Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 31: repeatedly

"Wait..." Luo Fei stepped forward to dissuade him.

But the people around them have been shooting at Luo Luo under Guangwei's instigation. Their faces are full of fierce looks. In the past few years, they have been hunted down by white armored soldiers. Now that they are instigated, the emotions accumulated in the past quickly explode. come out.

A huge amount of bullets shrouded the two in a blink of an eye, Lucy's figure was passed through by the bullet, as if crossing the water, her figure turned up a ripple and burst like a bubble.

"It's a phantom." Luo Luo immediately stopped, and the bullets also fell on him at this time, but they were all bounced off by the thick armor of the armed mecha, unable to hurt him at all.

But being so provoked, even the best temper was exhausted, Luo Luo immediately turned around, and the frozen cannon on his shoulder was aimed at them. If a beam of light went down, Luo Luo could already imagine them becoming ice sculptures.

Luo Luo paused for a moment, but finally did not activate the Frozen Cannon. He retracted the shoulder cannon and strode into the black air congregation personnel, sweeping with the double swords in his hands.

With a single blow, the five people separated their heads instantly. Only this time, the Black Qi staff realized the gap between the two sides, and fled away crying and dispersing. With the invincible armed mecha, Luo Luo allowed the daggers and bullets to fall at close range. On the body, but the sword in his hand did not stop, and countless figures were torn apart as the figures flew through.

Dang, a clear sound of fine iron, the raging long sword was finally blocked by a scimitar, Luo Luo looked down, Guangwei's expression of horror appeared in front of him, and the scimitar held high in his hands was already trembling. , Is still falling slowly, but the long sword blocking is still stable.

No, if this goes on, I will be split in half... Guangwei knelt down with a thumping thigh, the scimitar in his hand could no longer hold on, and the opponent's sword was pressed against his shoulder.

"Help, help me..." He asked for help from the surrounding people, but everyone just glanced indifferently, and only shot cold shots in the distance.

"Oh, your strength is too weak, even I have no interest in killing you." After speaking, Luo Luo unexpectedly raised the long sword in his hand. Guangwei, who was kneeling on the ground, did not escape from the ascension to heaven, but felt instead. Suffered great humiliation.

"Kill you if you want to kill, why humiliate me? If I don't die today, I will definitely cut you off." Guangwei gritted his teeth, a stream of blood dripped from the corner of his lips, and a stream of blood filled his mouth.

"Haha..." The voice of wild laughter came from the armored mecha, and the laugh was so unscrupulous, "Kill me? This is really a big joke, relying on you? You can't do it for a hundred years. "

Guangwei glared at him, "As long as I have a chance, I will definitely be able to do it."

"Oh? Really?" A tube of potion pops up on the right arm of the armed mecha, "This is the potion for awakening. If you want to become stronger, then this is your only chance, dare you bet?"

Seeing the black liquid glowing in the glass bottle in front of him, all the scenes from the recent past rushed to his mind. The rebellion failed. When he escaped, he was almost killed by the sickle spider. Then he fell to the right, and he almost had nothing.

"I have nothing, and there is nothing I can't lose. If God wants my life, even if I try to maintain it, it will gradually leave me." Guangwei muttered to himself and took the awakening without hesitation. Potion, pointed the needle above and inserted it into his neck.

The black liquid entered his body along the needle. Guangwei soon felt the cold breath permeate his body. The body temperature dropped rapidly, causing the body's protective mechanism. This made him want to sleep, but his body followed closely. There is a sensation of needle sticks, and it is spread all over the body.

"Gluck..." Teeth trembled involuntarily, and Guangwei fell to the ground. With the volatilization of the medicine, he was always in a sober state where he was punished by the most painful punishment.

Luo Fei in the distance saw all this in his eyes. He was not sure that he would win Yan Luo, nor did he want to be hostile to him. The most important thing was that the wave of corrosion insects was coming with a fierce offensive.

If he is still entangled with Luo Luo here, then none of them can go out.

Watching Luo Luo leave Guangwei's side, holding double swords and raging in the crowd again, Luo Fei patted his forehead vigorously, "Now the eyebrows are burning, why these guys can't think about it here."

"Aren't you going to help? If you don't, they will all die."

Suddenly, a crisp voice sounded by Luo Fei's side. He was taken aback. He looked around, but no figure was found.

At this time, Lucy's figure was outlined from the illusion, still in the perfect curve, with a smile on the corner of her eyes, "How about the two of us joining hands?"

"Not in the mood." Luo Fei shook his head into a rattle. "If I can defeat Fang Luo and go out, I will definitely join hands with you, but in this situation, even if we defeat each other, can we still go out?"

"Huh? You still have reason." Lucy looked up and down Luo Fei with doubts, raised the back of her hand to cover her red lips, and a soft laugh came, "In that case, what do you have for us to leave here? My opinion?"

