mecha.

"Hey, my weapon is longer than you, so you should surrender quickly."

The Scorpion Mecha ignored it, and after the host said to start, it rushed up.

Seeing the double pipes fall down one after another, the Scorpion Mecha raised the double scissors to hold the two pipes together.

No matter how hard the other party tried, both sides remained motionless.

At this moment, the scorpion tail of the venomous scorpion mecha squatted fiercely, landed on the opponent's connection, and smashed it directly.

Losing a limb, the Match Mech lost its balance and fell to the ground.

The pilot inside shouted in fear: "I surrender, don't kill me."

Then the third armed mech appeared.

It's a huge cylinder, with its limbs pressed all over.

"So, the next step is the battle of the century, whether the scorpion mecha that has won one after another will win again, or the final cylinder mecha will win, let us wait and see." The host again preached.

The battle started again, and the scorpion mecha quickly rushed over, the double shears held the opponent's double knives, the scorpion tail swept back, and the heavy force fell on its legs.

Kacha, his legs folded, and the pair fell to the ground, and finally couldn't stand up.

"I admit defeat, I surrender."

None of the three battles lasted more than five minutes, and everyone thought the Scorpion Mecha would lose, but in the end it all won.

It was not exciting enough to watch, and lost money again, and all the audience suddenly became noisy.

The host hurriedly left and was almost buried in piles of debris thrown by the audience.

Luo Fei shook his head slightly, stood on the spot, and suddenly shouted to everyone: "There is already a catastrophe here. The Mechanical City has just risen from the sand. You can leave now, maybe you can save your life."

The crowd stopped their cursing, staring at each other, only watching the scorpion mecha in front of them slowly retreat.

And just outside, the businessman Bandung hurried over, and the mecha pilots and host all saluted him.

"How can he win?"

The businessman Bandung walked back and forth, very anxious, and chuckled softly to the host: "How much have we lost?"

The host lowered his head and shook his head slightly, "We have lost the bounty for all the proceeds."

"Damn it." The businessman stomped angrily when he heard that he was not earning a point.

Immediately, his eyes rolled, and several people murmured in their ears.

There was a vaguely intermittent voice, "Bring him to... kill..."

At this time, the Scorpion Mecha just came out and stopped in front of the businessman Bandung.

This time the test mech has ended, and it can only be said that it is neither good nor bad. After all, the opponent is really too good.

Turning to leave, he was stopped by the surprised businessman Bandung, "Wait, don't you want the bounty? You are the winner."

"No more." Luo Fei's voice came.

The businessman Bandung smiled with joy, and then heard Luo Fei's words again, "Give all the money to the residents of Oasis."