Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 316: Wolf in sheep's clothing

"It's a high-level robot."

Luo Fei's eyes flashed, and immediately shot another laser, regardless of whether the Scorpion Mecha was damaged due to overload.

The laser fell on the opponent's defensive cover, causing ripples.

Seven rounds of lasers fell on the defensive cover, but they couldn't break through its defense.

With a bang, the laser device finally exploded due to overload.

Luo Fei's heart sank, this is really not good news, and judging from the fluctuation of the energy cover, the opponent's defense is very high, and the energy in his body may be beyond imagination.

But at this moment, the other party's big mouth had been opened, and the red light beams were gathering.

Not good... Luo Fei's heart trembled.

Now the Scorpion Mecha does not have a magnetic cover, and does not have various weapons. It can only use some melee weapons.

But now, melee combat doesn't seem to be of much use, and the opponent's long-range weapons have locked him.

The speed of the scorpion mecha is not fast, it can't avoid the laser shot.

The hatch opened in an instant, and Luo Fei jumped out of it. When he just landed on the ground, a red light beam with the size of a fist shot in time, piercing the chest of the scorpion mecha in a flash.

Boom, an explosion sounded, and the entire mech exploded.

"My ability can't control it, what's the matter?" The dean looked at his hands incredulously, and couldn't figure out what was going on.

Now is not the time to be in a daze, the giant mechanical heavy claw dragon has extremely long claws, which can be used as a weapon in close combat.

Luo Fei didn't want to be torn apart by it.

With a stride, he came to the dean's side, grabbed his shoulders and ran back.

While running, Luo Fei explained: "This is a high-level robot. If its energy cover is not broken, your supernatural energy cannot penetrate into its body."

At the same time, I murmured: "I don't know how long the other party hasn't come out to walk around, even the upper robot doesn't know."

But then I thought about it, he didn't know this in the past, after all, in the Gobi Desert and the Sorrowful Wind Plain, he had never heard of such a high-level robot.

"High-level robot? Energy cover?" The dean was confused, but quickly received the information.

Turning over is a wave of hands, countless steel bars rise from the ground and walls, layering on top of each other, blocking the entire passage behind him.

However, it didn't take long before a beam of light flew out of it, burning a small hole.

A huge mechanical eye appeared in the deepest part of the hole, and looked over with light.

Suddenly uttered human language, "Guardian? You can't escape."

But the two who fled never stopped. Just when they came to an intersection, Ms. Dai Meng and others suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Kill them and fire."

The bullet flew, but was waved by the dean casually, and flew elsewhere.

"Go here." Luo Fei turned and ran to the other side. When they left, the entire passage was blocked by countless steel bars.

The path has been blocked, and the people in the orphanage are about to turn around and look for them again.

Ms. Dinah suddenly frowned and said: "Scatter and leave, each take three grenades, don't entangle him when you meet him, go straight up and die with him."

The people behind the orphanage separated quickly and turned to other metal corridors.

After a while, there was no one left beside Ms. Dai Meng.

Suddenly, there were more footsteps in the back corridor.

At this time, Will and others came over.

"Huh? Ms. Dimeng, what about the others?"

Ms. Dai Meng reported immediately: "Because Kuao can block the metal corridor, if we walk together, we can only follow behind him and be blocked by his ability.

So I let them spread out, looking for an opportunity to find their tracks, and then by surprise, I died with him. "

Bang bang ......

Hearing this, Will slapped his face with a smile on his face, "It's a good plan. If you weren't too old, Ms. Dimeng, I would definitely put you in my harem."

"That's my honor." Ms. Dai Meng leaned slightly regretfully.

In the team, seeing such an unusual scene, Wu Ji frowned.

Dissatisfied, said to Will: "Will, as a supernatural person beyond ordinary people, we should not use our power arbitrarily, we should use this power to protect them."

"Huh?" Will stopped and looked at him suspiciously and amusingly.

"Where are you from? Why do you have such a strange idea?"

I looked at him up and down again, and saw that he stood stubbornly on the spot, his face worries about Ms. Dai Meng.

"As a person with the same ability, I can tell you very responsibly that if you protect them, they will take it for granted. Only if you instruct them, they will treat you with respect."

"What does this mean?" Wu Ji's face was full of doubts.

"Heh." Will stepped forward and patted Wu Ji on the shoulder, "When you have protected a group of people, you will know."

"So, you don't protect them now? Because they have done rude behavior to you before?" Wu Ji looked at him pitifully, thinking that the other party must have been betrayed.

"Oh, don't look at me like that." Will waved the air in front of him funny.

"When I was a child, I rushed to eat with other street children, and I have understood one thing since then."

Seeing Will speak very solemnly, Wu Ji hurriedly asked: "What do you understand?"

