Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 319: One more carriage

The mechanical spider looked at the battle environment, and then jumped into the air.

Those individual units immediately fired into the sky, but the bullets would be bounced when they hit the opponent's defensive cover.

Watching it fall into the first echelon, the laser was launched wanton and penetrated the bodies of more than a dozen people.

Immediately afterwards, the eight claws waved, once again cutting off a dozen people.

"Now that the mechanical spiders and individual units are mixed together, what will the commander of the convoy do?"

Luo Fei muttered to himself, "If you don't fight back, the first echelon will be over, and the mechanical spider will follow the same method and enter the second and third echelons, and the entire infantry unit will be wiped out."

"What will you do?"

Just when Luo Fei was interested in observing, a round of shells roared in the sky.

Luo Fei's complexion instantly turned dull, and the opponent directly used artillery to cover the mechanical spider and the infantry unit in the first step, and bombarded them indiscriminately.

"This commander is very cold-blooded."

Cannonballs don't have eyes. Those company employees were bombarded by artillery fire, screaming and cursing at the top.

Although the command was cruel, the effect was indeed very significant. The ability shield on the mechanical spider kept trembling, and the translucent light film rippled.

The energy of its energy shield is rapidly declining.

Under such fierce bombardment, it was obvious that the mechanical spider was a little unable to carry it. It randomly swiped the bodies of the people around it, shrank its claws, and dived into the sand again.

The artillery fire did not disappear, and the first echelon was still hit hard.

It wasn't until another convoy was suddenly attacked by a mechanical spider that the commander realized that the opponent had fled.

Immediately, they changed their targets and attacked another convoy. The attacked convoy quickly divided into two teams, far away from the attacked armed chariot.

The armed chariots that were attacked were abandoned. Numerous artillery fires shrouded mechanical spiders and armed chariots.

The armed chariot was torn apart, and the mechanical spider was shelled several times, losing some energy, and then dived into the sand and disappeared again.

The mechanical spider repeated several times, although it also shredded several armed chariots, but its own energy also lost a lot.

"Then what would the mechanical spider do?" Luo Fei was slightly curious, "If it goes on like this, the mechanical spider should be the one who can't hold it in the end."

When the mechanical spider disappeared for the last time, everyone could no longer find it.

After waiting for a long time, the infantry units were recalled.

The convoy that had lost more than twenty armed combat vehicles tried to leave.

During this period, the mechanical spider never appeared, as if he was really scared of being beaten.

Taking advantage of no one paying attention to his neutral position, Luo Fei sneaked into the orphanage giant wheel and hid on the observation platform.

Due to the death of the dean and deputy dean, the orphanage is now in a mess, and no one has come to this place blown by the cold wind.

Luo Fei hid in a small place enclosed by only four steel plates and less than two cubic meters. The cold wind at night squeezed in through the gaps in the steel plates, like ice blades stabbing him on his body.

Fortunately, he also has a magnetic shield to keep out these annoying natural injuries.

Squatting in a cramped place, looking at the numerous vehicles galloping forward through the gap.

Their zigzag convoy sandwiches the giant wheel in the middle, maintaining an attack formation and protecting the giant wheel from other alien beasts.

At this time, the sky was dim, and the creatures in the night increased, and the roar of artillery could be heard from time to time, scaring away the strange beasts who were observing them.

"Where is he?" Luo Fei muttered. He was still looking for Will's trace. He wanted to avenge the dean and the whole orphanage.

"Not there, not here, where is he?"

After searching for a long time, Luo Fei still did not find his exact location, but he saw a desert crab suddenly appeared in the distance.

Its appearance was more miserable, half of its eight limbs were broken, and the remaining half could no longer support it to continue walking, and one pair of tongs was also blown off, but the rest was still powerful.

When the convoy passed in front of it, a light blue bullet flew into the convoy.

The armed chariot that was hit exploded on the spot, and the people inside were instantly burned into coke by the blue flame.

The convoy immediately counterattacked, and the grenade exploded beside the desert crab, inflicting damage again and again.

If there is enough time, the desert crab will eventually become a grilled crab.

At exactly this time, red light beams flew from the other side and penetrated the armor of several armed combat vehicles.

The mechanical spider that appeared during the day appeared again.

"It turns out that it has been following us all the time. What does it want to do, do you want to eat all of this human team?" Luo Fei frowned, realizing that his guess might be correct.

It is killing the number of human teams a little bit. When the number of teams reaches a certain bottom line, it may be when it launches a general attack.

"Very cunning." This act of taking advantage of the emptiness made Luo Fei even more jealous of its wisdom.

Now the convoy is flanking on both sides, and chaos has begun again, shooting indiscriminately back and forth, the power is still not up, and some left the queue because of fear.

But two minutes later, the team had a new change, and half of the team left in herringbone. The remaining half formed a back-to-back double row, counterattacking the two enemies.

