Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 313: Desert Crab

"Who is where?"

The cigarette **** will not disappear for no reason, obviously there is some power to hide it.

Kuao's face was cold. He just thought of the sound of knocking on the door for the first time. He thought it was a prank by a certain student, but now it seems that the other party must have sneaked in when he opened the door for the first time.

With his right hand grasping to the place where the cigarette holder disappeared, a circle of steel bars rose from the ground and connected to the ceiling above the head to form a strong cage.

"Come out, you have nowhere to escape." Wu Liang also took out a foot-long silver-white revolver from his arms and pointed it at the air in the cage.

Mammoth II revolver: The recoil is not strong, the power is not small, and it loads six rounds.

The cloud appeared, and then disappeared, revealing a pitch-black robe, with a masked face under the hood.

"Good evening, Master Kuao, the dean, and this big man from the bone language company." Luo Fei looked at them indifferently, turning a blind eye to the cage around him and the revolver facing him.

This attitude of ignoring threats made the two old men who saw the world in front of them once again become more vigilant.

The other party has something to rely on, either he is strong or powerful.

"Ghost face, what are you doing here so late? Why are you so sneaky? This is a villain." Dean Kuao was cold.

Luo Fei looked at him, "The act of a villain? Oh, what is the old man who steals other people's children and then sells them to various forces? Is it a shameless old robber?"

"Nonsense!" Kuao was furious, and turned his right hand over, and several steel pipes with spikes rose under Luo Fei's feet.

The steel pipe bends in the air until it reaches Luo Fei's head, but it stops after a few inches.

It's just a threat, and I don't want to kill Luo Fei now.

"Nonsense?" Luo Fei said coldly: "If you ask Ms. Dai Meng, you will know that instructor Ruding brought a group of children, and most of them still have families.

But after the instructor Rudin reported the situation to Ms. Dai Meng, Ms. Dai Meng didn't pay any attention at all and left all the children behind. "

This is also what makes Luo Fei very angry. In the past, the other party has repeatedly emphasized that they are orphans, but the current situation is telling them that they may also be taken from their parents.

"Impossible." Dean Kuao is still stiff, but his eyes are obviously flickering, and he has shaken.

He hasn't managed this orphanage for a long time, and the reason why he didn't intervene was also because he didn't have such management skills.

For the strong, it is the truth for the management and review of documents to be handed over to the weak, and the strong only need to provide shelter.

Luo Fei hugged his arms and looked at him without saying a word. For a long time, Dean Kuao waved his hand with a sigh, and the sharp steel pipe and cage disappeared in place.

Then he nodded to Wu Liang again, and Wu Liang slowly took the revolver into his arms.

"Ghost face, you can go now. I will find out what you said is true and false. If it is false, you will pay for your behavior today." Kuao waved his hand to drive him away.

But Luo Fei remained motionless standing still.

Kuao frowned, "Although you are a pilot, you should know the gap between us. I want to kill you easily. Don't challenge my patience."

"There is one more thing I want to tell you." Luo Fei said calmly without being frightened by the other's threats.

"A huge mechanical city has just awakened, and the mechanical warriors in it are quickly being manufactured. If you continue to move forward, the entire army will be wiped out."

"Alarming talk." The dean didn't believe it at all. "I know what you are thinking. You are afraid that we will find the base first and take it as our own.

Once successful, you will have nothing, so you will weave all kinds of lies to delay our actions.

So that you can gather your strength and find and occupy that base first, just like the purpose of those flying fish mercenary groups.

I won't be deceived by you, so let's die of this heart. "

Luo Fei pondered for a moment, really speechless.

Looking at the other person’s eyes, he said coldly after a long time: "Believe it or not, anyway, I told you, when you encounter the danger of force majeure, you will regret your decision today."

Turning around and just taking a step forward, a row of steel bars suddenly sprang up from him, like a cage of iron fences blocking his way.

Luo Fei turned his head to look at each other.

Dean Kuao crossed his legs, his eyes flickered, and asked, "Which power do you come from?"

"It's just a mercenary." Luo Fei didn't want to say more.

He glanced at the fence in front of him, "Can you let me leave?"

Kuao waved his hand and said that he was not in a hurry, "Since we are mercenaries, then we are willing to pay and let you do more things?"

"What do you mean?" Luo Fei looked at each other with interest and the old man in the trench coat next to him.


The three people talked all night in the bedroom.

During the period, Luo Fei learned that the windbreaker elder Wu Liang was not from Bone Language Company.

He is a scholar in the Archaeological Association, threading needles for the orphanage and bone language company, and is also here to help this old friend of Kuao.

Before I knew it, it was already bright outside.