Luo Fei observed for a while, those corrosive insects had already begun to climb on the chariot, and the ceramic armor of the chariot dissipated in a burst of blue smoke, revealing the gunner and driver with horrified expressions inside.

There is not much time left for them. It is estimated that there are still more than ten minutes before they will be swallowed by the corrosion insects.

These corrosive insects have quite terrifying ability to restore and swallow, except for stones, they eat almost everything. And those corrosive insects broken by freezing will be swallowed by their kind.

The structure of their bodies is like a ball of crystal plasticine. Even if they are separated by sharp tools, they will not die, but will become two new individuals.

Physical attacks are basically useless to them, only energy attacks are effective, such as fire attacks and freezing.

The frozen guns of the Luo Luo team happen to be their nemesis, but their huge number is simply an extreme test of the team's logistics.

"Stay here we can only wait for death, but there is only one way to leave, that is..." At this point, Luo Fei and Lucy all looked at the ice wall that sealed the cave.

There was the only exit, and when they stepped out of the ice wall, the slow-moving corrosion insects could not catch up with them.

But the danger outside the ice wall is also obvious, and countless sonic bats can also easily destroy them.

"Then can you deal with the sonic bat?" Lucy looked over with a nice face.

Luo Fei fell silent, but the current situation couldn't make him wait any longer, he needed to make a decision.

"No, but we have to go out now and look at them, just because there is no hope of going out, the fragile alliance makes them start to kill each other." Luo Fei said.

What must be done now... Luo Fei jumped into the truck, started immediately, slid through a large circle, and then slammed into the ice wall with a very fierce attitude.

The thickness of the ice wall is not too thick, but for bats that rely on sound waves to locate it, it is just a wall and has no hunting value.

Boom... The truck showed a magnetic cover all over and collided with the ice wall. The magnetic cover flickered and flickered, but the ice wall turned into a pile of debris, and the heavy truck rushed out.

At the broken ice wall, invisible infrasound waves came in again, and many people started to have headaches again.

The corrosion insects on the ground also changed drastically. Small bubbles appeared on their bodies, and they exploded continuously. At the same time, they also shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It seemed that there was a feeling of fear suddenly, and the corrosive insects, which did not retreat in the face of the frozen gun, turned and fled under the interference of infrasound.

Everyone had no time to be happy, they staggered into their convoy, preparing to rush out of this cave.

Luo Fei waited by the broken ice wall until Iron Nuggets and others boarded the car. After all, these people were Xihuai’s food, but he found that there were only 30 people left from the original 50 people. He was directly killed by Luo Luo for more than 20 years.

it's a pity……

Seeing that the semi-conscious Guangwei and Eimeng also entered the car, Luo Fei immediately started the truck and rushed towards the dark canyon passage.

The heavy truck that Xihuai possessed can provide a magnetic cover to protect Luo Fei and others from infrasound waves, but Luo's motorcade did not have any protection, and suddenly came outside, losing combat effectiveness in the blink of an eye.

The longer the time, their fate can be imagined.

"It's a pity." I don't know when Lucy appeared next to Luo Fei, bowed her head and sighed, "I finally managed to win Luo Luo and the others. I didn't expect them to be wiped out here."

Luo Fei controlled the steering wheel with both hands. While staring at the road illuminated by the lights, he asked her curiously, "Since you are from the Electronic Foundation, was it a fake that you were chased by the Electronic Foundation last time?"

Lucy bent down and admitted with a smile, "Of course, I wanted to get into your car and then enter Yellow Tiger's base, but I didn't expect that there would be such a big change in Dongling Town."

"I want you to help me lurk into Huanghu's base. In exchange, you can offer me a condition."

Luo Fei, who conscientiously manipulates the truck, is thinking about everything... "A person who likes to deceive people is not credible at all. I promised her now, and she will regret it in the future. But if I can get what I have from the other party first. If you need it, you may as well agree to it."

"I can help you, but you have to fulfill one of my conditions first." Luo Fei bargained, fearing that the other party would object immediately, he added, "Don't worry, it's just a small request."

"Oh? Let's talk about it."

"I want to know the address of a man named Old Batu." Luo Fei said, Lucy raised her brows and stared at him with some doubts, "It's that simple?"

"It's that simple."

Lucy stretched out her palm, "Okay, it's a deal, and I'll give it to you in two days."

"A word is settled." Luo Fei's mouth was tilted, and his right hand patted her palm together.

At this time, they are not considered to have escaped and ascended to the sky. Faced with the sonic bats flying in the sky, the energy of the magnetic shield is constantly depleted. According to Luo Fei's guess, the magnetic shield will disappear after ten minutes.

"Xihuai, replenish energy."

Facing the crisis, Luo Fei gave Xihuai an order in his heart. He never thought he was a good person, but between life and death, he thought it was worth losing a little lifespan in exchange for most of the rest of his life in the future.

Since you got in my car, you must be in control of your life and death.