"Is this half of the human beings left behind?" Luo Fei was surprised, "The commander of this convoy is really ruthless. In order to escape, half of the people say they don't want it?"

The reduction in the number of humans makes the mechanical spiders very excited. Together with the desert crabs on the opposite side, they may be able to eat these 40 armed chariots and the Huangsha Orphanage at a small price.

I saw the mechanical spiderman stand up, the joints of his body shifted and shifted, and the transfer became a standing mechanical giant.

There were eight spider limbs growing on the back, and countless bullets were shot from the top of the limbs, forming a metal storm.

On its chest are the eight red eyes, and the continuous laser beam penetrates the armor of a number of armed tanks.

Then it had its hands, one hand took out an energy gun from the back, and it actually shot a red light bullet, like a cannonball fired by a tank, it was so powerful that it turned the armed chariot into fragments with one shot.

Holding a leather whip made of a special material in the other hand, the flashing arc of light constantly emerging from above, it can be foreseen that when it is thrown on a human or an armed battle body, there will be a very terrible disaster.

After the transformation, the firepower was significantly increased, and a row of armed chariots were beaten to pieces.

The effect of the team on the other side is not very good. The thickness of the armor of the desert crab is beyond their imagination. It is difficult to destroy the **** carapace on its body in a short time only with the destructive power of the grenade.

In the end, it is very likely that both sides will die together.

But humans obviously didn't want to do this. Many convoys began to change directions on their own, driving in all directions, just to escape the **** of death that was about to enter.

But at this moment, there was another cannon sound from afar, and a luminous column fell on the desert crab, blasting its last cannon tongs, causing it to lose its combat power.

Then, the light bomb shot towards the mechanical spider.

And the mechanical spider had already sensed the arrival of the opponent, with its eight claws propped on the ground, rolling sharply, avoiding the opponent's shelling.

"It's the yellow tank that can hide itself with phantoms." Through the sight on the sniper rifle, Luo Fei was surprised that the tank also followed.

From the miserable appearance of the desert crab, Luo Fei was able to guess in his mind how thrilling the battle between the two sides was.

But unexpectedly, the other party still followed this time.

The mechanical spider that had survived the catastrophe then counterattacked, and the red light bullet flew to the distant tank, which quickly increased its horsepower to dodge.

In Luo Fei's observation, the yellow tank sometimes failed to react and was hit on the spot, which made Luo Fei feel nervous.

But the figure that was hit suddenly dissipated, and not far away, as it opened fire, its body was revealed.

Luo Fei finally breathed a sigh of relief, "This tank is really interesting. It can actually use illusion techniques to avoid the opponent's attack. How should the mechanical spider respond?"

The mechanical spider on the opposite side obviously knew that it would be very bad for it to go on like this. After thinking for a moment, it drilled into the sand and disappeared.

When Luo Fei thought it would continue to hide, the slowly moving yellow tank suddenly stopped.

The sand under its feet exploded, and the robot that was transformed by the mechanical spider came out.

However, when it hit the tank, the tank's figure suddenly dissipated, and it was another phantom. The yellow tank was obviously more cautious than it thought.

At the same time, a rapid howling suddenly appeared in the sky.

Luo Fei is no stranger to this. It is the sound of the Sky Eagle's missile, which shows that Lucky has already arrived nearby.

The mechanical spider froze for a short period of time, then looked up and found an abnormality in the sky.

But before it had time to move, just ten meters in front of it, the yellow tank showed its figure, and the muzzle was aimed at it at this time.

With the sound of the cannon, the shell fell on the mechanical spider, causing its energy shield to tremble and then violently tremble.

The mechanical spider rolled backwards, about ten meters, then looked to the sky, and immediately released a laser beam from its chest.

But I saw that the missiles in the sky had already known the other party's methods, and they actually drew circles in the air.

However, the laser beam came too fast and was very dense. The Sky Eagle missile that had evaded several times was finally hit, and a small sun burst out in the air.

The mechanical spider was proud of it before it had time. The cannons in the distance continued to blast, followed by a round of cannonballs, which exploded beside the mechanical spider, and at the same time the yellow tank hit it again.

An obvious crack appeared in the energy shield around it instantly, and it was about to be shattered.

When it was in danger, it fell backward and drilled out of the sand again.

After a while, a very strange vehicle drove in the distance.

It is composed of two large carriages and a small carriage. The small carriages are connected to the front of the carriage, and two large carriages are close to each other on both sides.

The tank gun that fired the shells is on the roof of the large carriage on the right.

The target disappeared, and the changed form of Lucky number stopped wasting shells.

What the disappearing mechanical spider wanted to do, Luo Fei immediately guessed that the other party's plan was to attack the vehicle from the ground.

Although the yellow tank has stopped in place and has not moved, it may have moved its position long ago, waiting for the opponent to take the bait.

The mechanical spider may not dare to bet this time, but the special tank that came is so huge, it must be unable to dodge its underground raid.