It just so happened that the discussion of the three had ended.

Luo Fei was about to open the door. Suddenly, the door was suddenly opened. Luo Fei quickly backed away, and the door frame dart past his nose.

"Dean, it's not good, we met a desert crab."

The visitor was Ms. Dai Meng, the vice-president, her complexion changed at the moment, and her clothes became messy because of her hurried waking up early.

Suddenly seeing two other people inside, her first reaction was to touch up her makeup.

"Desert Crab?!" Hearing these four words, all the people changed their colors.

All ran to the deck.

On the way, those students were all fully armed, running on the corridor, under the leadership of the instructor, chaotically and orderly.

From everyone’s anxious face, one can imagine how terrible the desert crabs encountered this time.

Luo Fei jumped onto the scorpion mecha and stood behind everyone.

At this time, a long whistle sounded, everyone raised their heads, and thick black smoke was emerging from the tall chimney.

The deck shook violently, and the speed of the huge ship accelerated a lot.

As everyone looked at them, a 30-meter-long yellow-brown cancer crab crawled towards them at a distance of about one kilometer.

Unlike a normal sea crab standing upright, it crawls on the ground like a centipede, and its eight sharp limbs carry it forward, but it is far slower than the orphanage that marches with full force.

It's just that its double pliers are not ordinary pliers, but two thick barrels.

This is the most terrifying part of the other party.

I saw light blue floating particles condensing in the muzzle.

"It's going to fire." the instructor on the deck shouted.

As soon as the voice fell, two cannon sounds came from afar, and beams resembling ion cannons shot toward the orphanage.

"Dodge, prepare to hit." The instructors shouted sternly.

Those students grasped what they could grasp around, everyone's face was panic.

The opponent suddenly appeared, and then attacked them suddenly, making them caught off guard.

The electric light hits the ground, bursting into blue light.

Two large five-meter-wide holes appeared on the wall of the giant ship immediately, and the armor on it was completely vaporized in the blue light.

Exposed the broken corridor inside, only a small half of the room, and the screaming children.

The miserable screams spread far away, causing many people on the deck to discolor, and immediately went to rescue.

"What are you doing here? Get out of here quickly, otherwise it will kill them all."

But some people were panicked and Will of Bone Language Company ran out of the cabin.

Rudin stopped him who was about to jump off the giant wheel, "You are crazy, the desert crab is behind, there is only one dead end when you jump down."

Will was sweating anxiously, and shouted again to his hands, "Hurry up and send them a distress message, let them come to save us."

"Yes, yes." One of his men hurriedly used a special communicator to contact him.

And not far from the giant wheel, on the sand dunes, there are three tall and tall green planting trees.

There was a sudden change, as if the reflection in the water was broken, and the surrounding space was a little distorted.

But in the next second, nothing happened, like an illusion.

Suddenly, a golden beam of light flew out from before the three trees and landed on the desert crab accurately.

With a loud explosion, the **** armor on its body was broken a lot.

The sudden change caused the desert crab to stop continuing to attack the orphanage, and turned to the direction of the attack on it.

I didn't pay attention before, but when I looked closely this time, I still didn't find the murderer who attacked it.

After observing for a while, the attacker was still not found, and the desert crab was preparing to attack the huge ship again.

When it turned around, another golden beam of light fell on its body, exploding countless **** nail pieces, and this time it made it more painful.

However, the glance before turning around still made it discover the source of the shooting, between the three trees.

The desert crab immediately turned its muzzle to shoot there.

On the deck.

Everyone saw the desert crab shooting far away, and a beam of blue light fell on the sand dune, beside the three trees.

Under the bombardment, space distortion suddenly appeared around the three trees, and a yellow tank appeared.

The tank was surrounded by various flickering baffles, not knowing what it was for.

The tank that showed its stature started quickly, shooting at the desert crab while driving, the two actually went farther and farther in the confrontation with each other, and they soon disappeared.

"Let's go." Everyone on the deck ran back and forth, some of them ran into the driving room and stepped on a bicycle-like device.

Rows of people are pedaling frantically, almost invisible.

This is an artificial drive room, which can provide weak power to the outside double wheels, and it is also the normal driving method.

This method can not only save raw materials, but also exercise the body of those students, which is environmentally friendly and practical.

The Great Wheel has slightly improved, and after a short while, it has already moved away from the land of the desert crab.

Next, everyone was worried, and they didn't know what kind of strange beasts would be waiting for them.

Opening the cockpit, Luo Fei walked out, his ears were filled with panic, noise, and crying.

Walking outside is like this, strange beasts walk all over the floor, and strange people are everywhere.

No one knows what they will encounter next.