Will smiled and looked back at him, "I understand that in this world, either you will eat others, or others will eat you."

Wu Ji tilted his head and muttered: "Eat other people..."

The brief exchange ended, and the group continued to move forward.

I don't know how long they have been away, and killed an unknown number of bloodthirsty rats, Luo Fei and the dean came to a storage room.

It should be a storage room. There are countless metal eggs arranged here, each of which is five meters high and three meters wide.

In curiosity, Luo Fei leaned forward, and did not see any gaps in the eggshell, its appearance was extremely smooth.

"Where is this place?" After walking for a long time, the dean's body was a little weak, so he rested on the metal egg.

Suddenly, Luo Fei felt something was wrong.

It's too clean here.

Other places are a combination of bloodthirsty mouse mucus and feces, which is absolutely messy and nausea from the bottom of my heart.

But here, there is a completely different environment, clean and tidy, people's shadows can be reflected on the walls and the ground, and there is no dust.

This is obviously unreasonable.

"Is there something here?"

The invisible thread floated from Luo Fei's body and spread to the limit.

The silk thread shuttles into the metal egg, on the wall, under the floor, and into every corner.

"Huh?" Luo Fei found that the metal eggs were hollow, but it was clear that there was something inside.

At this time, there was a squeaking noise outside the spacious door, it was the bloodthirsty rats.

But they stopped at the door, screaming constantly, but didn't come in, as if they were scrupulous.

"Since the bloodthirsty rats don't come in, there is danger here."

Black eyes looked around, falling in those dim corners.

"It's too dark here, where are the lights?"

Compared to the countless holes in the outside for lighting, there is not even a hole here.

Coming to the door of the room, groping along the edge, the search function of the magnetic line of force made his mind always show the surrounding scenes.

When Luo Fei walked into the dim viewing angle, the dean suddenly became alert and found that the bloodthirsty rats never entered, guessing there must be something more dangerous here.

But the crisis has not yet been discovered, and a series of gunfire sounded outside the gate.

A few bloodthirsty rats at the door fell to the ground.

Ta Ta Ta, a series of footsteps sounded.

It was Will and others who walked in.

"Haha, Master Dean, are you tired of running away?" A strange smile came.

The Dean Kuao, who was lying on the ground, got up and stood up immediately. Because of his poor health, he is now a little weak.

Standing in the crowd, Will continued to mock and said: "Why don't you kneel down and climb in front of me, begging me to take you in, maybe I will take you as a tea-pourer when I am happy."

Although there is nothing now, the dean still has his own dignity.

He scolded back without hesitation, "You are farting, dreaming, coughing..."

Agitated for a while, he gasped violently.

Seeing the weakness of the opponent, Will smiled slightly and ordered Ms. Dai Meng: "Let them attack."

"Yes." As Ms. Dai Meng waved her hand, she shouted, "Offensive."

A dozen orphanage personnel flashed out from behind her, they first pulled off all three grenade rings on their bodies, and then rushed up with their guns.

I saw the bullet flying around the Dean Kuao and couldn't hurt the opponent, but this was the limit that the Dean could reach.

When they approached the dean, the lead wire of the grenade came to an end, and there was a bang, and shrapnel and flesh and blood were shot out.

"Oh no……"

The dean yelled in grief, and blood spilled all over his white robe.

The originally young and lively boy turned into a pile of minced meat in front of him in the blink of an eye.

Exhausting a lot of energy again, the dean stepped back, watching another group of orphanage personnel step forward and act as human bombs, he shouted to Will and others in grief and indignation:

"You wolves in sheep's clothing will sooner or later be eaten by wolves that are equally good at disguising."

"Even if I die today, even if the Huangsha Orphanage is destroyed, but those orphans raised by us will definitely avenge me."

After that, the dean looked up to the sky and smiled miserably, feeling a bit of a heroic twilight, "Sooner or later, you will be destroyed by our raised children."

However, there was a sneer from the other side, "Do you still want those orphans to help you? Don't you look at what your orphanage has done in recent years?"

The dean, who was still laughing, stopped, was at a loss, and asked quickly, "What did we do? Didn't we raise those children? Didn't we teach them survival skills?"

"Yes." Will nodded affirmatively.

"In that case, shouldn't they contribute to our demise? Anyway, this is their home." Feeling that he was being tricked, the dean glared at him.

Will continued to shook his head and sneered. "But did you think about the children's thoughts when you took them away from their parents?"

"When I sold them, did you think that their lives would be a one-time cannon fodder?"

"Orphans who have not been sold but have been driven out, have you ever thought about the price they will pay for the 3,000 coins per month?"

"And if you don't return the 3,000 coins, how many orphans you claim you love will be killed by the high default fee?"

"You keep saying that we are wolves in sheep's clothing, but now it looks like you are more like wolves that eat people without spitting out bones."